Troy: Divine Playground Released


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Troy: Divine Playground, a "multiplayer First Person Shooter (FPS) putting the emphasis on cooperative gameplay" set in the Greek Trojan War, has come out with their first public release today. They are ceasing development due to the inability to continue forward because of time restraints, and so they've released what they've gotten thus far.[br]

The game still needs polishing, which means that it still has known bugs. The reason we are releasing T:DP now is because the main staff cannot continue forward with the project. We all got started on real jobs, and cannot continue working on it. This means that we will not release further versions of the mod. The only way the mod is going to improve and get support is if a team with previous mod experience offers to take over the project.

Head on over to the Troy site for a list of download mirrors and a .pdf game manual.
Oh shit Ennui I just had to delete my own newspost that I posted about 3 minutes afterwards. D:

It tackled the ethical and theological implications of playing a body-hopping God who could posess his soldiers at will, and ended with the phrase 'warning: game contains Trojans.'
This mod does'nt deserve front page. :bonce:
cosnidering some of the stuff that ends up on here, I think this certainly does
hool10300 said:
This mod does'nt deserve front page. :bonce:
You watched the video at all?

- Quite high profile.
- Interesting ideas and approach. It's a cool concept, and not too derivative.
- Clearly decent people making it!
- Videos released in the past showing actual game in action. Impressive.
- Actual release of actual mods isn't hideously common.

This totally deserves to be on the front page of a Half-Life 2 fansite.
SixThree said:

Its utter bs. All you do is hit a guy repeatedly and die all the time. And it really doesn't matter who gets killed because the NPC's just keep coming back. Its a really dumb mod.
Dont waste your time with this, me and sixthree just played and its aweful. I couldnt even respawn. Everyone was just running around attempting to knife eachother and no one was even dieing
respowning is easy but its very hard to figureout if your new....
you have to come close to a soldier of your team and get into his body...
But I dont get what classes are for then...
Yeah... I sort of retract my earlier comments.. My first impressions were... not good.
It's alright by yourself. I haven't played it with other people, though.
Regardless of how well it plays, I think it's commendable the guys released what they've done so far after having to pull the project. Who knows? -Perhaps another mod team can expand on what they've done so far (with permission, of course) to put this to good use.
Ive been playing this mod for 5 minutes and its soooooo laggy. The server has a low ping so it must be sloppy coding. I hope someone picks this mod up as its a great idea.
I like it so far but it still needa a lot of work! But please stop saying this is crap because most mods never get so far.

People expect to much, this is a mod not a game made by a pro studio. Ok some of the mod teams are almoste pro(insergency,...) but you cant expect every team to be like that. They tried the best they could, and as the newspost said its not finished.
For something free this is pretty good. Although it gets boring after a while it's still crazy fun to go nuts with those daggers or bomb the crap out of NPCs with the longbow. That never gets old. Overall it's not much more than throw crap at NPCs till they die, but it's still pretty fun.
Complete shit.
No menus work.
No idea what to do
very often I just won't spawn even as a spirit bird.

NPCs just dont move
did anyone play the hidden taster release? Well, the continued development of that was pretty much built on people sticking with and helping us evolve the first release. Ive just played this and imo, it blows battlegrounds away :P Sure, its ropey in big places, but its a quaint ropey. Game flow feels solid and rarely breaks to thep oint where it effects gaming progress. I think in a few months we could see a LAN blaster :D
How the heck does this blow battlegrounds away? Battlegrounds is a polished, fun game with good maps.

This isn't even a game yet. I've joined 3 servers and all I've seen is people jerking around like epileptics and dying stuck in spawn things and randomly freezing. I can't spawn, my blue avatar is stuck and being raped my my dead soldier, who died for no reason. This is horrible.
so the first release of battlegrounds was polished and fun with good maps? (or really crappy?)

In any case I got what I expected after seeing the videos and reading the mod wasn't complete. I wouldn't expected a complete mod.
thep oint i was trying to make is that there is clear scope for more interesting things. Im sure we'll see them go in
Oh man, look at the flaming in their forums... poor guys.
NeoNight: Actualy, yes. They started out as a HL1 mod, though. But "fun and good maps" is a far cry from something that looks like a bad alpha.
that's kind of a shame since the game really has a great potential...I played for half an hour, and once the flow of the game has kicked in, it's pretty decent for a mod. anyone remember Battlegrounds, the first time it came out? youch. but this, though not complete, isn't utter crap either.
Look at the pasting this mod is getting, and people wonder why mods hold off for release for such a long time.

Because most think they have to be perfect otherwise they will get ripped apart by the 'community' just enjoy that someone took the time to create something for you to enjoy. And if you come out with comments like "its shit" you dont deserve to play mods again. Yeah this mod has issues, which is unfortunate because the chances of them getting fixed are now tiny.

Cliff notes: Just remember a first release is always gonna be not amazing, so just give modders time to refine. It's how the best mods have been done.
Oh man, I hate all those noobs who have no idea what they are talking about.
If you dont like it just shut up and make your own mods!

Did anyone of you ever hear about 'respect'? You guys want mods to be free but you expect to get a mod thats as good as a pro game. Maybe you should remember who makes those mods, why they do it and what they get for it.

Things like this make me angry... cmon!
it's an alpha, and they state it clearly, they don't have more time. End of story. People who are screaming about this mod sound like the same people who worship DaveL and his godness media releases.
I really must apologise.
I ran it a secound time to see how it worked, and it played a charm. It was prettty awesome, no bugs, ran smooth and was quite enjoyable.
^Ben said:
Look at the pasting this mod is getting, and people wonder why mods hold off for release for such a long time.

Because most think they have to be perfect otherwise they will get ripped apart by the 'community' just enjoy that someone took the time to create something for you to enjoy. And if you come out with comments like "its shit" you dont deserve to play mods again. Yeah this mod has issues, which is unfortunate because the chances of them getting fixed are now tiny.

Cliff notes: Just remember a first release is always gonna be not amazing, so just give modders time to refine. It's how the best mods have been done.

Agreed, thats how bg2 is getting better :).
Betelgeuze said:
Oh man, I hate all those noobs who have no idea what they are talking about.
If you dont like it just shut up and make your own mods!

Did anyone of you ever hear about 'respect'? You guys want mods to be free but you expect to get a mod thats as good as a pro game. Maybe you should remember who makes those mods, why they do it and what they get for it.

Things like this make me angry... cmon!

It's called criticism.

Get used it.

They released it knowing it was incomplete, and they even said that they aren't going to work on it any further.

What more can we do? ffs.
It's called criticism.
No thats not criticism, saying this mod is crap because you cant spawn is just stupid, because a special spawn system is part of the mod. Saying 'this mod is shit' is also not what I call good criticism, its just flaming/bashing.

I played this mod 2h long yesterday and I had a lot of fun, the only problem I had was lag sometimes but all mods have that after the first release. Agree, the mod has some minor bugs but nothing that stoped me playing this mod.

Just look at the HL2 communitys, look in every topic, in every news post... the only thing they do is complaining and flaming!
I really dont see what the problem is.

Most of you guys got ingame, didnt know what to do(stupid?), got to the forums and starting saying 'this mod is shit'.