Unconfirmed Release Dates

2 months wait.. it just doesnt seem right.. surely waiting that long will just annoy Vavles/VUG's customer base more!

I just wish someone would come clean & tell it to us straight instead of all this cloak & dagger shite..

Also, why on earth would the mags be reviewing the game 2 months before its due for release???????? it must be finished/gold WTF are they playing at????

Although I'm a bit on the "don't quite believe" side of the road with this, I do have to say, a lot of things have been said and have changed.

So the simulataneous worldwide release may be one of those things which has sinced changed. Would think VUG has the final say in the exact dates and maybe that was something they decided on. Anythings possible I guess.

I'm sure I'm wrong with this, I always assumed the "simulataneous worldwide release" was specifically because of the possibility of anyone in the world using Steam as soon as the game was available.
BlackMesaDude said:
gabe answer plz

Gabe answering isn't going to help, this is a matter for the publishers Vivendi to confirm. Personally if VUg think that they can get away with a staggered release of the biggest game of the year they must be insane. I'll be definitely buying on steam if they do.
So did someone send a email to confirm any of this. Its not good news at all. Sounds like there is a good chance for a dec. release and all. Really dont see how it takes Vu 2 months to ship the game. Everyone knows its done.
What I think it is, and I'm no body so nobody will care, but I think they're setting a far back release date that's not really comfirmed is because look at all the weird delays for one reason or another, this way if they get another one they can fall back on that 2 month release date, and they can't really set one in stone because can you imagine the huge uproar that would come from the public if someone said "Half-Life 2 coming out October 12th!" or something like that? Let alone if they couldn't make the October 12th date? From all the people I've talked to people are getting really restless with waiting for Half-Life 2, I'm one of them, and if they got a set release date to find VU can't make it? If something like that happened I can almost gaurentee you that the HL2 RC would be out on the internet and Valve and VU would never see a penny from the game.
Methias hopefully HL2 will still be legendary not "just" excellent. Legendary.
BAH but I want the game now! I said April 04 originally make me less wrong and release it in Oct not Nov. Oct '04!
This is really starting to look bad. But wait why would they release css next week when the game is so far off? Whatever at least we might finily have a stable and final date.
HL2.. release date... January 2005... LOL

hmm... might not be so far fetched.... arrrrrrrgggghhhh!!!!
Worldwide release on steam will be simultaneous. Must be. Otherwise I'll find myself a nice north-american proxy to authenticate myself through. And only big retailers will keep to the announced day anyway. I know a few smaller shops who always sell their games right away when properly motivated:

-me (in an excuisitly polite and worldy manner): "Excuse me, gentle sir, could I purchase hl2 from your beautiful establishment? I hear it has finally arrived."
-shopkeeper: "It's in, we have about 200 copies in the back, but we're not allowed to sell 'em before the 26th. Sorry, you'll have to wait."
-me, starts drooling from my mouth all over the floor, staring him with crazy mad red eyes, then ripping open my shirt and jumping on the counter, making a loud howl - "RRROoooaaAARRGGhh!!!! Give it! Roaaarrgh! GIVE IT!!!"
-shopkeeper: "sir?"
-me eats shopkeepers' head, grabs a copy of HL2 with my mouth, crashes through the window and starts jumping from carroof to carroof to get trough traffic as fast as werewolfly possible.

When will the madness end?!
I dont get it, 2 damn more months ? so the game will go gold at the end of october then ? this totally sucks.
they should release it before 9 november.. :rolleyes: cuz 9 november is my birthday :cheers:
As long as CS:S is released next week, I don't care if I have to wait a little longer for HL2. I just need something to kill the time.
PaulD said:
So says the Department of Trade and Industry's UK Competition Law and the Competition Commision.


Peter McDougall (Extract from an email to me from him) said:
The release date is set by the publisher and is normally a Friday. It is not enforced by law but by the contract terms set by the publisher/distributor with the retailer. The publishers are keen to see street dates maintained as it provides an orderly start for sales and provides a level playing field for retailers who have received pre-orders for games titles and set up marketing plans around given titles.

So, quite clearly, it is between the publishers and the retailers as to when a game is published. And given how huge this game will be, I think we can assume that "Normal rules do not apply"

Oh, and in case you don't know, Peter McDougall is the manager of the Department of Trade and Industry. Computer games and digital publishing department. :smoking:
If vivendi is going to pull crap like this, my retail preorder WILL be changed to a steam order.
Feath said:
And just because Valve haven't confirmed the date, doesn't mean it's not true. They haven't denied the date either and if VUG are going around saying it, it's likely to be true.

Similar thing happened with Doom 3, if I recall correctly.

On the other hand, Valve confirmed 30th September 2003 several times and that didn't turn out to be true, so it doesn't really matter untill the game is available...

VUG smells money with the(possible) release just before the Holiday season. What will you do if you had a multimillion company and your are greedy as hell, i would bring that game too to the shelves in the Pre-holiday shopping time. But as a fan i feel sick of this whole Halflife2 soap drama.
Assuming Darksith is American,that date would read 10th of jan to him (Americans set thier days/months in reverse)

DarkSith, its from today mate :)
Us American's do the date in the least logical fashion. :)

Doesn't make sense:
Month. Day. Year.

Does make sense.
Day. Month. Year.
Day of Month. Year.
Year. Month. Day.

Who knows what we were thinking we we came up with our method. O_O
Sushi said:
Actually, a non simultaneous worldwide release might not be good for Valve. In parts of the world that get the game later than others, I guarantee you there will be a flood of hundreds and thousands of people trying to get HL2 off Bit Torrent. If I'm not mistaken, the same thing happened with Doom3.
Doom 3 was being distributed through warez channels several days before it was officially released in stores. One of id's employees described his frustration on seeing a street vendor in Japan selling Doom 3 about a week before its official release.
Ahhhhhhh :O :O :O

Sorry about that....us Americans :thumbs:
hmm...the short response to this? we need confirmation from Valve about this date and even if the month of the release date is right since so many pple here think mid October is a possibility.

the long response? well ur not getting it :p
its out of valve's hands now. vu have the power, and are able to legally hold the game for 6 months. but end of novemeber is so late
If VU is starting to cut deals with retailers for shelf space then it means that either they have accepted the release candidate or they plan to very soon. So why the two month lead time?
I supose it is good and bad for valves part. Good on the fact that most people apart from the US will probably DLed the game. The bad part been the piracy but in a way its Valve fault. If HL2 does indeed not have a MP then i dont see why some people wouldnt just go down the piracy option because its a single player game and they dont need no legit key to just play a SP game. Although when some decent online content comes out they may go out and buy it then.

Ahnteis said:
Us American's do the date in the least logical fashion.

Doesn't make sense:
Month. Day. Year.

Does make sense.
Day. Month. Year.
Day of Month. Year.
Year. Month. Day.

Who knows what we were thinking we we came up with our method. O_O

You just wanted to be different.
i think everyone should be happy that the game is coming out this year. with all the crazy legal drama, i expected worse. in the meantime, we have halo 2 and counterstrike: source. sounds like a good deal to me.
Vivendi is also talking to Uk retail partners about a Release Hour not just a Release Date !!!!!!
epmode said:
i think everyone should be happy that the game is coming out this year. with all the crazy legal drama, i expected worse. in the meantime, we have halo 2 and counterstrike: source. sounds like a good deal to me.

What?!!1 Did Valve include Halo 2 in the Steam deal too?? :eek: :D

Ford the Word said:
What?!!1 Did Valve include Halo 2 in the Steam deal too??
yes! it's a secret, though. don't tell anyone.
Mountain Man said:
If VU is starting to cut deals with retailers for shelf space then it means that either they have accepted the release candidate or they plan to very soon. So why the two month lead time?

Because VU are buttheads.