Turkey in the EU?

Ich liebe Deutschland I think.

Soz Marco - my bad mate.

Fat Tony! said:
Cons your an idiot 1) It doesn't matter what they are like in context to them joining the EU
2) You can't blame them for things they did decades ago thats so pathetic that was then this is now...

This needs locking, I hate politics threads, so many idiots in them

Lol - does anyone else see stupidity at work here?

Yes Fatty, what happened decades ago is still going on now - my family home is still lived in by Turkish soldiers is it not? My Uncle is still dead because he was defending it from a Turkish invasion. Kurds are still dying this very day from Turkish repression.

Just because you have no knowledge of the issues here does not give you the right to wade into a thread with ridiculous, idiotic posts.
Sorry but when people like Fat Toni go around making stupid insulting posts like :

"Oh forget about what the Turks did years ago, that was then and this is now"

When he has NO idea the pain and suffering these things cause to people like me who lost family members and their very homes to the Turkish invasion. Well, you have to say something to ignorance like that don't you.
Cons Himself said:
Sorry but when people like Fat Toni go around making stupid insulting posts like :

"Oh forget about what the Turks did years ago, that was then and this is now"

When he has NO idea the pain and suffering these things cause to people like me who lost family members and their very homes to the Turkish invasion. Well, you have to say something to ignorance like that don't you.

You live where?
MarcoPollo said:
I thought "gern" ment to like.... and i should have put it before germany because it is not a verb and i should have said germany. Ich gern Deutschland....right?
nono, "gern" is used to describe verbs. For example, "Ich laufe gern" (I like to run). In this case, the best word is "liebe" (love) or mag (like) So it's "Ich mag Deutschland".
The_Monkey said:
nono, "gern" is used to describe verbs. For example, "Ich laufe gern" (I like to run). In this case, the best word is "liebe" (love) or mag (like) So it's "Ich mag Deutschland".

Thnx, I frgt about it was only for verbs. :o
Personally I believe while Turkey denies what's happening or happened, even if it's not the current generation responsible for the atrocities, they're almost advocating the actions of the past and saying there was nothing wrong with them.

Europe doesn't need a country with an attitude like that.
exactly my point mortiz - Germany has been able to move on because the population was forced to face what had happened by the Allies - and look at Germany now - 3rd largest economy in the world, and the centre of Europe!
JellyWorld said:
Germany did the same to twice as many Europeans 30 years later. I supposed that means Germany should be kicked out of the EU too huh.

go listen to skaterboy kid
dont talk shit about Germany

edit: my head hurts and I feel like shit so dont piss me off