Unconventional Warfare

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After half a century of military interventions major countries like the United States of America and Russia are weary of their role as "World Police". The consequences of their military actions for their economy, national security, and internal ethnic conflicts led to the conclusion to tune down their military campaigns. Due to that, more and more countries choose unconventional warfare by using secret Special Forces. Military success is no longer made by major countries but by small and highly specialized mercenary forces. In Unconventional Warfare the player takes over the command of such a Special Forces team. As the Commander he leads a small high tech army consisting of soldiers, light armored vehicles, and helicopters to fulfill a wide variety of mission types.


Realistic Rank System is the system in place to ensure a realistic edge to the whole game in general is portrayed. The use of military tactics from a birds eye view aswell as the split second choice made by soldiers on the ground give the RRS room to move. Soldiers who fight coming from a 'General Entry' will be given orders from 'Officers' as these officers will be given orders from the highest rank on the battlefield. The way a battle is planned comes from the commanders decisions as the highest rank to ensure that the lower ranks are able to complete their objective in time, with the least casualities. Each team is allowed a certain respawn count or reinforcements, more reinforcements become available if the battles situation changes or an objective is fulfilled.

Realistic Enviroment System brings the realistic battle to life as natural effects play their part in changing the battlefield. Whether it be rain, lighting, snow, wind, heat, cold, or a nice day, there will always be a difference in play. Rain will slow down players speed, fog will thicken, and the audio aspect of play will make the default sound transperant the the weather effects. Lighting, will rarely effect the battle, but a one percent chance of it hitting metal objects will occur at a random rate. Snow will slow players down drasticly, decrease vision and send a players heat levels to the ground. Wind effects the way projectiles are fired through the sky, aswell as the throwing of grenades.

Customizable Weapons System is a dynamic system which brings weapons out from under a 'One Trick Wonder' cloud and reveals the upgrades and variations behind every weapon in the military. Be it the capabilities of differant clip sizes and types or the ammunition used, there will always be a variation of each weapon. Upgrades may include things such as weapon camoflauge, such as the skin for the weapon, as well as enviromental rags, handles, grips, clips, scopes, laser sights, and stands. The CWS also includes other systems other than that of firearms. This include the changes of uniforms, and camoflauge to suit your style of play, be it your taste of fighting in dead grass fields, corn crops, or up in a tree, there will be a camoflauge to suit you! Upgrading vehicle systems is also included in the CWS. If you blow a tire or an engine, merely call it up on the commander and wait for an engineer repair your vehicle. Upgrading armor types, the ammunition used, as well as the capabilities of more mounted Machine Guns on your vehicle will also be included.

Customisable Server Options will give each and every server the choice of play, be it VIP mode, or a custom battlefield, you can choose the options you want to make the style of play fun for those who wish to enjoy the game. The options of Iron Sights and crosshairs can be an option used by servers to add a realism or fun side to gameplay. Servers can also choose the limits on team resources. The main use of world war mode includes the commander class, where a realistic side of war is played, so you don't get stuck with public dilemas. Custom battlefield is a standard, non-commander gameplay option, where a mindless view of war is played out in a fun enviroment.

Land, Sea, and Air is the way each vehicle system is built. Each driveable or pilotable craft is split into these categories. Land being tanks, trucks, and light armor. Sea being battlecruisers to inflatable vessels. Air being planes. Each player is given online calculations, depending on this depends on their skill behind the wheel of any of these drivable systems. The more hours spent flying will ensure that you are chosen over the rest when the chance comes to be taking that responsibility. To make things even for everyone, singleplayer training for every vehicle is given so you can reach a potential one-hundred skill for each vehicle. At this stage, it is basicly first in first served unless you outrank someone at a particular driveable system.

Dynamic Battlefield is a system which allows the main class 'Engineer' to build a wide range of strucutres to help the mission. Many things such as barb wire, bunkers, sandbag placements, bombs, landmines, foxholes, and traps. Setting these up can be vital for the team as placement of artilery, plane routes, and troop positions can be the difference between defeat and victory. Other classes can dig their own foxholes, some can place landmines and bombs, aswell. The engineer merely poseses all these skills.


Those are the simplest form of MP gaming. In deathmatch everyone fights everyone for score. In team deathmatch two teams fight each other and wins are counted. The Team Deathmatch mode is part of most following game modes.

Capture the Flag
Each team has to capture a flag from the opposing teams base and bring it back to their base. For scoring their own flag has to be on base when they bring the opposing teams flag home. Touching your own flag spawns it back to the home base.

VIP Assassination
One team has a member marked as VIP. He usually has civilian clothing and only basic weapons. The goal of the VIP team is to protect the VIP and get him to an extraction point within the time limit. The opposing team has to prevent this by either killing the VIP or reaching the time limit.

Hostage Rescue
One team holds hostages, the other team tries to rescue those hostages and get them to an extraction point. Killing hostages from either team will be penalized.

Bomb Run
One team gets a bomb which they must plant at one or more locations to blow up the target. The other team has to prevent this.

Basically a symmetric VIP mode. Here both teams have a valuable member, which when killed they loose the round. The difference is that compared to the VIP the valuable member still has full weaponry.

In conquest both teams can conquer "Flags" to change the color to their teams side. Having less flags than the other team means score is reduced. If score reaches zero the round is over.

To be specific, I will firstly need a Co-Leader. There is no possible way to begin such a hard-edged multi-player game, without a Co-Leader. I wish those of you whom do apply, to please be profesional, and have alot of expirence. I need not waste my time with someone whom is not interested in commiting alot of time to UW. If interested for the posistion, please contact me via MSN first, as I am always on. I hope to see some people interested!

MSN: [email protected]
AIM: [email protected]
Holy acronym-buzzword frenzy, Batman !

Sounds like you've put a lot of ideas in to this, but not too much thought... I mean, how useful would a battlecruiser really be in any of those gametypes ?
Perhaps it'd be worth scaling it down a smidge... big ideas are great and everything, but only when presented by a team who gives out an obvious impression that if it can be done, they'll do it.

Start small, get a team together, then add superfluous battlecruisers and aircraft in a later version, after you've got something to prove yourself with. That'd be my nubbish advice.
Oh, I have alot more written, Fluffy. As for it being Counter-Strike and TFC related, I honostley do not see how it is. The maps will not be mainly featured in Urban areas as they were, this will be in dense forests.
Hiya :)
Does this mean you won't be working on Resonance? :eek:
oh, sounds cool ;) all mods can be compared to something else. Infact all games can be compared to something else.
CS is popular for a reson you know, whats the harm in using some of its best features of cs with your own added modes/gameplay ;)

Anyway good luck with your mod!
2d-chris said:
oh, sounds cool ;) all mods can be compared to something else. Infact all games can be compared to something else.
CS is popular for a reson you know, whats the harm in using some of its best features of cs with your own added modes/gameplay ;)

Anyway good luck with your mod!
Cause CS has been done to death. It was a fun game, once. But now the whole concept is old and worn out.

Take Clarky's mod idea for example. Now that is pretty darn original. Might not be for everyone's tastes but if he does it right its gonna be remembered.

the Dawn of the Dead mod. The good one by Brisck1 not the other using the stolen files to develop. Brisck's mod has a chance too. It has interesting types of gameplay in it.

But then there's the CS and TFC clones, the WWI and WWII mods, the Neo/Nuclear type mods. Too much of a good thing ruins it for everyone, moreso the guys spending months working on them only to have the public avoid them.

And coming up at the back the beginning to be overdone cel shaded mods (though in their case not so bad yet)
So when you said "Unconventional warfare", you actually meant "Totally conventional warfare"?

Not to be a total ass, it's just that this style of gameplay has been done to death, and I really mean to death. You've plotted this out, which is good. My advice to you however is this. You are looking to make a mod, so you must be serious about creating games. You have the opportunity of a lifetime here to create fresh, original material. Once you're in the industry, chances like this are rare. Mods have the power to redefine genres, and influence totally new styles of gameplay. Why stick with the tried and true when you have the chance to be original, and make a name for yourself? Why not delve into uncharted territory, try something totally off the wall, something crazy, something no one has ever done before. You've got nothing to lose, and if you do it right, everything to gain.

Good luck to you in whatever route you chose :)
Fenric said:
And coming up at the back the beginning to be overdone cel shaded mods (though in their case not so bad yet)

Hmm, can you link me up? I only know about one cel-shaded mod.
That sounds like you are just copying tons of stuff that has already been done before.

It's CS with a "rank" system, weather (which doesn't add much to gameplay), vehicles as seen in games like Battlefield and Soldner (doesn't sound like any of the gametypes were planned with vehicles in mind), several features copied from TFC (classes, engineer builds things, the "conquest" gametype), weapon upgrades as seen in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. weapon video, and a clone of UT2K4's Bombing Run (maybe with a little Assault mixed in) gametype... you even had the nerve to call it "Bomb Run."
Copying? Excuse me? Many games have weapon upgrades, many games have vehicles, man games have different gametypes. This is one game's idea, not another bringing it to another. Tell me, if every single game was unique, and would be told not to bring vehicles, and other things into the game, how many games would there be? Not many.
i havnt got time to read all that right now, but ill just say this.

to all those people who are complaining about copying from other games and not being 'original', give the guy a break. theres only so much you can come up with that hasnt been done before. original will eventually be a useless word, as we will inevitably run out of original ideas for games. like he says, most games these days have vehicles, Planetside and Battlefield for example, both have vehicles but are totally different. its the same with pretty much everything, from weapons upgrades to gameplay types, most things have been done before, however that doesnt mean that they cant be done again and possibly better.
I'll close this one seeing as you've given up on it :)
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