Universe Appreciation Thread

The fact that it keeps growing, yet we don't even have an idea about how big it is
This may have been what i was referring to. We don't know how big it is but give it statistics like the 10% thing I said (which I've read somewhere else before). But it's stupid to make such guesses, but like I said, I don't know everything they know when they made this 'guess'.
pobz well thats how a high brow physician explained it on a tv show, simplified of course and he used the example of an identical show being broadcast
what the hell is the universe? like seriously what is the material that makes up the universe? If the universe is in fact something then what is JUST outside of it?

also, this boggles my mind the most: how the hell did something come out of nothing??
It just did. Need proof? Look at literally ANYTHING. Actually, don't look. Just think. THERE IS MORE PROOF! Need even more? If you read this, you've got your proof! HAHAHHAHA!
They say all the matter and energy of the universe is 10% of it's size (again 10% of infinity =/) and "We do know that about 90 percent of the material in the Universe must consist of this invisible 'dark matter' " I believe this had a name starting with an "n" but I forgot exactly.
This isn't the source I learned it from but it's where I found it via google just now http://universe.nasa.gov/press/2003/030429a.html
The Universe isnt exactly infinite. At the point right before the singularity, there was nothing. Space is a factor of the singularity and the expansion is not only an expansion of the "stuff" inside the universe, but of space as well.

If someone had the ability to travel to the edge of the universe, they would end up where they started as the universe bends.

thats what I read at least :)
Actually science doesnt actually know what started of the big bang or if something really did come from nothing. Anything that physicists come up with before the first half a second of time is just a mere hypothetical guess as the current laws of physics simply dont apply before that time.

And as far as i understand it the universe is indeed finite but its so vast that it simply appears to the human mind to be infinite.