Two good reasons to assume HL2 is delayed

Originally posted by Feath
Or they could you know, press the CDs instead of burning them. They can do a LOT that way.

That's usually how they do it. They press the CD's. I don't ever think I've heard of ANY game that was delayed due to it being a matter of whether or not they were able to fulfill all the stores.
Re: Half-Life 2 May Be Delayed. Heres Why!!!

Originally posted by Kschreck
In order to make enough copies for the stores, they have to have the game go Gold several weeks earlier. The Gold Date should be between September 13-15. If it does not go Gold today then most likely it will be delayed.
It is not unheard for a game, especially a highly anticipated title like Half-Life 2, to go gold and see release within the same week. Just because a gold announcement doesn't come when you think it should doesn't mean the game is delayed.
Originally posted by Xrenity
Go wait for Doom, don't bother us with your crap

Drop the attitude. It's not wanted on these forums.
Originally posted by D33
Drop the attitude. It's not wanted on these forums.

True true.

On another subject entirely your twitching banana is terrifying.
Well getting past the flaming and attitude and crap, I somewhat agree... but eiherway if its delayed or not I can handle it, almost all games get delayed a bit, so It's just like every day
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Yeah I'm still gonna burn down Valve if it doesn't come out on the 30th

I say we burn down Electronics Botique instead... just cuz they are ghey.

Plus, if we burn down Valve, we cant expect them to make HL3 for us can we? :)
Somebody on this forum said, that if HL2 would go gold on the 15th, then the release date of 30th September is a fact.
Somebody on this forum said, that if HL2 would go gold on the 15th, then the release date of 30th September is a fact.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? :rolleyes:
Personally I think people post in these threads to up there post count.
Originally posted by mrchimp
Personally I think people post in these threads to up there post count.

well then, you are doing a good job aren't you?
I think it's funny when people who have no idea what they're talking about come here and try to say "this must happen NOW or HL2 is delayed." It just makes me laugh.
i thin its delay becaus like how can the realease on steam and not retaiol but not without 2 days week gold time..
its not gonna happen without you know
Please read other threads, half of the threads on this board is reposts. Its annoying.
Originally posted by Feath
Or they could you know, press the CDs instead of burning them. They can do a LOT that way.

I pity the foo's that think they BURN the CDs in manufacturing facilities...
shut up coax, and learn to type before you post again!...

if you've failed to use the search feature, i'd suggest it, cuz you really need a doze of reality; HL2 IS NOT DELAYED, IT'LL BE OUT ON THE 30th OF SEPTEMBER!!! Jeeeeeez...
Originally posted by coax
i thin its delay becaus like how can the realease on steam and not retaiol but not without 2 days week gold time..
its not gonna happen without you know

MMMMM Sentence Structure. :cheers:
OK to sum up all of the replies saying 'oh! but half life went gold 3 (or 4) days before the release!' and '!? ut2k3 went gold right before its release!'

well, guess what? if im correct, none of those games shipped internationally on the same day, nor did they have to produce nearly as many copies in the first week. so i must say, the game must go gold within the next couple of days in order to make the claimed release date of september 30th.
Originally posted by DOOManiac
Whether you believe in Valve or not, whether your glass is half full or half empty (or leaking), here's two very good reasons you should just assume HL2 has been delayed:

Assuming is bad. It makes an ass out of u and me.
Re: Re: Two good reasons to assume HL2 is delayed

Originally posted by Agent4054
Assuming is bad. It makes an ass out of u and me.

You know, that only works if you use the word "Assume", not "Assuming".

"Assuming is bad. It makes an out of u and some guy called Ming."
that is a hilarious pic dawdler! I laughed my ass off.:cheese:
Re: Re: Re: Two good reasons to assume HL2 is delayed

Originally posted by Feath
You know, that only works if you use the word "Assume", not "Assuming".

"Assuming is bad. It makes an out of u and some guy called Ming."

Oh well, 0% comprehension in the morning doesn't really help when trying to post something "funny".
good point gonna start thinking that way from now on
Why isn't this thread closed yet?

The next time someone mentions the game being delayed I am going flame the mods til I get banned so I don't have to read all these stupid delay threads and join a forum with more mature and respectable HL2 fans.
This thread should be burned-maimed-slashed-hacked-poisened-crushed-and drowned, cuz it definatly does'nt deserve to live on...

Btw on second thought, this would be better off, if it was laid to rest in the eternal halls of deleted threads along with the doom3>HL2 threads
only 15 days left, go masterbate or something guys.. you sound a bit edgy.... doom had a valdi point.. don't be a bunch of nubs.
for someone to say "go play doom 3" is probley the worst come back EVER
Hmmm... here is a reason to believe that the game is going to be released on the 30th. The new ATI card will be bundled with it. This means that if HL2 doesn't come out on the 30th, neither will the card. I highly doubt it will be delayed.

So pretty much all I have to say can be summed up in this pic...
Originally posted by Killa_TJ
Hmmm... here is a reason to believe that the game is going to be released on the 30th. The new ATI card will be bundled with it. This means that if HL2 doesn't come out on the 30th, neither will the card. I highly doubt it will be delayed.

So pretty much all I have to say can be summed up in this pic...

the card isnt going to be available for sale on september 30th anyways.
Yo half 'dis forum be dem tirteen year old sup4 l33t h4x0rz fr0m CS dood. :dozey:

sorry, I didn't read the whole thread, I just read your idiotic post. But it doesn't matter, HL2 will come out the 30th