Ultimate (fake) HL2 interview


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Just so people are clear, this is a 98% fake interview. Try to figure out which 2% is real, it’s like a game!

Anyway, here’s the interview, copied from the latest addition to Gamespy’s advertisement delivery collective, PlanetHalfWit.

Planet Halfwit: Today we’re really excited to present our exclusive sit-down interview with Valve veteran Stelly Brainer. Mr. Brainer, thanks a lot for agreeing to do this exclusive interview with us.

Stelly Brainer: No problem.

PHW: So, what do you do at Valve again?

SB: Well, like everyone here, a little bit of everything. We’re really sort of like a socialist commune in that way: all employees are expected to chip in and play every role in the company from time to time. One day, Gabe could be the boss-man chewing me out for sneaking blood splatter into the kiddie editions, and the next day, it could be Gabe’s turn to scrub out the urinals. That’s when I get to be the boss! And let me just say, the other day, Aaron Barber was...

PHW: Well, hey, that’s really amazing and all, but let me cut you of there, because our fans don’t care about crap like that. All they ever want to know is: does Half-Life 2 Multiplayer have vehicles?

SB: (snorts) How many times do we have to tell you that we won’t talk about multiplayer? What a waste of a question! I mean: duh?

Listen, all I’m going to say is: if you spend even a second in HL2 MP when you aren’t either piloting at least one vehicle, or are at a very minimum just temporarily getting out of a vehicle only to get into an even cooler vehicle, then your money back, guaranteed. I mean, vehicles are almost so passé for us at this point that we’ve had to “kick it up a notch” with stuff like vehicles inside vehicles. For instance, imagine zooming around on a Segway inside the trailer of a Mack truck that itself is driving around inside the hangar of a giant alien spaceship that’s rocketing off to the moon. If you get real philosophic and all and realize that Gordon himself is a sort of vehicle that you “drive around” in the game, that’s like, four layers of vehicles right there.

PHW: Wow: and that’s in the multiplayer game?

SB: Ha! That was from a tech test like, two years ago! That’s just something to get you thinking. I don’t want to give anything away, so that’s all I’m going to say.

(long pause)

Pogo sticks. On the back of a flatbed truck. That’s driving around on the deck of an aircraft carrier that's on fire. In the middle of a hurricane. You didn’t hear it from me.

PHW: Wink wink, you got it! Can I ask you some technical questions about what sorts of things Steam supports?

Well, sure, but let me just say that you have to understand that there’s more to Steam that just supporting this or that. I mean, lots of game designers talk about their engine supporting this or that, but Source not only offers you all the support you could want, but it also lifts and separates.

PHW: Uh, I’m not really a techy sort of guy, so I’m not sure I understand what that means. Maybe we’d do better to stick to specifics: does Source support terrorism?

SB: No. But it’s really more of a design decision than a technical limitation. We’re really interested to see what the mod community does with this. Of course, we’ll be officially adding in support for terrorism with the CS2 release.

However, I want to make something clear. Under no circumstances should anyone make a mod in which the primary or even secondary goal is to kill, kidnap, or even pester the President of the United States. That’s utterly, totally, outrageously illegal.

PHW: Seriously?

SB: Seriously. Though, we think it’s pretty ridiculous. I mean, according to Master Chief Justice Rehnquist of the U.S. Supreme Court, you can digitally simulate virtually every sort of depravity known to man, from serial killing to, now, unbelievably, child pornography. And yet, if you so much as a make a game level in which Alyx just happens to mention offhand that she had a dream once where she thought she might like to kill the President, the Secret Service will bust down your door and drag you off to Guantanamo. Boy, did we learn that the hard way...

PHW: Ouch. Well, what about Presidents that are already dead?

SB: That’s really sort of a gray area. I think, just to be safe, if you make a mod where Abraham Lincoln is the final boss monster, you should, again just to be on the safe side, make it very very clear that this is some sort of zombie Lincoln, and that by stuffing fragmentation grenades into his suspenders and then running away as fast as you can, what you are ultimately trying to accomplish is to help his poor, undead soul find the peace of the grave that he so-rightfully earned through his long service as one of our greatest Presidents. Make sure to work a sentence like that in there somewhere, and you should be safe from prosecution.

But also remember that foreign dignitaries are totally fair game, and a much safer option. If you want to have a mod in which you hunt down a naked Gerhard Schröder (Chancellor of Germany) for sport, and then pummel him to death with manipulator-launched watermelons, the Supreme Court of the United States says that it’s your right and duty as an American citizen. Just make sure it’s tasteful nudity.

PHW: But not all Half-Life fans live in the U.S. I doubt the censors in Germany would tolerate something like that.

SB: Well, with Germany, there’s really a simple solution to censorship requirements: robots.

PHW: Pardon?

SB: Robots. In Half-life, the parts where you kill human marines simply wouldn’t have passed muster with Germany’s censors. So we simply called the marines “military robots” and took away the flesh gibs. Boom: we were in the clear. We’ll certainly be taking the same approach with Half-Life 2. Although, frankly, it’s going to be even more absurd this time around: with our new emotive facial animation and acting technology, you can have a character that weeps passionately about its hopes and dreams, cries out in painful agony, and begs you to spare its life while you’re hacking it apart with the crowbar. And yet, as long as it bleeds sparks and is called a “robot” in the manual, the game will sell like crazy in Germany.

PHW: Wow: why do you think Germans hate robots so much?

SB: Well, ultimately I think it all comes down to the fact that many of them blame robots for Germany’s defeat in World War II. It’s actually a little disturbing when you think about it a bit. I mean, the most popular book in Germany right now is some tract called “The Network Protocols of the Elders of Cybertron” that’s all this crazy anti-robot ranting about how the whole banking industry is all computerized now. I hear they’re even shown Terminator 3 in history classes.

PHW: Whoa, that’s pretty ominous right there.

SB: Sure, if true. We really try not to think about Germany too much. There’s only so much we, as game designers, can do about what I can only imagine is centuries of entrenched hatred.
-----Part 2-----

PHW: Well, onto happier thoughts: Steam has generated a lot of controversy in the HL community so far and...

SB: Well, hold on: let me just say that that’s actually part of what makes Steam so innovative. Previously, gamers have had to search through more than a dozen fan websites to get their daily dose of the latest controversies. But Steam allows us to deliver all the controversy anyone could want directly to the gamer, cutting out the middleman entirely.

PHW: And what will Steam do to address the ever-present problem of cheating?

SB: Our first plan was to have Steam simply crash whenever it detects a cheat attempt. We’re still hoping to do that, but we just have yet to figure out to make it happen only to cheaters, instead of just randomly, to everyone. But Erik Johnson has actually come up with this really innovative anti-cheating plan on top of that. Basically, if Steam detects you cheating, it makes your printer spit out sheet after sheet of very obviously counterfeit 100$ bills. And you’ll probably think to yourself that maybe if you could just quickly burn them up in your trashcan you could destroy all the incriminating evidence, but before you even have a chance to yank the plug on your printer, the Feds have already busted down your door with a warrant and a signed confession that Steam quietly emailed them a few hours ago. And baby, I don’t think they allow too much Counter-Strike in federal prison.

PHW: Damn, that’s harsh: so Steam basically frames you of a felony?

SB: Actually, the original plan was to frame cheaters for murder, but we couldn’t figure out how to do it. We’re really loathe to admit this, but this is an example of a true technical limitation in Half-Life 2: currently, it can only simulate murder. It can’t actually act one out in real life and then plant incriminating evidence. It might be something we’ll look at again for Half-life 3.

PHW: How many weapons are there in the game?

SB: Well, would you be impressed if I said.... 6000?

PHW: VERY impressed. Are there really 6000 different weapons in the game?

SB: Well, let me just say that your readers probably learned a heck of a lot more about your own ridiculously unrealistic expectations from this little exchange than they just learned about Half-Life 2.

PHW: Er, well you know, you’ve said “let me just say” quite a lot of times in this interview.

SB: I’m surprised you noticed that: very perceptive! My using that phrase a specific number of times is actually a means of delivering a special, magical coded message that only true fans will be able to discern the meaning of.

PHW: I’m sure we’ll all get right on deciphering it! Anyway, what advice do you have for people looking to get into game design? Is college really necessary anymore, or should you get right to trying to make a name for yourself in the industry?

SB: College!? Not even close. Seriously, at this point, I’d think seriously about whether kindergarten is really worth it. I mean, Ken Birdwell can’t even read, but I’d like to see a so-called “literate” person who can animate a mean ant/lobster thingy like he can.

PHW: Since you’ve only answered this question with the same answer just about every single week for months, and no answer will satisfy anyone until the game actually goes gold, I just have to ask: will Half-Life2 really be released on Sept. 30?

SB: What the heck do you mean, “will be” released? I’ve had HL2 for months now. If you can’t figure out how to get a copy, that’s your own damn problem.

PHW: Don’t I feel stupid! Anyway, I should have asked this question at the beginning, like in all interviews, but my last question is: how did the idea for Half-Life 2 come about?

SB: Surprisingly, mostly out of anger and disappointment with the Half-Life community. Do you know that barely one person out of ten thousand even won the game? That’s pathetic! We made it so blatantly obvious that the G-Man was a bad guy, and Nihilanth was a good guy: the only thing keeping the truly deadly aliens from invading via the border world of Xen. We even made Nihilanth look like a freaking giant baby for goodness sakes. Who would shoot a baby?! Well, apparently, most of our fans would.

I mean, we made it so easy to win: simply refuse to insert the sample into the reactor. Sure, you eventually get fired, but what moron would pick devastating the entire world over that? And even after that horrendous screw up, we still gave the player a chance to get a secondary win by simply stopping somewhere once they reach the surface, clearing out the area for safety's sake, and then cowering and “not going any further” until everything blows over: thus refusing to be tricked into doing the G-Man’s bidding. We even had NPCs show you what to do by example, over and over! It’s just so frustrating: we worked so hard to deliver a seamless experience where the player could control how much they loose at any time just by pushing onwards farther through the game. And we gave players the power to win at any time by simply quitting out of the game and ending their inevitable loosing streak. And yet virtually everyone who played chose to go for the full measure of loosing. It’s just sad, really.

PHW: Okay... but how did that all that lead to Half-Life 2?

SB: Well, we really wanted a chance to make the fans feel bad about their pathetic performance in the first game. In fact, the inspiration for much of our research into the highly emotive NPC characters came from the fact that it enables us to really convey a sense of guilt and shame to the player. When these amazingly expressive characters scold you for being such a screw up in Half-Life, as they spend most of Half-Life 2 doing, you definitely can’t help but feel pretty wretched and totally useless. Alyx especially: when she looks at you with obvious disgust and revulsion at your obvious inadequacy as a gamer, you feel like a detestable worm that has no chance in hell with her, or any woman, ever again. However, just because we’re such nice guys, we are toying with lightening the mood a little by having her ride around on a unicycle while she’s scolding you. Because, as I noted: more vehicles = better game experience.

Indeed, most of what we’re doing now is going back through the game to see where we’ve missed a chance to add some vehicles. For instance, you know that much maligned barricade video where the Combine just stand there the whole time? Totally redone: now they are zooming all over the place on Razor scooters and mopeds and stuff.

Speaking of which, let me get your opinion on something here before I go: if at a key point in the game you could get a piggyback ride from Barney, and sort of direct him where to carry you, slapping him on the butt with a rolled up newspaper to make him go faster, would you consider that a “vehicle?”

PHW: Er, not really.

SB: Hmmm.... we may need a few extra days on the game then. That kinda spoils our big finale.

PHW: Well, thanks for talking with us.

SB: (in sarcastic tone) Oh, please, don’t let the interview end! Please don’t force me to go back to playing and designing video games all day long! Anything but that!
you have way too much time on your hands......
you are honestly the most pathetic person alive.......
thats just astonishing......
alright then... goodnight....
Hey, thanks for coming out! You've been a great audience!
Now, people THAT is Satire.

Not this "Gabe said the game was delayed... AHHA JOKING".

Thank you Apos, I laughed.
If someone doesn't make a "Pogo sticks on the back of a flatbed truck in the middle of a hurricane mod", I'm going to be very upset.
You sir, are a genius! :)
I laughed all the way through that, top marks!

(Two edits to get that right, I must be tired...)
Quite original and in good taste...thumbs up Apos! :cheers:
It wasn't meant to be funny. It was meant solely to distract you for a few precious seconds while I stole your SteamID account information right off your hard drive and got you VAC banned.

Mission accomplished!
Originally posted by Apos
It wasn't meant to be funny. It was meant solely to distract you for a few precious seconds while I stole your SteamID account information right off your hard drive and got you VAC banned.

Mission accomplished!

Originally posted by Apos
It wasn't meant to be funny. It was meant solely to distract you for a few precious seconds while I stole your SteamID account information right off your hard drive and got you VAC banned.

Mission accomplished!

You....fight like a real WARRIOR!
I laughed out loud so many times, my DOGS woke up. They don't even wake up when there are gunshots nearby.
Our first plan was to have Steam simply crash whenever it detects a cheat attempt. We’re still hoping to do that, but we just have yet to figure out to make it happen only to cheaters, instead of just randomly, to everyone.

Now THAT is funny.
Lol very funny! LONG! 2% true? Right here :)

SB: (snorts) How many times do we have to tell you that we won’t talk about multiplayer? What a waste of a question! I mean: duh?
great inteview Apos :bounce:
...umm...how long did it take to write it ? :)
yeh,thats great apos..really made me laugh..riding barney..lmao
How long?

Let me explain my job. I make 17$ an hour, plus 25.5$ an hour for any hour over 40 hours a week. I work about 67 hours a week, sometimes 11 hour days, sometimes 14 hour days, and 9 hours on Saturdays. What is my exciting job, you ask? Essentially, I hit cut and paste over and over and over and over to move a random serial number from one place to another on an endless stream of poorly scanned documents. My biggest innovation so far was discovering that I could double my productivity by weighing down my ctrl key with a stack of quarters. So, that's my job. I make more money than I have EVER made in my life, and yet, after many many thousands of dollars and many many years for my high powered master's degree, this high-paying job does not even require me to know how to read. A monkey could be trained to do what I do, only it would cost more because you'd also have to hire someone to change its diaper every once and awhile and teach it the ape-sign langauge symbols for "can I have the next sequence of serial codes please?" and "the coffee machine sprayed boiling water in my face, can I get a disability bonus?"

I forget why I was telling you this. Anyway, I hope I answered your question.
Originally posted by Apos
How long?

Let me explain my job. I make 17$ an hour, plus 25.5$ an hour for any hour over 40 hours a week. I work about 67 hours a week, sometimes 11 hour days, sometimes 14 hour days, and 9 hours on Saturdays. What is my exciting job, you ask? Essentially, I hit cut and paste over and over and over and over to move a random serial number from one place to another on an endless stream of poorly scanned documents. My biggest innovation so far was discovering that I could double my productivity by weighing down my ctrl key with a stack of quarters. So, that's my job. I make more money than I have EVER made in my life, and yet, after many many thousands of dollars and many many years for my high powered master's degree, this high-paying job does not even require me to know how to read. A monkey could be trained to do what I do, only it would cost more because you'd also have to hire someone to change its diaper every once and awhile and teach it the ape-sign langauge symbols for "can I have the next sequence of serial codes please?" and "the cofee machine sprayed boiling water in my face, can I get a disability bonus?"

I forget why I was telling you this. Anyway, I hope I answered your question.

LMFAO...sounds like you've got the life. I envy you.
The interview was funny, but that last post of yours was even funnier.


Good man Apos.
does Source support terrorism?

No. But it’s really more of a design decision than a technical limitation.

You sir, is a genius :cheese:

I really LOLed... and that do not happen often... good work :cheers:

The order and quality of these community has been reestablished. :bounce:
if Steam detects you cheating, it makes your printer spit out sheet after sheet of very obviously counterfeit 100$ bills

So you mean the ones that are coming out of my printer now aren't real? :)

Funny Stuff Apos!
Originally posted by Apos
I mean, Ken Birdwell can’t even read, but I’d like to see a so-called “literate” person who can animate a mean ant/lobster thingy like he can.

Hahaha :cheese:
Great interview!

if at a key point in the game you could get a piggyback ride from Barney, and sort of direct him where to carry you, slapping him on the butt with a rolled up newspaper to make him go faster, would you consider that a “vehicle?”

Damn that would be awesome.
i read some of that. it sounds like the SAME person through out the WHOLE interview! man that is like 100% fake interview...ok 99% with HL2 being real lol...thanks man
Apos, you have a comedic talent, but the best part you can be funny without being stupid :) I love this interview, almost fell off chair.
yeah it had some funny moments. love your job.

kinda sounds like mine: I get paid $25 an hour to play one song after another, which you could probably do with some burnt cds or a random winamp playlist. :D
Originally posted by Apos
-----Part 2-----

I mean, we made it so easy to win: simply refuse to insert the sample into the reactor. Sure, you eventually get fired, but what moron would pick devastating the entire world over that? And even after that horrendous screw up, we still gave the player a chance to get a secondary win by simply stopping somewhere once they reach the surface, clearing out the area for safety's sake, and then cowering and “not going any further” until everything blows over: thus refusing to be tricked into doing the G-Man’s bidding. We even had NPCs show you what to do by example, over and over! It’s just so frustrating: we worked so hard to deliver a seamless experience where the player could control how much they loose at any time just by pushing onwards farther through the game. And we gave players the power to win at any time by simply quitting out of the game and ending their inevitable loosing streak. And yet virtually everyone who played chose to go for the full measure of loosing. It’s just sad, really.


That's pretty good man, nice one.
Heh, I chuckled a few times throughout the interview. Nice job. :)

Also, I noticed some spelling errors. You quite putting "loose" instead of "lose" near the end of the second part of the interview. :p

Oh man...that was GREAT!

Loved the whole winning HL1 thing!
Hehe, thats damn funny, nice work there apos, none of the other fakes seemed to get going, or seemed real, at all, this one, its obvious its not real, but its flows so nicely, and as someone said, THAT, is satire :)

Btw, you sent this to VALVe, i think they might like it to alleviate some stress :D
"Speaking of which, let me get your opinion on something here before I go: if at a key point in the game you could get a piggyback ride from Barney, and sort of direct him where to carry you, slapping him on the butt with a rolled up newspaper to make him go faster, would you consider that a “vehicle?”
