Unconfirmed Release Dates

Waiting any longer is just going to piss me and a million other people off...
November is too far away, considering i've waited for nearly three years for the game...
thats sooo long away, i am really starting to hate the whole hl2 release date thing. why have reviews in mags so far ahead of the game release.
arfgfgfgfgffg ffs
plus if its sold via steam wont that be a world wide release?
mutt said:
thats sooo long away, i am really starting to hate the whole hl2 release date thing. why have reviews in mags so far ahead of the game release.
arfgfgfgfgffg ffs
plus if its sold via steam wont that be a world wide release?
What he said....
Sushi said:
Actually, a non simultaneous worldwide release might not be good for Valve. In parts of the world that get the game later than others, I guarantee you there will be a flood of hundreds and thousands of people trying to get HL2 off Bit Torrent. If I'm not mistaken, the same thing happened with Doom3.

Your right, i couldnt wait any longer on doom 3 myself, so when everyone had their game i decided to download it, i played it and didnt like it, cancelled my preorder. unfortunatly for em, they didnt cancel it in time so i got the game anyway and ended up paying for it.. im afraid i cant keep myself from doing the same thing with half life 2.. single player will be cracked pretty fast anyway. But if its just 3 days.. i wont doubt i will buy it because of the multiplayer.
late november! eh whats another two months. but i want it NOW! if it's essentially done, why does it need two whole months to get it out?
VU did this once before, last year. They told CNN-F that HL-2 would be out in April. Obviously it wasn't.
November 23 is 3 days before Black Friday, the Ultimate Shopping Day for the United States, it is extremely logical for them to release it that week. They have to release it Tuesday due to Thanksgiving on Thursday. VU was extremely smart in this release date, if it is the true date. But hey, I'm like evreyone else I want it NOW, but I'm looking at this from the perspective of a business person.
Hi, long time reader, first time poster. I just had a few things to say.

What you guys are missing is that VUG doesn't give a damn about you guys (Hardcore gamers). Their targets are common gamers. People who don't care/know when a game is being released or what game is being released, they just go out and buy whatever there is to buy.

That's why I (As well as many others) have changed their mind about supporting VUG by buying at stores and instead buying it through Steam.

What I hope for Valve to do, is to get a judge to allow them to bend their contract with VUG and allow them to release the game when they want to. It would please alot of Gamers. Why bother sending a finished game to some guys in suits and letting them decide when to release it, when you can release it to the public yourself?
Vug Sux

Omorpheus Hunter said:
...That's why I (As well as many others) have changed their mind about supporting VUG by buying at stores and instead buying it through Steam....
Hey, I like that. VU's sueing Valve. And they are the hold up on this release. Stick it to them.

I've just made my mind to purchase via Steam, only.
kurly said:
Hey, I like that. VU's sueing Valve. And they are the hold up on this release. Stick it to them.

I've just made my mind to purchase via Steam, only.

I've decided to preloaded HL2, but I haven't cancelled my HL2 pre-order yet. I want to purchase it through Steam not only to stick it to VUG, but to support Valve. When they release the prices I'll weigh which one I'll buy (although highly favoring Steam).

If the Gold package price and the CE price are around the same price, then HELL yeah, I'm going to purchase it through Steam, and I hope everyone else does too! :borg:
Mystic_Demon said:
they should release it before 9 november.. :rolleyes: cuz 9 november is my birthday :cheers:

yes, november 9 is also the worldwide release of halo 2. i dont think it would be a good idea to release HL2 anytime near (read same month) as halo 2
L337_Assasain said:
Waiting any longer is just going to piss me and a million other people off...
November is too far away, considering i've waited for nearly three years for the game...

Dude, they ANNOUNCED HL2 only 1 1/2 years ago.
Keyword announced, but its been in the making since HL1 came out...which is awhile
Isn't this entire date sey on VU accepting the release candidate? As far as i am aware there are around 5-6 candidates provided before it is accepted as Gold (well with the majority of games out there)

Though Thief: Deadly Shadows was accepted on 1st RC.

I say we wait until Gabe Newell comes out and says:GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLD!
You folks may find this interesting. I was talking to one of my VUG contacts after hours specifically on the subject of these new release dates. Her quote:

"I cannot comment on that piece of news - sorry."

Now, that's an answer I've never gotten before. Every other time it's "we have no release date" or words to that effect.

So take what you will from that dear readers.
Cruddler. "No comment" is suspicious enough me to interpret it as "Yes the release date is November 23rd but i can't confirm it at this stage"
Pratt said:
You folks may find this interesting. I was talking to one of my VUG contacts after hours specifically on the subject of these new release dates. Her quote:

"I cannot comment on that piece of news - sorry."

Now, that's an answer I've never gotten before. Every other time it's "we have no release date" or words to that effect.

So take what you will from that dear readers.

Like Mr-Fusion i'll completely take that as "we are near announcing gold" until they say otherwise
Nige_Reconman said:
Though Thief: Deadly Shadows was accepted on 1st RC.


Dude thief sucked. Hl1 came out after one rc and went to gold status within a week of that rc. Heres the situation. The game is done. Cs source will be available next week if you pre purchase hl2 off of steam. Now every copy of hl2 that is sold through steam, viviendi sees no money for . Viviendi can't do anything about it and valve has the upper hand due to counter strike source. Viviendi is aware of this and they want to make as much money as possible so waiting makes them lose money due to the fact that people will pre purchase hl2 off of steam to play cs. source early. Everyone screw over the greedy viviendi company and buy hl2 off of steam. Give your money to the hard working artists.

Now onto halo2. Your comparing xbox to pc...........Those are 2 different boats. I could understand if halo2 came out for pc at the same time but if hl2 came out the same day as halo 2 did for xbox, hl2 would still sell more copies. Let's not start a halo 2 is better or hl2 is better thread but come on ,halo2 is a kids game.
two the people speakign of the long lead time:

i would say, that perhaps VUg wants to build up enough backstock so that when the game hits shelves, they dont run out of it, like we have seen happen in the past with newly released games and consoles.

example: halo, xbox- holiday season 2003- sold out, due to price drop of xbox and halo, halo was sold out weeks before christmas in most places. it was nearly impossible to find a copy, backordered for months.

perhaps VUg is building enough backstock to avoid this, knowing full well that HL2 is perhaps THE MOST anticipated game in history.
Nov 23rd...ffs. Why not push for Dec 23rd, or how about an Easter release? No, wait...lets just wait till next Sept 30th !
if VUG do use this date, its because they want to make their 3rd qtr sales look better so more people will invest in the company... slags!
FISKER_Q said:
I think i'lll put out posters saying "Haha steam purchasers get Half-Life 2, 3 days early!"

well.. Im buying off steam.. but god damn.. 2 months.. good job valve are trying to appease us by giving us CSS next week...
I just hope that those of us prepurchasing on Steam will, in addition to getting CS:S will also get HL:S as well to pass the time prior to getting HL2. :)
Shrink said:
I just hope that those of us prepurchasing on Steam will, in addition to getting CS:S will also get HL:S as well to pass the time prior to getting HL2. :)

that would be nice.. but probably a dream....

up until this release date I have been positive about the game coz I knew it was done etc.. but this 2 month delay is taking the piss.. !!!

:angry: :angry: :angry:
Backstock? What wha what? F. U. C. K. VUG. But it off steam. You can get the gold package and that comes with hl2, hl1source and css and dod. But Dream on playing the hl1 part earlier. I hope no one here is going to buy it at a store. Give all your money to vavle, you get more and they do as well. Lets put VUG on the back burner. Unlike that horride game halo. We do not have to worry about backorders seeing how you can just buy it off of steam......
Yeah I can't wait either... 2 more month !?? Sorry but I'm kinda pissed off. Like realy pissed off, I can't wait!!

I've been HL fans since the begenning and on something like august 2003 I could'nt stop bragging people with HL2. I was like "have you seen the video, this is gonna be huge!!" HL2 is coming soon, HL2 is coming soon!!

It is true that HL2 has already lost a bit of his charm because of the long delay. Just imagine if it would have realy come out in Sept 03, this would have been THE game. I'm sure this is gonna be good and all but I have played and seen other good "physics" and new AI builder. (ei: Farcry) But i guess it give everyone enough time to upgrade their computers. I also think that the piracy thing could be true but it cannot delayed a game for that long... Do they have copied the code or like realy stoeln like copied & erased it ? So I think Both VUG and valve are responsible for the realy realy realy REALY late release. One for the RC thing and the other to have been hacked like that.

I realy hope that this november 23rd date is not for real and that HL2 will come out before that. People are starting to realy find me anoying with that, hell they are, its been 1 year and a half ARRGGHHH !!!

can't wait ! ;op
You should realize that buying HL2 using Steam is not quite easy for non-US-citizens.
As far as I know, Credit Card is the only way to pay any purchase through Steam. Unfortunately, Credit Cards are rather uncommon where I live. I would love to pay for example using PayPal, but it's not supported by Steam AFAIK.
Plus, since some items would be shipped by physical mail anyway, customs problems might occur too (my recently purchased genuine DVD was seized two months ago and I am still struggling to get it back).

So I am most likely to buy HL2 from an online retailer here.
OK! I wait for Half Life 2 in NOV... but I will sick of Valve who cause VUD delay HL2.....
november is too long, and Hl2 has already been reviewed.Remember one thing??? doom3 was reviewed 2 weeks before its release date.
kroneckerdelta said:
You should realize that buying HL2 using Steam is not quite easy for non-US-citizens.
As far as I know, Credit Card is the only way to pay any purchase through Steam. Unfortunately, Credit Cards are rather uncommon where I live. I would love to pay for example using PayPal, but it's not supported by Steam AFAIK.
Plus, since some items would be shipped by physical mail anyway, customs problems might occur too (my recently purchased genuine DVD was seized two months ago and I am still struggling to get it back).

So I am most likely to buy HL2 from an online retailer here.

Its not the same for all non us citizens in the UK credit cards are the norm :farmer:
30 October (pure speculation)

Just learned that 30 October is the 66th aniversary of War of the Worlds. Obviously Valve got some of their ideas from WOTW. A release last year would have coincided witht he 65th aniversary....
test said:
Just learned that 30 October is the 66th aniversary of War of the Worlds. Obviously Valve got some of their ideas from WOTW. A release last year would have coincided witht he 65th aniversary....

That's pretty interesting... Does it coincide with the movie? or with the first radio broadcast experiment?
It was never set to be released 30th October 2003 was it? It was September