Tv - Model


Aug 28, 2005
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Sup everyone? What I have here, is a low poly tv. It is not skinned at the moment, but I will get to that soon. Here is the picture.

Critism & comments are welcome.

what kind of tv is that? it looks more like a computer monitor
It could be that too. Lol, evidently I made it from scratch. Monitors have flat screens with a bubble. This has a rounded top. It will looke like a tv when I skin it, I will add the hole effect to the skin for speakers.
um, why would a tv have a huge bulge in the top like that -_-
JudasKing said:
um, why would a tv have a huge bulge in the top like that -_-
Why do you have to be so logical about everything? God, give me a break lol. I have seen a few odd looking TV's before, And a few had a slight bulge.
no tv looks like that. if you flattened it it would look alot better. also
Monitors have flat screens with a bubble.
lcd and plasmer moniters have flat screens. that was a pretty generalised comment my moniter is a crt and its hench.
what do u mean by "Why do you have to be so logical about everything? "
design follows logical thinking.
mindless_moder said:
what do u mean by "Why do you have to be so logical about everything? "
design follows logical thinking.
That was kind of the joke, I guess you didnt get it.