Uncooperative Woman Tazed

Watched the rest of the vid, and fair enough Raziaar, she was the whiniest bitch on cop tv ever. And that includes that person who rung the cops when a fast food joint refused to serve her.
15357 said:
btw, how much do those "Tasers" cost? I wouldn't mind having one.

about $1300 for the shooting kind IIRC
That police ofiicer should get fired and put under arrest.
The bitch deserved it, although he could have just dragged her out of the car.
bliink said:
I'm pretty sure he didn't do anything wrong
You mean except for the maltreatment? He used far too much violence, he could've just grabbed her arm. If that happened here he would've ended up spending years in prison.
The_Monkey said:
That police ofiicer should get fired and put under arrest.

And you should get tasered!

The officer did nothing wrong. He tried reasoning with the woman, he told her to get out of the vehicle, he tried removing her from the vehicle... then he told her explicitly at the very least three times he was going to taser her if she did not exit the vehicle as he had requested her to.

You don't just oppose an officers orders if it is a lawful one. His was a lawful order, and he took the proper approach in my opinion.

How would you do it? Lean against the door, rest your hand beneath your chin and continue reasoning with the woman when she is obviously resisting his orders?
The_Monkey said:
You mean except for the maltreatment? He used far too much violence, he could've just grabbed her arm. If that happened here he would've ended up spending years in prison.
Grabbing her arm could've resulted in a worse situation, expecially if she had a knife or other weapon on her.

I honestly can't see how you can put any blame on the cop in this situation. He warned her several times, and then only did it after she took a swing at the other cop.
Ok the initial scream was believable, the rest of it was just whinging. "ahh ahh ahh ahha hh". We can all tell the difference between terror screams and 3 year old girl who didn't get ice cream screams.

Either way, i think a little more diplomacy could have been used.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Grabbing her arm could've resulted in a worse situation, expecially if she had a knife or other weapon on her.

I honestly can't see how you can put any blame on the cop in this situation. He warned her several times, and then only did it after she took a swing at the other cop.

Though he did try to bring her from the vehicle using his own force. Look at the video, he does. And this is good, because it proves that the officer is trying the best avenues to bring the woman from her vehicle... first trying to ease her from the vehicle, then when she resists "Don't touch me!" he aims the taser at her.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Grabbing her arm could've resulted in a worse situation, expecially if she had a knife or other weapon on her.

I honestly can't see how you can put any blame on the cop in this situation. He warned her several times, and then only did it after she took a swing at the other cop.
It's not like she had murdered anyone! She had committed a crime that just gives a fine, and the police treats her like she was a terrorist or something. Yes, she was stupid not to exit the car, but that doesn't justify this.
The_Monkey said:
It's not like she had murdered anyone! She had committed a crime that just gives a fine, and the police treats her like she was a terrorist or something. Yes, she was stupid not to exit the car, but that doesn't justify this.
That's not treating someone like a terrorist O.o

How else was he supposed to get her out? The police trainer who narrates it says this is the exact way to deal with the situation. Better than risking pulling her out by hand, better than pepper spraying, better than beating with the baton, etc. The taser only shocks 5 seconds. The narrated version shows that "She has no electricity at this point" and she cries for like 2 minutes after.

Also watch the scene before (the speeding SUV, pull over, etc) She tries to tell him the law, etc, is very rude and disrespectful.
Heh, I thought about it a bit more...

He went too far, but she was being a bitch.. Probably didnt deserve what she got entirely... it was excessive..

I'm torn on the subject. I hate people like her so much, they have no respect for authority at all.... they deserve more than a fine. But admitadly less than a few thousand volts..
I do think the cop had less extreme choices at his disposal.. eg talking to her rather than pointing a weapon at her.
The_Monkey said:
It's not like she had murdered anyone! She had committed a crime that just gives a fine, and the police treats her like she was a terrorist or something. Yes, she was stupid not to exit the car, but that doesn't justify this.

How is the officer supposed to know this? They are trained to treat everybody with a certain degree of suspicion in order to improve their safety as it is a very dangerous job, and police officers get KILLED over traffic stops just like this one. So don't give us your crap about how it isn't justified.

And especially someone who ignores his orders, talks back... he has no idea what to think of the situation, especially with her still in the vehicle.

If he got shot... what would you have said... "pwned!"?
I think considering she told him he pulled her over illegally, called him a racist, called him a liar, said his pulling her over was bullshit, cussed at him, he was right to choose the highest means without being excessive. When someone is that confrontational you've no idea if they're going to get violent when it comes down to having to arrest them.
These situations can, and have in the past gone right from "Yeah, well **** you, you had no right to pull me over..." To the person in the vehicle getting out and shooting at the officer and or killing him/her or putting themself in a situation that the officer kills him/her.








And this cop... this cop was shot in the face during a routine traffic stop.


I can pull up oh so many more if you think traffic stops are not serious buisness that the officer needs to be able to use lawful and reasonable force if the situation starts escalating out of his control.
Raziaar said:
These situations can, and have in the past gone right from "Yeah, well **** you, you had no right to pull me over..." To the person in the vehicle getting out and shooting at the officer and or killing him/her or putting themself in a situation that the officer kills him/her.




And this cop... this cop was shot in the face during a routine traffic stop.


I can pull up oh so many more if you think traffic stops are not serious buisness that the officer needs to be able to use lawful and reasonable force if the situation starts escalating out of his control.

Yeah, some kid from my school was pulled over earlier this year. He pulled out a gun and shot the cop, the cop shot him three times.

Here's the article http://www.officer.com/article/article.jsp?id=19339&siteSection=1

I go to that Circle K in the picture all the time.
SimonomiS said:
Jesus, when does she shut up...

She can't stop screaming, shes being tazed

The fact they are telling her to put her hands behind her back after being tazed is a bit stupid, she would be in shock and be limp as a salmon, I know I've only had a fraction of the voltage run through me, and yet it is numbingly painful

Okay I see what you mean by not shutting up, shes like a baby that forever doesn't shut up
She can't stop screaming, shes being tazed

The fact they are telling her to put her hands behind her back after being tazed is a bit stupid, she would be in shock and be limp as a salmon, I know I've only had a fraction of the voltage run through me, and yet it is numbingly painful

Okay I see what you mean by not shutting up, shes like a baby that forever doesn't shut up
She's only being tazed for 5 seconds after it's shot. The commentary guy says that, to highlight the fact that she's screaming well after anyone would.
She can't stop screaming, shes being tazed

The fact they are telling her to put her hands behind her back after being tazed is a bit stupid, she would be in shock and be limp as a salmon, I know I've only had a fraction of the voltage run through me, and yet it is numbingly painful

Okay I see what you mean by not shutting up, shes like a baby that forever doesn't shut up

You regain full control of your body after 5 seconds or so of being tased.
i don't know what to think....part of me thinks that he was a bit too quick to pull out the gun and should have 'reasoned' with her a little more...but also part of me thinks she was just going to give him mouth all day unless some kind of force would be used
My mom's department is getting issued tazers this year. She has to go to tazer class this month and get shot by one. I keep asking her to let me videotape it, because I'm a sadistic bastard and a horrible son.
The_Monkey said:
That bitch had it coming, she was just trying to make a scene and make people feel guilty for her, and you being weak minded fell for it.
Foxtrot said:
That bitch had it coming, she was just trying to make a scene and make people feel guilty for her, and you being weak minded fell for it.


just kidding...kinda
T.H.C.138 said:

just kidding...kinda
What a whiney bitch, if I was the cop I would had tazered her, then tea bagged her while she was bitching about her boo-boo on the ground.
Little surprised how quickly it went from a routine traffic stop to him tazoring her?

The policeman seemed to open the door, shout get out of the car and then threaten to use the tazor. If i was in that position, i would of reasoned with her a little more then just a few seconds.
Screw the tazers. Pop one in her knee cap for good measure.
The_Monkey said:
It's not like she had murdered anyone! She had committed a crime that just gives a fine, and the police treats her like she was a terrorist or something. Yes, she was stupid not to exit the car, but that doesn't justify this.

But the way she was acting could have lead to a worse situation. Also, there are a lot more painfull and effective ways of getting her out of the car but after he tried the grab and pull and the talking it was taser time!

Edit: Also seems to me like she swung at him a couple times.
pff well it was an inappropiate action but if you take the fact that she deserved it and was given warning then it's acceptable
I'm black and I can afford a lawyer, you can't do this to me! **** off!
She got told she was going to be tazered if she didn't get out, so she deserved it. If he had just done it without telling her then it wouldn't have been very fair.
Foxtrot said:
What a whiney bitch, if I was the cop I would had tazered her, then tea bagged her while she was bitching about her boo-boo on the ground.

Lucky you're not a cop, huh? :upstare: but people, if you watch all the videos you'll realise this was fairly justified; she was speeding, she had no licence plate, a busted tail-light and when the vehicle was indentified her licence had been revoked. If I knew that, I'd assume the worst when she failed to co-operate and took a swing at a fellow officer :|
Woah! OWNED, but really, you can't taze someone for being a bitch just because you have a badge. After talking to her for under a minute he does it. She was really over doing it though.
SupremePain said:
Woah! OWNED, but really, you can't taze someone for being a bitch just because you have a badge. After talking to her for under a minute he does it. She was really over doing it though.

Definately agree, there was no negotiating or reasons with her. He just goes up, demands she get out the car, warns her he'll taze her and then tazes her.
Razor said:
Definately agree, there was no negotiating or reasons with her. He just goes up, demands she get out the car, warns her he'll taze her and then tazes her.
Yeah, he warns her SEVERAL TIMES and she REFUSES TO COOPERATE, then he tazes her.It was obvious he wasn't going to get her to cooperate by talking. A time comes for action.
Just because you give a warning doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. :|

Are you saying he could have said "Get out of the car or I will shoot you with my 9mm Beretta" ? Oh, he warned her, so it's ok! No, stop using that argument, it doesn't work.

It's called unnecessary use of force. The lady was not dangerous sitting in her car. As long as her hands are on the phone or in sight or w/e it's perfectly fine. Such dramatic action didn't have to be taken. Just call in for backup, and continue to tell the lady to get out of the car.