Ump .45


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Heres an UMP created by me for the Chaos Ops. Its got a bit of a wicked poly count at 4000 with all attachments and 2700 no attachments. Whatta ya think ?

To the renders.

As an in-game model, you'd be able to remove a lot of the unseen faces anyway. You might even get it down to around 2000, but that's probably pushing it.

Nice-looking model though.
Dang that is a sweet model. Though, by polys do you mean quads or triangles? So high poly, and a little bit of questionable smoothing, but it's still fricking sweet.
Yeah screw the smoothing groups :P i hate em. See what the skin looks like first.

Polys i mean triangles.
the same could be done with smoothshading and 2000 less polies

so don't say you want to screw smoothinggroups
I love it. Its a beauty... Lots of details with no hint of feeling fake.
BUT of course its alot of polys... Using normal mapping one could cut it by quite alot. But then again limiting it to fancier hardware.
looks great, but could you show use some renders of the side we'll see in-game?
the model looks superb. But i dont understand why people render stuff with GI. Sure it looks fantastic, but i'd rather see a wireframe and a decently lit render over a fancy schmancy GI render.

You could remove quite a few poly's from that bad boy before you put it in game. But if you did this in Max, and you're giving us the POLY count, then your triangle count in HL2 is going to be far more than what max says.
Nah man i know what im doing :). I convert to editable mesh to get the poly count. If your in editable poly you double your count to get the real count.

I do brazil renders cause there the ones we use on the site that the only reason, i reckon they look choice, i hate lights and shit, makes it look noobish if you dont know what your doing.

Just tried to a proper wire render but max locked up twice :P. So heres a shitty wire


  • umpwire.jpg
    75 KB · Views: 287
Damn, this one is so god damn hot! Relly good model there!
nice looking (sort of), but hell of alot of wasted polies there, even with the remoced polies your going to have to rebuild alot of it.....

and also you've got to include the hands (hopefully confirming this with Gabe during the Gabe interview :cheese:)
Aint no wasted polies man. I optimized this for ages, all the rest is needed for the shape of the damn thing.
Originally posted by Short_Fuse
Aint no wasted polies man. I optimized this for ages, all the rest is needed for the shape of the damn thing.
incorrect, you can easily take off some polies on the RIS parts
anyway it's still nice
Heres an update, skinned now :). Not my skin so no comments please cause i aint gonna do a thing to change it.

When rendering with Brazil, please use more than just a skylight. Check out the Brazil lights, they're quite nice. Also, there seems to be some lighting artifacts in your renders, maybe turning up the GI samples will fix that. You say that it looks bad if you use lights when you don't know what you're doing, this makes it seem like you think you know what you're doing. Why don't you use a light then? It's quite a high polycount, and it doesn't look like you made much detail. When you say "screw smoothing groups," that makes you sound very stupid, since smoothing groups are used ingame. In a dynamically lit environment, a model without smoothing groups will look like crap. The poor skin job makes the model look a lot lower res, thus defeating the purpose of having so many polygons. The skin needs more detail and texture. Also, to the person who said to use a normal map, it's a waste to use it on a weapon model, only half of the people will see it how it should be. Pretty much only environments should be using normal maps due to the low amount of people with DX8/9 cards. This will make it so that people don't lose any quality in the models, and they would only lose a little bit of the flare in the environment.
Im sorry but i lost all interest half way through your post.

I never said i was skilled and i know how to use lights but only to a certain extent. Also i remember mentioning i dont care what people have to say about the skin, but you must be too leet to read other peoples post.

Right know lets see if you can out wit me with some smart remark making it out that im a noob and you basically invented 3dmax :cheers:
I'm the founder of Autodesk software...

...maybe not, but I did read your post about the skin. I just wanted to comment on it, I didn't expect you to do anything about it.
Sorry for gettin shitty with ya but i spend a lot of time on my models and to my eyes there bloody beaut, and all i get for it is nah thats wrong, oh thats not right, that looks like shit, most of the time its from people who dont know the first thing about modellen (not saying your not).

When you post comments about a model try buttering up the person like hey nice model, then wip in with the BUT blah blah. It seems more like constructive critism then not just blatent critisism :)
Good point Fuse, I think we could all stand to use a little more diplomacy in our posts.
Hey, the model itself looks great...the attention to detail is nice and the poly count is perfect for HL2 I would think...

ofcourse there is always room for improvement like there is for everything...your model would be perfectly fine ingame for the normal player...

my only suggestion is to really learn your smoothing groups, they can make or break a really good model. They are damn easy to learn too (for the most part).

Here's a link that should give you everything you need to know and in 5 min. flat no one should be bitching anymore about your smoothing groups...;)

OH YA: No offense, and you told us not to comment, but the skin doesn't do the model any justice. Its kind of making all your hard effort a waste in my opinion. Why screw up a perfect drawing with crayon level coloring? (no offense to the skinner, but it needs work)...and don't forget that the UVW map process can make a good skin look like shit I suggest you tell your skinner to try to cover all his bases with his best quality...

good luck man, I'll be looking forward to the mod
I did the skin maps and they cant be doe any better. Theres no strechin what so ever. Remember we have a huge weapons list to work through, so as we go we will continue to update models and skins.
I can totally understand you having trouble with other people comments, but most people here aren't able to provide constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is probably the most helpful thing a modeller can recieve, as it is a mostly objective opinion. I see most people either chiming in with "oh that looks nice" or "thats shitty, that texture looks terrible". While its nice to hear someone appreciates your work, its sickening to see someone belittle your work with some offhand comment. If you think the mapping looks terrible, explain what you think it should look like, or what could be changed.

I for one think fuse is doing a terrific job modeling this weapon. He is paying a great attention to the detail of the gun. I don't think you need to add any more detail with polygons at this point. I would hand this model over to a proficient mapper to add even more detail, specifically the clip, pistol grip, front grip, and perhaps the ejection port.

and if you're looking for some good constructive criticism, take this model over to cg talk.
Yeah im a member at CG Talk, dont like showing models there though. The are used to high arse poly beautifuly done models an textures, then they see some lonely mod model :(. Even in the game devlopment forum it seems a bit like that, nothin seems to impress.
Offcourse nothing impresses the guys on cgtalk , their proffesionalls .. or atleast most of em are... but i do think that weapons isnt the kind of modell you normaly impress people buy , mainly because character modelling is alot harder and that is what impress people .....

I like youre gun modells , they are clean and crisp . but sometimes you overdo alot of things on the guns .... and as for youre skin map , it would be great if we could se that ass well ... so that you dont uwvmap your guns and then have to do them again .. ..

And remember one thing , their is allways room for improvment !!!
Theres six maps altogether so i cant be assed showin em. Two of em are for the standard gun the rest are for attachments.

Miniscope Attachers

Yeah theres always room for improvement.
from like counter-strike, that ump model... ehhk, and the gun
this model makes me want to use the ump all the time, gj