
Do you type with two fingers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 25.7%
  • No

    Votes: 55 74.3%

  • Total voters


Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I still type with two fingers :p, but somehow I can still get 60wpm with them. How many of you still can't touch type? Note: If you use, say, three or four fingers, but not the full set then just select Yes anyway.

Edit: Oh crap wrong forum move this please :(
and how did you post it on the wrong forum entirely?
that's sad. typing with only two fingers would drive me crazy
Heheh for some reason I type with 4-6 fingers, my index and middle finger, then sometimes either ring finger. And my max is also 60wmp. yay! go incorrect typing!
I type with both hands generally. (not fingers, hands, I ham at the keyboard and see what comes out)
Where the hell is psychokinetics option? Pfffftt, flawed poll.

mortiz said:
and see what comes out)

Don't we all.
My thumbs are for the spacebar. My left and right little fingers are for shift mainly. I guess I can say I use all my fingers, because I'm not a noob. Also, selecting yes for 4 fingers when the question asks "Do you type with two fingers?" is just dumb.

I've no idea how you can type with 2 fingers. I doubt you can get 60 WPM. Do this test then take a screenshot and upload it to www.imageshack.us


Here's mine: http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2434/typing2xe.gif
StardogChampion said:
My thumbs are for the spacebar. My left and right little fingers are for shift mainly. I guess I can say I use all my fingers, because I'm not a noob. Also, selecting yes for 4 fingers when the question asks "Do you type with two fingers?" is just dumb.

I've no idea how you can type with 2 fingers. I doubt you can get 60 WPM. Do this test then take a screenshot and upload it to www.imageshack.us


Here's mine: http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2434/typing2xe.gif
Ok I lied it was 58wpm.
I got 79 WPM, both net and gross, on that website.
Holy crap i got 76 Gross wpm but 26 net cuz I missed out one word near the start hehe.
StardogChampion said:
What fingers do you use, your two pointing fingers on each hand?
Yes, sometimes the middle fingers but not as often as the two pointing fingers. 90% of the time it's the two pointing fingers.
I type with random fingers, mainly two but every so often I use other fingers. It is very inefficient but I do type quite fast.
Your hands must move around insanely fast, people must think your spazzing out and having a fit...
I'm a 10 finger guy myself. I can type on average 290-330 WPM.

Everyone thinks my fingers are going to light on fire when I type infront of them.


I was just watching the news and they had an interview with Ian Rankin (author) talking about the G8 marches. It cut to a clip of him typing on his laptop and he was typing with 2 fingers, with his wrists not even resting on anything.

Damn weirdos :D
Alix Mcdean said:
I'm a 10 finger guy myself. I can type on average 290-330 WPM.

Everyone thinks my fingers are going to light on fire when I type infront of them.



290-330 WPM?! That's insanely fast....

I use all my fingers, but sometimes I don't use the "right" fingers on the right keys. I've never used the shift key for my right hand; always just used the left shift. In fact, I usually just leave my left pinky finger on the shift bar and type "a" with my ring finger. I think I only use my right-hand thumb for spacebar. I'm also so used to using the numpad that even if I'm just typing one number, I'll move my entire right hand over to the numpad.

I only get maybe 70 to 80 WPM on those typing tests.
I type using the standard position. Right fingers on asdf, left on SPACE jkl;
I type up 80-100 wpm.
Alix Mcdean said:
I'm a 10 finger guy myself. I can type on average 290-330 WPM.

My friend is like that. I can't stand being next to him during in-class essays. It's like a storm BRALALALALRALBRLARLARLA.
Middle three on both hands. Except one thumb for the spacebar. I have weak pinkies. :eek:

Surprised no-one said one-handed yet...
Yes, but I'm very fast. Does using the thumb for pushing the space button count?
I use all my fingers and get about 90 wpm

Alix Mcdean said:
I'm a 10 finger guy myself. I can type on average 290-330 WPM.
... The world record is only ~200 wpm
I usually type with one hand... All fingers on it... Don't care how fast I type, as long as it gets typed.
...Don't get any dirty ideas from that.
The DemonWithin said:
Heheh for some reason I type with 4-6 fingers, my index and middle finger, then sometimes either ring finger. And my max is also 60wmp. yay! go incorrect typing!

Same here.
Ikerous said:
I use all my fingers and get about 90 wpm

... The world record is only ~200 wpm

You sure? I use TyperA, tons of people type faster than that even.

I type with mainly two fingers, but I use the other ones for a couple keys, I can type up to 80 WPM but average 65, it really pissed off my keyboarding teacher that I was the fastest typer in the class, and had the worst form.
Oh and about the fastest WPM, my friends mom can type at 250 WPM.
I type properly... thanks to the ex-typewriter class teacher at our school who was, well, I'd rather not say
I only type properly because of school...sadly.
I type with I type with four fingers unless I can get the birds to shut the **** up mother ****er abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890102223242526 ok yeah definitly type with five fingers and one totally dedicated to the letter 'a' (left ring finger) and left thumb for spacebar and left pinky for shift and OH WAIT 6 fingers right pinky for backspace and enter omgomgomgomg. Done.
Type. Type. Type. With as many fingers as I want.