Trying to compile a Character. Need Help please.>!


Jul 13, 2003
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I have been trying to compile this model now for some 3 days on and off but so far have been unable to get very far. Im sure my dir structure is ok, my problem is this error or rather multiple errors coming up in studiomdl everytime I try and run a compile. Im sure its my QC file that is screwed as it isnt complete yet, but the compile fails almost imediatetly on "model has to many vertices"
or bad command "$cdmaterials" This is really strange as the model only has 4100, I have checked it thouroughly and it is all sound as far as I can tell. It is all weighted to rigid vertices all at 1.0, all normals look correct and facing outwards. I have multi/submat applied to model with correct MatID's (it uses 2 main colourmaps, head/body), plus one smoothing grp to the whole of the model. I can always export the models as smd's without any problems and have tried this after lowering the polycount to less than half, trying to compile it again and still getting this vertex count error..! Im stumped..! Pics below






Is anybody able to lend me a hand in getting this model compiled..? I would greatly appreciate it. I have already wasted about 2 days total now on trying to get it into the game. Modeling is was the easy part..! Thanks if ya can.>!
took our team 3 weeks to finally get 1 weapon in game & animated properly, so count yourself lucky.

best thing i would do though is, email valve, and ask if they hard coded a poly limit in studiomdl like they have in XSI, if so, im done with this engine.
ValvE didn't do that with XSI stupid, that was softimage, they did that because they want people to make stuff with the retail version so they can continue to make money.
Try lowering the polycount - use less triangles: it's telling you you're going over-the-top with the detail.

-Angry Lawyer