Ugh, what are the most annoying ad banners for you?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I just wanted to post this thread, because I encountered a site doing a little reading that just makes me want to punch my screen!

Do you guys see that ad at the top?

What is it for you?

EDIT: Nevermind. Damnit, i forgot with ads they changed(even though I refreshed a couple times)

ANyways, it was an ad of this guy running around a theatre room with a cell phone, and this super loud monotonous ring tone kept playing every couple seconds, and you couldn't stop it, even if you clicked the link. Ads with SOUNDS included into them, are annoying as shit. Ones with videos in them too. I don't like being forced to download more than a small amount of bandwith for an ad. Like those fileplanet game ads that download trailers automatically for you? Damnit!
lol are you talking about the ringing phone one? i hate that ****ing banner with an intense pasion.. it's almost like it makes me sooo angry that i'm almost happy. like i look at my hands and i realize just how amazingly angry i am and it feels kinda good.. you know what i mean?
Lil' Timmy said:
lol are you talking about the ringing phone one? i hate that ****ing banner with an intense pasion.. it's almost like it makes me sooo angry that i'm almost happy. like i look at my hands and i realize just how amazingly angry i am and it feels kinda good.. you know what i mean?

I hope you're not being sarcastic. Its seriously annoying when not only are they trying to sell me utter crap, they have this annoying ringing that I might be tempted to click the banner to make it go away, but it DOESNT go away unless I leave the website.
Lil' Timmy said:
lol are you talking about the ringing phone one? i hate that ****ing banner with an intense pasion.. it's almost like it makes me sooo angry that i'm almost happy. like i look at my hands and i realize just how amazingly angry i am and it feels kinda good.. you know what i mean?

Bloodthirsty is the term I'd use......bloodthirsty
I hate every single banner that includes anything related to "click here to claim your prize". Whoever made those needs to be feed to the pigs, and whoever actually clicks them need to shot into the sun.
DoctorGordon said:
I hate every single banner that includes anything related to "click here to claim your prize". Whoever made those needs to be feed to the pigs, and whoever actually clicks them need to shot into the sun.

The sun as in your HEARTLESS GOD!?!?
qckbeam said:
The sun as in your HEARTLESS GOD!?!?

Again i will explain myself. The sun is simply a nuclear reaction, its not a dang divine being. I find its best use is as a giant trashcan though.
i hate the one that crops up, and its by some US university and the woman talks on it, there's no way to shut her up and it completley ruins your browsing experience. your pc starts chatting rubbish at you.
Banners with noises should be banned. (no pun intended)