Ugly glass


Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Today I say cs:s at a friends house and I must say... the glass sucks. Everything else is great, but the glass just looks like hell(when you shoot it). Anyone remember the glass in Soldier Of Fortune 2? it was 1000 times better than this.

Its like they forgot that the glass had to break so they just stuck this in at the last moment.
I'm a bit confused. What exactly about it don't you like? I'm just curious as it seemed pretty good to me.
I like the glass. It looks like car-glass more, but I really like it.
When you shoot the glass it looks good for a moment, but if you get up close to it and nock the shards down nothing falls. it just dissapears. It just looks like hell in gameplay, at least thats how I feel.

please excuse my articulation at the moment, blame guinness.
I thought the glass was great.
guess its just down to preferance.
however that is not the only way glass breaks in source, I have seen glass that breaks into 3d shards too. (ala hl1 ish but much much much cooler)
i thought the glass was great as well.
i mean after reading the "i hate source engine" thread over in General Discussion i just came to the conclusion that some pple have such high standards that they just won't be pleased regardless of whats in front of them.

besides, the way the glass is... i mean is it that big a deal?... anyway.
cool glass is just really cool... and it seems most people dont have the same problem my friend seemed to, maybe he had some setting turned down or something. What I saw looked nowhere close to sof2 glass, so I guess chances are his settings werent all the way up.
Homer said:
Today I say cs:s at a friends house and I must say... the glass sucks.

So you have bought and supported the game yet?... so your opinion really means nothing. Give us your opinion after you play with the glass... use it to hide yourself while shooting others... hear the eiry noise is makes when someone walks over an edge with some left behind you!
Edge said:
So you have bought and supported the game yet?... so your opinion really means nothing. Give us your opinion after you play with the glass... use it to hide yourself while shooting others... hear the eiry noise is makes when someone walks over an edge with some left behind you!

Go to hell, I aint buying anything untill they fix the bugs in cs:s and and release the game. And guess what? That doesn't mean shit about the validity of my opinion. And if your stupid ass had read the whole topic, you would know that I concluded the settings probably werent all the way up and that accounts for the crappy glass I saw.
The glass and the effects are just amazing. Good job Valve :)
Homer said:
Go to hell, I aint buying anything untill they fix the bugs in cs:s and and release the game. And guess what? That doesn't mean shit about the validity of my opinion. And if your stupid ass had read the whole topic, you would know that I concluded the settings probably werent all the way up and that accounts for the crappy glass I saw.

hehe even worse you are a Free Ipod spammer.

Your opinion is not valid. Support the game monetarily and then comment.
Edge that spoiler in your sig really ruined the game for me :|
of course his opinion is still valid. are you saying that one week ago NOBODYs opinion here was valid? because before that, nobody had purchased it.
your logic sucks.
CB | Para said:
Edge that spoiler in your sig really ruined the game for me :|
I read this message before reading his sig.
thanks Para.

Dr. Freeman said:
i thought the glass was great as well.
i mean after reading the "i hate source engine" thread over in General Discussion i just came to the conclusion that some pple have such high standards that they just won't be pleased regardless of whats in front of them.

besides, the way the glass is... i mean is it that big a deal?... anyway.
I thought I would be one of those people....
but so far I am floored.
And if your stupid ass had read the whole topic, you would know that I concluded the settings probably werent all the way up and that accounts for the crappy glass I saw.

well why even bother making athread slating the glass if you seen the glass on either an utter shite computer, or in utter shite display settings.. go boil your head..

dumb kids

when will these kids realize u cant see the graphical beauty with a craped ass pc / graphics card? every server i get kids saying o the fps ( frames ) suck or o it slows down too much when theres a lot of action ......... askem what they are running - 256 mem . maybe 384 , xp 1700s or worse or some celeron garbage. you dont need cs: source u need a freaking upgrade! :sniper: blast u turd fiends!
o yeah

and o yeah the glass looks amazing , shatters too ...if u wanna see it fall come to my house. See how its meant to be seen!
Homer said:
Go to hell, I aint buying anything untill they fix the bugs in cs:s and and release the game. And guess what? That doesn't mean shit about the validity of my opinion. And if your stupid ass had read the whole topic, you would know that I concluded the settings probably werent all the way up and that accounts for the crappy glass I saw.

It's not called a bug.

It's called "low-end hardware", which your friend is using. :rolleyes:
I do agree that SOF2 glass is a bit better. But I don't think HL2 glass looks like crap.
And Edge, shutup. All that crap about validity of one's opinion in relation to the amount of money they put in is just so morally wrong I don't even know where to begin.
The Source glass is great. The only game with better glass is Red Faction (I never played the second, it might have the same glass). In RF, you could break a window and it looked a lot like Source glass, but the shards would stay on the ground for a long time, or maybe indefinitely.

EDIT: If you haven't see that glass, download the Red Faction demo and play the 'Glass House' training room. There's tons of glass in there to break and it's a lot of fun if you've never seen it:

When you walked on the shattered glass, it made a distinct crunching sound. If you fired a rocket through the glass, it would break a hole in it, and when it exploded on the other side, the glass window would explode and all the pieces would fly away from the rocket, right at you. The effect was quite amazing at times.

Problem with RF's glass was that when you put one bullet in it, the whole pane of glass crumbled, so I like Source's much better, in that regard (how you can break different holes, and when the glass becomes weak enough, it splits apart). I can list several things I think Valve could do to Source's glass to make it the best out there:

--Add a real reflection (not an environment map) to the glass so at certain angles you wouldn't be able to see through it, or not easily anyway.

--Have an option to make glass stay forever, instead of fading out so quickly.

--We can already hear footsteps, lets hear a crunch when we walk in broken glass.

--Allow broken pieces of glass to be blown around by grenades and even bullets.

--Let's see more shards when you break the type of glass found in Chateau (not the shattering Office windows). You break a piece of glass about seven feet tall and a few feet wide, and five-ten small segments of glass fall to the ground. Where did the rest of the glass go? I want to see lots and lots of glass when a window is smashed, and I'd like to see the pieces of glass stay there for a lot longer than the default 2-4 seconds.

Remember, I'm just being picky. The glass is awesome already and will be more than adequate for HL2 with or without my suggestions.

Doom 3 promised to use the physics engine for shooting glass. Half the time glass was bulletproof - only in some places glass broke, but didn't look spectacular. Two bullets = whole thing down.

I hope HL2 does have more ways in which glass breaks.
I agree... the office glass isn't too good atall. When you get upclose it's far to obvious that it's a simply grid with the same shader attached to all of them. IMO HL1 glass looked better, or atleast didn't seem fake.

If they simply randomized it more, used better shaders and kept the glass fragments on the floor it would be beautiful and do itself justice.

Maybe we'll have to wait for HL3 for that though ;(
UnmarkedOne said:

--Add a real reflection (not an environment map) to the glass so at certain angles you wouldn't be able to see through it, or not easily anyway.

--Have an option to make glass stay forever, instead of fading out so quickly.

--We can already hear footsteps, lets hear a crunch when we walk in broken glass.

--Allow broken pieces of glass to be blown around by grenades and even bullets.

--Let's see more shards when you break the type of glass found in Chateau (not the shattering Office windows). You break a piece of glass about seven feet tall and a few feet wide, and five-ten small segments of glass fall to the ground. Where did the rest of the glass go? I want to see lots and lots of glass when a window is smashed, and I'd like to see the pieces of glass stay there for a lot longer than the default 2-4 seconds.

you see, so far in cs:s there is only really one or two levels with glass in them (chateau and office) so perhaps that is not the extent of what the glass in hl2 can do.

however your suggestions are exactly what I would have suggested... in fact Im almost certain they would not be hard to mod in after release (if indeed the glass still needed touch-ups at that time)

even if the glass simply shattered into modelled shards of glass and those shards were physically simulated objects within the Havok engine.
Serious question here, for anyone who thinks SoF2's glass is better than Source glass. I just played the SoF2 demo and took some glass screens and damn do they suck. I'd say that's far worse than CS:S, but that's just an opinion. Do so many people like SoF2's glass because it was simply the best at the time, or am I not seeing the right type of glass? I'm assuming this is the best glass in the game, because why would they put lame glass in the demo (which is supposed to attract customers) and have cool glass in the full version?

The texture on the broken glass, seen in the first screenshot, isn't good at all by today's standards. The hole left in the glass, also, is really unrealistic compared to those seen in CS:S. And check the third shot... you can't even tell there's glass in the window. There's no shine, no dirt around the edge like in CS:S.



  • sof2a.jpg
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TopDog said:
And if your stupid ass had read the whole topic, you would know that I concluded the settings probably werent all the way up and that accounts for the crappy glass I saw.

well why even bother making athread slating the glass if you seen the glass on either an utter shite computer, or in utter shite display settings.. go boil your head..

Oh be quiet with that pathetic "WORD" shite. And speak nicely to people and they might do the same to you.
Mr. Redundant said:
you see, so far in cs:s there is only really one or two levels with glass in them (chateau and office) so perhaps that is not the extent of what the glass in hl2 can do.

Yeah, good point. We at least know there isn't only one type of glass. Even though I'm thrilled with CS:S, I think we've got a lot more to look forward to in HL2, even in terms of effects like glass, because they still have so many tricks up their sleeve. And yeah, about modding in my suggestions, I'd guess that it would be very easy to do.

The only thing Id liked to see modded or perhaps improved on next release is clearer glass shards when you get close, the texture is quite blurred (or the edge of each fragment is.
To the people asking for more shards and letting them stay to mess around with with the physics engine: please do realise that every physics object/entity also has to be calculated server-side, and thus alot of physics objects like shards can really mess up gameplay and cause LAG...
Geronimous said:
To the people asking for more shards and letting them stay to mess around with with the physics engine: please do realise that every physics object/entity also has to be calculated server-side, and thus alot of physics objects like shards can really mess up gameplay and cause LAG...
Glass shards are small enough and inconsequential enough to be client-side calculations... but if you want the crunching sound from walking over broken glass it would have to be server-side because it can give away people's positions.
TopDog said:
And if your stupid ass had read the whole topic, you would know that I concluded the settings probably werent all the way up and that accounts for the crappy glass I saw.

well why even bother making athread slating the glass if you seen the glass on either an utter shite computer, or in utter shite display settings.. go boil your head..


Learn to quote then talk to me.

lans said:
It's not called a bug.

It's called "low-end hardware", which your friend is using. :rolleyes:

I'm not talking about the glass when I say bugs, I'm talking about the game having real bugs that should have been fixed. Netcode problems, ctd problems, etc.
And btw, the guy has a 2200+ with a 9600xt, I assumed he would be able to run everything maxed.
Chris_D said:
Oh be quiet with that pathetic "WORD" shite. And speak nicely to people and they might do the same to you.

well shite is scottish/english, I say it all the time.

also in all fairness he was replying to someone, but he didnt use the quote tags. it should have looked like this:

TopDog said:
And if your stupid ass had read the whole topic, you would know that I concluded the settings probably werent all the way up and that accounts for the crappy glass I saw.

well why even bother making athread slating the glass if you seen the glass on either an utter shite computer, or in utter shite display settings.. go boil your head..

OCybrManO said:
Glass shards are small enough and inconsequential enough to be client-side calculations... but if you want the crunching sound from walking over broken glass it would have to be server-side because it can give away people's positions.

to combat that, you could merely create the area around the window to be designated broken glass, therefore you would know that "ok he is somewhere near the window I shot out)

Homer said:
And btw, the guy has a 2200+ with a 9600xt, I assumed he would be able to run everything maxed.
you assumption is wrong.

I have a 2.8ghz p4 800fsb, 1gb ddr 3200 and a 9800pro

and If Im getting frame dips at everything maxed, theres no way he could play it that way.

"learn to [insert obvious/arrogant statement here] before you talk to me" has to be the easiest way to determine the poster's age.
Mr. Redundant said:
you assumption is wrong.

I have a 2.8ghz p4 800fsb, 1gb ddr 3200 and a 9800pro

and If Im getting frame dips at everything maxed, theres no way he could play it that way.

"learn to [insert obvious/arrogant statement here] before you talk to me" has to be the easiest way to determine the poster's age.

If you are getting frame dips on that system then you need to format, like NOW. Because on my 2500+ with 1 gig 3200 and a 9800 pro 128 I never got any slowdown in the beta with 4xAA and 8xAF.

Learn to configure your system properly before you talk to me bitch.