Underwater problem



I have a problem with the way the water looks when you go underwater. In this map, there is an island with water going around on all sides. So, there is one side of the water that has no ground layer. So when you go underwater, there is an entire side that simply shows the sky texture, like so: http://img217.exs.cx/img217/2487/coasthouse1000009ml.jpg

What can I do to fix this?

Another problem:
I am using the waterydeath entity to kill player so they cant go simming off the map. However, when I test it, It kills me just fine, but then when I spawn the game still thinks im underwater and drains my stamina. Anyone else had this problem?

Don't know about the first question, I use cliffs and stuff in the little skybox with the skycamera to have some "ends" of my map :S

The 2nd is a bug in Source and too bad they didn't fix that with the update! I had to lower my water on my map so nobody can't get killed under water :( You can use stiosound in the console to stop the sound and after that go into water and then recharge with a healthcharger and then everything works again :p Hope there will be a fix for this "3 more lines of code"-bug very soon... Tha drawback using stopsound it that sv_cheats has to be on, so others may think u are cheating...

Happy mapping :D

what about making a trigger_hurt entity tied to an ivisible brsh and just setting a hollow box where the walls are where you dont want then to pass and just set the damage to 1000 or somehting.
So has anyone else encountered the underwater problem?
resize your block inward on that side from the top view...maybe it is drawn passed the block which you inserted it...this has happened to me before....all i did was resize my block and then it was fine