U$A - The imperialist war crimes

Well, it seems i have finally been able to break some people of their conditioning. It is a small step, but a promising one. :thumbs:

But please be careful: The zionist agents are everywere! In fact it was they who caused the 9/11 -attacks in order to give the supremacist child-stealing war-mongering imperialist pigs a legitimate excuse to attack the islamic world. "israel" is one of their means to achieve their goals and this Osama character is only a homeless man performing in a hollywood stage to make it all even more legitimate. In fact, the islamic extremists (with the exception of hezbollah and his followers) have all been hired by the zionist bankers to make the propaganda seem genuine.

אחת הרקטות נחתה בשטחי הקרייה החינוכית, שם נמצאים מכללת ספיר ובתי הספר של המועצה, וגרמה נזק לאתר בנייה במקום. הרקטה השנייה נפלה סמוך לתחנת דלק בשטח המועצה וגרמה נזק לאוטובוס תלמידים שהיה במקום. juhana,לא היו נפגעים, אך כמה בני אדם לקו בחרדה. התלמידים הועברו לאוטובוס אחר. מוקדם יותר נורתה רקטה לעבר הנגב המערבי. לא היו נפגעים ולא נגרם נזק בירי זה.

Don't even try, juhana... We have everyone under the blissful ignorance that Al-Qaeda(Hah!) did it. And no matter how much you or your puppet government try to resist us, you would be wise to remember these words by Ariel Sharon - "Don't worry about American pressure, we control America."
אחת הרקטות נחתה בשטחי הקרייה החינוכית, שם נמצאים מכללת ספיר ובתי הספר של המועצה, וגרמה נזק לאתר בנייה במקום. הרקטה השנייה נפלה סמוך לתחנת דלק בשטח המועצה וגרמה נזק לאוטובוס תלמידים שהיה במקום. juhana,לא היו נפגעים, אך כמה בני אדם לקו בחרדה. התלמידים הועברו לאוטובוס אחר. מוקדם יותר נורתה רקטה לעבר הנגב המערבי. לא היו נפגעים ולא נגרם נזק בירי זה.

Don't even try, juhana... We have everyone under the blissful ignorance that Al-Qaeda(Hah!) did it. And no matter how much you or your puppet government try to resist us, you would be wise to remember these words by Ariel Sharon - "Don't worry about American pressure, we control America."

What "puppet government" are you referring to? And i still don't understand that language you write at the beginning.
Which one do you think, dummy? :)

We know everything, we see everything, we control everything. You can continue exposing us but no-one will believe you. They'll just think you're a conspiracy theorist. By the way, if you don't recognize that language, you might not be such a threat after all.
What "puppet government" are you referring to? And i still don't understand that language you write at the beginning.

It's the language of Cthulhu, the Illuminati use it.
Here is more proof that the worlds power elite are secret occult worshippers:

They also try to hide their true motives:

Has anyone noticed the great number of "ladies and jews" lines from award show hosts, and award recipients? Is this proof that the zionists run Hollywood?

While i am not a religious person, you should see this:
Scary... :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I was wrong before. This thread should never be locked.
I continue to live in a free society where I can go out bike riding, or drink coca cola, or eat whatever food I want, or go out and buy whatever from many competing stores and I can get ANYTHING.

Maybe in medieval times people would believe their governments because they had nothing else to reference it too, but nowadays, with the media, it's just plain stupid.

You drink coca cola?! :eek:

Here is why you shouldn't:
As you propably know, its ingredients are secret and there is a reason for this. The bottles are filled with mind-altering substance that destroys your capacity to think critically. It also causes erection difficulties and nosebleeding. The same things apply to the food from McDonalds etc.

Competition only causes waste and makes people selfish.

As I have told many times, the media is controlled by zionists. They also practice weapons testing with living test subjects (the main cause of earthquakes, volcano eruptions, famine, hurricanes and lazyness). In fact it was they who caused the ukrainian famine several decades ago (The crimes were blamed on the glorious Stalin). The gulags were a lie as well: They were actually outposts of zionist agents in USSR, where they imprisoned kidnapped people for medical experiments.
the main cause of earthquakes, volcano eruptions, famine, hurricanes and lazyness). In fact it was they who caused the ukrainian famine several decades ago (The crimes were blamed on the glorious Stalin). The gulags were a lie as well: They were actually outposts of zionist agents in USSR, where they imprisoned kidnapped people for medical experiments.

You just voided your own life, however there is still a chance to save those of your loved ones. Just tell us who gave you this information and they will not be harmed.
How did you found out about this?! We thought we co.... Here's the deal: Tell me right now where you got that information and we will leave your family alone. Your own safety, however, is another concern.

Do you zionist agents really think you can threaten me into submission? I will fight your conspiracy to the bitter end!

I would be glad to give my sources, but the U$A-"israel" -conspiracy would find it too and they would ban the website to prevent "the harmful knowledge" from the public.

I also know why Martin Luther King jr. was assassinated: He was reaching for U$ presidency, and the worlds power elite knew that he would win instead of their preferred candidate. So he was murdered, and another imperialist pig got into the office.
You know, for someone so enlightened you're terribly naive.

Do you really think the zionists are behind it all?

They're just puppets.
Yes, you are.

Incorrect. I am a progressive fighting for justice in this sad world of capitalist exploitation, imperialism and other evilness. I fight for the progressive countries (Cuba, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Singapore, Myanmar, Zimbadwe and most importantly DPRK) right to be free from all this wicked evil. I want a world where democracy is everywhere, the dear leader is honoured and the zionists are in prison. These goals unfortunately seem impossible as so many people have been poisoned by propaganda. ;(
Do you zionist agents really think you can threaten me into submission? I will fight your conspiracy to the bitter end!

I would be glad to give my sources, but the U$A-"israel" -conspiracy would find it too and they would ban the website to prevent "the harmful knowledge" from the public.

We want the identity of the leak, not the original source of these covert documents; we wanna know who told you and/or how you were informed. You're in over your head here as implied quite adequately in the last message. Names, or face the consequences! Think of your family, they have nothing to do with this.
Even if the agents don't get you, you're doomed anyway since I'm quite tempted to give your home address to numbers...
We want the identity of the leak, not the original source of these covert documents; we wanna know who told you and/or how you were informed. You're in over your head here as implied quite adequately in the last message. Names, or face the consequences! Think of your family, they have nothing to do with this.

None of my family members are alive anyway. I WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR COSPIRACY!!!
Your hypocrisy knows no bounds
This guy can't be serious anyways, so your point is moot.

so your point is moot.
Heh, sorry. I love shouting off logical fallacy to random people. :)

Seriously though, how can anyone talk like juhana does and keep a straight face?

Come to think of it, I'd wager "juhana" is really short for "marijuana".
He smoked something fierce for sure before posting this thread, and he has yet to sober up.
It's ok Saturos, i know he's only ****ing around :)

And i'm not a random person, i'm a member of this community like you. Although, i can see you shouting random logical fallicies to strangers on the street like the village crackpot :P

His stupidity astounds me. most people, infact almost everyone is allowed to critasize americans. but not you, my boy.

your not even human.
- nods - this guy is worse than me, and im a fur. but lets not go into that. were discussing the stupidity of korea, i believe.

Nothing is worse than a furry! *buys flamethrower* YIFF IN HELL!


I wonder if this bloke juhana is willing to stay in the community, or is he just a one-time troller?
You already admitted that your brother is alive.

But you see, i killed him to prevent him from spreading his idiotic political views around the net. I miss him greatly, but unfortunately it was a neccessity. ;(

I lied when I said that i was an atheist. I know this may sound ridiculous... so...
I'll just say it here and now: My personal religion mixes communism and christianity into a unique mix. As some of you know, the human race lived in classless society for most of its history (Tribal society or primitive communism). Look at a pack of wolves for example: they lack our mental abilities, but they are still more peaceful creatures than us. WHY? Obviously because we developed class society and the new material conditions changed our way of thinking. The story about mans expulsion from paradise is a methaphor to these events: Humans "introduced" evil upon themselves.
The ideology known as communism tries to return to the class society through an authoritarian transition phase (socialism), uniting the human race. Many of Jesus's words can be intrepreted as a supporting cry to this ideology. These revolutions have always led to totalitarian dictatorships or collapsed. ALL OF THEM, with the exception of The Dear Leader Kim Jong Il's paradise-like land. There can be no doubt: he is the second coming of Christ. Only HIS efforts can bring classless society back and unite the human race in peace and fellowship! The devil is a metaphor to the evils caused by class society and the U$A-"israel" -alliance is the final embodiment of it: they want to do nothing less than control our lives and cause untold amounts of suffering. ONLY THE DEAR LEADER CAN SAVE US FROM DESTRUCTION!!!