

Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Interesting article up at RockPapershotgun


Apparently neither Crysis or UT3 had particularly stellar sales at all since their release (both sub 100,00 units), which kind of makes you wonder who the hells voting for them as game of the year at Gamespot. :dozey:

On the bright side apparently 'The Witcher' is doing rather well, which is good news as it's rather ace. :D
Very tactful of them to have the black model holding that sign. :P

Interesting, though.
Games I didn't buy:

Didn't buy Orange Box - because I don't have internet to activate it.

didn't buy Bioshock because I don't have internet to activate it.

I didn't buy The Witcher because the system requirements were just barely too high, and I'm not sure I'll like it. PLus it is $50.

I didn't buy Crysis because it was $50, I didn't know for certain if it would be good or not, and I'll probably buy it when I have a better computer and when it's cheaper.

I didn't buy UT3 because I rarely have internet access lately, and I don't really like online games anymore.

I didn't buy Quake Wars : Enemy Territory because I don't have internet access anymore (well, very very rarely)

I didn't buy Need for Speed - Pro Street because Carbon was too arcadey for my tastes.

Games I did buy recently:

Race '07 - it was $20 and I love GTR 2 (from the same developer)

Gears of War - Been wanting this since E3 like 2 years ago. More levels plus editor = sold.

Call of Duty 4
- Had a bunch of 'best of show' type awards, it looked ace, and I liked Call of Duty 1 a bit. Plus the system requirements were in my league.
Crisis is a FAIL without l33t graphics and fake HEV suit its boring game without interesting plot and characters.
UT3 is nearly same as UT2 UT2k3 UT2k4 its like Half-Life Source-some improvements but nothing new.Ahh I forgot about that flying skateboard :P
ET:QW Maybe a good game but it shouldn't be Called Enemy territory....
NFS: Pr0n street only playable on g25
Unreal Torunament 3 deserves more love.

I had an orgasm when I read the manual. So much luvly backstory!
Crysis - not bought it yet but will eventually.

UT3 - ordered it from play.com on 3rd of Dec and still not come.

Are those stats counting internet sales?
UT3 a truly depressing 33,995 - which is less than the number of people who read RPS every pico-second. Yes.

I wonder what Mark Rein has to say! I'm sure there's something on the tip of his tongue that he can't contain.


I knew something was up when I went in to Best Buy a couple Fridays ago, and saw a whole shelf section dedicated to UT3 where only a handful of boxes had been bought.
From what Ive heard the demo wasnt that great (ut3) so maybe that and then impression that you have to have a high end comp to run it. I wish people would do it more like valve does, here I am with a shittastic comp but I can still play ep2 without a problem ( I dont even have directx9). More developers should learn from this.
Maybe now they'll stop making games thats nobody can play due to the graphics, and they'll start making games with good gameplay and story elements.

And wow, UE3 got its ass kicked. Sucks for Epic. They'd be in deep shit if they didnt have gears of war... and werent selling their engine to everyone.
Yea but if its the graphics that keep people from buying than that will change with the ps3 release..
haha krynn, you got some real stats on ps3 owners or what? :p. and isnt it coming to 360? I wish some of these shooters would go to the wii, it would be interesting to see tf2 or u3 with the wii controller.
I didn't buy The Witcher because the system requirements were just barely too high, and I'm not sure I'll like it. PLus it is $50.

There's somewhere in the region of 80 hours of game play in there so for $50 that's a steal and it's winning accolades. There is a demo available (try gamershell).
The Xbox is selling more games then the wii and PS3 combined. So theres your stats.
Yea but from what I remember the Wii is hard to find cause its selling like hotcakes (or they arent producing enough, in order to create that impression). Ofcourse 360 is the must have of this generation though, no doubt sony is getting its ass kicked.
I bought the Witcher for 80 bucks.

Got the game. Bonus materials DVD. Soundtrack. Guide. The novel. A map of the Witcher world. Full metal necklace. Promotion cars. 100 page Bestiary, in full colour and hard cover. 200 page artbook in full colour and hard cover. Large, stylish box to keep it all in.

It's good to be Polish.
Yea but from what I remember the Wii is hard to find cause its selling like hotcakes
So... it's underselling because it's overselling? Sound theory, that.

Honestly though, was anyone really expecting Crysis to sell very well, considering how many people can actually run the damn thing? I think PC developers need to make their expectations of people's systems alot more realistic - just wait and see how well Alan Wake for 360 outsells it's PC counterpart.
haha krynn, you got some real stats on ps3 owners or what? :p.

No, im simply basing that off of how many people I know in real life who have a PS3, which is zero. Thats how I base all my stats :E
So... it's underselling because it's overselling? Sound theory, that.

Yes it sounds stupid out of context from the rest of my post:

(or they arent producing enough, in order to create that impression).

Either way the wii definitely isnt in the lead. Ive gone to stores where there was no wii's whatsoever, but their numbers arent horrible so it makes you wonder if this is like the tickle me elmo phenomenon...

And yea krynn I dont know anyone who owns one either, jebus 600 bucks for a system not even backwards capable anymore? **** it. You could get a nice comp upgrade for that..
Well Nintendo said they COULD make more, but they don't want to risk throwing money at production facilities that end up getting used for just 3 or 4 months before becoming redundant when sales fall off. Which is dumb, the demand for the Wii is ridiculously higher than the 360 and PS3 put together and I can't see the demand waning until at least summer '08.
Really? Well I cant provide a link but can you? I thought wii was in second behind 360, but yes they seem to have a problem with producing enough of them which says alot about sony. What a twist, they were once the king of consoles now they've ****ed themselves with no backwards capability and the high price.
EDIT: yea what stiggy says. it makes no sense whatsoever.
So according to this site, the 360 is leading in America but the Wii owns japan (Article is a tad old, you got a more recent one?):

I guess you got a point there Sea, apparently sony loses money with each system.

But theres no way Nintendo loses near that amount on each system so I dont see why they have such a problem producing more Wiis.
Of course 360 is the must have of this generation though,
I beg to differ. I won't be into consoles yet this generation until:

A)Microsoft deals with the 360 hardware burn-in issues

B)At least more than half of all Sega Genesis, SNES games becomes available on thw Wii's virtual console, OR

C)Sony quits losing out third party dev deals to Microsoft.:P Oh, and the price of the PS3 comes down significantly.:P I'm getting a $1800 income tax next year and it's not going towards wannabe next-gen consoles. Especially the 360.:P
C)Sony quits losing out third party dev deals to Microsoft.:P Oh, and the price of the PS3 comes down significantly.:P

EXACTLY they've lost plenty of support to microsoft. Cause isnt ps3 harder to develop for? And what do you mean by the hardware burn issues?
EXACTLY they've lost plenty of support to microsoft. Cause isnt ps3 harder to develop for? And what do you mean by the hardware burn issues?
You mean "burn-in" failures. Yeah, from all the stories I've been hearing from both close friends and the internet alike, many 360 owners have already went through, or are on their fourth or fifth console due to some hardware fault on Microsoft's behalf.Or they are having to deal with MS's customer support for repairs or replacement. I'd rather not be arsed with such mess ya-know? Shame too, because the 360 undeniably has alot going for it. Anyways, these kind of failures where the hardware was flawed before it even left the assembly line are called "burn-in" failures and I've been hearing too much about it from reliable sources to take the risk.:P
Oh ok. lol this sounds like ps2 all over again, I remember my ps2 not even playing dvds and wouldnt play (or would have difficulty playing) certain games. That sucks though for the people you know, theres no way in hell I would buy more than 2 of any systems if the first didnt work.
The PS3 actually sold slightly more in it's first year than the 360 did, AND it has to compete with 3 other systems, rather than the 360 just competing with the PS2.


Next year is going to be a very big year for the PS3 as far as exclusives and multiplatform titles, so I wouldn't call it dead in the least.

That's an interesting website there. But in terms of the "console race" I can't see the PS3 getting out of last place.

http://vgchartz.com/hwlaunch.php?co...eg2=America&cons3=X360&reg3=America&weeks=400 - # of consoles sold in America

http://vgchartz.com/hwlaunch.php?cons1=Wii&reg1=All&cons2=PS3&reg2=All&cons3=X360&reg3=All&weeks=400 # of consoles sold overall

The Wii shows no sign of slowing down, and the 360 has the advantage of being out an extra year before the PS3. Combine that with Sony's slow start and it'll be very, very tough catching up.
The PS3 doesn't need to beat any other console to be successful, so long as it continues to sell. With it's decreased price and system selling exclusives on the way, it shouldn't have any problems doing just that.