Unleash the Hounds: Starcraft II Beta begins

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try to tank them with roaches, and NP them with infestors
This is the correct answer.

Lame-o, if I had a key to give, I would, because that image series made me laugh like a maniac. 2 hours of sleep -___-
I am in silver and I keep getting people from gold and such... I think if I play some more 1v1 games I'll graduate from silver soon, but I keep playing 2v2. We're still bronze in 2v2 but I think we're only a few games from getting to silver. We're ranked 3 or 4 last I checked. We almost rarely ever play anyone who isn't slightly favored or favored against us though.
FWIW, I wouldn't make roaches to counter the Thors....the Roach has a range of 3 while the Thor is, what, range 7!? Plus, he will more than likely have quite a few Marauders in front, which they will just walk up as close to the roaches as possible, then they can't hit the thor.

Flank with lings if possible. If not, then try to get some Infestors to Fungal growth the Marauders and marines, then if you can, Neural parasite the Thor. A simple "Tank them with Roaches" isn't going to be as easy as some people are stating...

*EDIT* I'm not saying DON'T MAKE ROACHES, just don't make them for that reason. Use them in conjunction with Hydras and Infestors and Lings. That is a GREAT army composition.

*EDIT2* @ StarBob - I'm the same way. I play very few 1v1's anymore. I'm more of a 2v2. I'm in Gold and/or Plat *depending who I'm playing with*
Hydra/Ling is monstrously deadly, especially with the range upgrade. I don't even mind that hydras are tier 2 now, it just gives me a reason to improve my ling micro.
Yeah, although it's very gas-heavy. Good if you need to play defensive and throw up some crawlers to balance your economy out.
what sort of upgrades do you guys get with roach/hydra or ling/hydra?
Ling speed and Hydra range are an absolute must. Attack/armor upgrades depend on the opponent's army. +missile if the enemy is going for an air build. +armor if they're massing smaller units or Mutas (armor and its upgrades are most effective against weak attacks). +melee if I'm flanking their base or big ground units with Lings. Beyond that, I don't have any strategy :p
I've found that in 1v1 or 2v2, if you can manage to churn out some helions for an early rush, you can beat any tier one units without losing anything. The only problem is, they can't really destroy a building at all... so you pretty much just have to hope they're not walled in and take out all the units you can while you get marauders. It really works better in 2v2. I can't tell you how many zergling blobs and marine masses I melted with upgraded helions. The thing is you HAVE to micro them in to close proximity to be as awesome. They work best against zerglings and zealots because of this.

About the time I realized how to make this an early attack, everyone else started doing it too. Before that I prolly saw like 3 helions in any match. Also if you get a siege tank, 2-3 helions and a bunker to seal your front entrance, there's not a feasible number of light ground units that can get through. It's a great way to wall in cheap and build the sea of vikings necessary to stop void rays and fly around doing awesome things.

I don't really post anything relevant to other posts in this thread, I just type things I figure out.
Looks like there's going to be another full reset soon. Joy. Hopefully with this next patch we'll finally see the 3v3 and 4v4 maps. \o/!
Just smashed through the copper ladder pretty much exclusively doing 8 pool 6 zerg rush harassment strategies.

Just nevar let them expand or tech. Gotta love zerglings.
Pepa Quin, I've been following this guy for a while now. The stuff he makes with LEGO are just brilliant!
He just finished making a bunch of zerglings!



Check out his whole SC2 collection

His entire LEGO collection is nothing short of amazing and if you like LEGO you will most assuredly enjoy checking out all of his stuff.
Ha, I can't imagine something that's going to be more helpful to me D:
Tried it and it's really not helpful at all unless you really need help in knowing how to move a probe, which is what you will be focused on the entire time.
yeah, tried it a couple times and that probe kept dying even when I was fully controlling it
I've been practicing with the original since it plays much better for me right now and after a few times I've definitely been able to do it better. It's supposed to help you train to be more effective with hotkeys and control groups.
And you do spend a lot of time looking at the probe.
I'm confused by the "This can't help cause you're staring at the probe for so long.

Good luck staring at the probe trying to defend your base from drops too.

If you find it too easy, play on another difficulty.
how do you zerg players deal with a terran army that has a really good composition? I'm talking about a bunch of siege tanks in the back, marines and marauders up front, and vikings in the air. I've lost a few games to people that had almost exactly the same army.
Ling, Infestor, Roach and Hydra would work well. Lings to come up to the tanks if possible, otherwise to be general meat shields, infestors will help a lot with the infantry and hydras are great dmg dealers. Best case for you is to flank the tanks with a chunk of your lings.

*EDIT* or use the Hydras to take out the vikings and use Broodlords to just rape.
I usually don't quite have broodlords by that point, but I'm trying to get them faster in long games since they are pretty awesome.

edit: awesome, I'm in the copper league and get matched against a platinum league player. Funny thing is, I was wiping his base out when he attacked me with his marine and marauder army and won
Base Trading, so terrible.

Also, yeah, broodlords are late game things. So my first suggestion will do it. Usually if they have tanks with that composition, they are lacking in another, probably marauders, so more roaches would work. Unless they have more marauders, then more lings :D
If Terran goes to tanks your hydras will get demolished. You really need to split your forces and make sure hydras are in an arch and not in a ball.

I usually go something like muta/ling and maybe some roaches, mutas depend on the amount of vikings (if he has more I won't make them), then have all of them in seperate control groups, first put roaches to attack to absorp the first siege hit, during this mutas go to the back to get the tanks and after the first hits lings run to marauders or tanks if I didn't have mutas. Just remember to move your roaches in melee range of the marauders, that tank splash works both ways. And of course this won't work if he's turtilng, and you should not push if he's turtling.
The best way to beat any good composition is with a good composition of your own.

It's so much fun playing with Vikings though... you can dodge things that only hit air or ground and do fantastic hit and run tactics. In a game (that we ultimately lost) I Was flying around wiping out expansions and vanishing before the swarm of zerglings showed up. Of course my team mate was alreay dead and my base was wiped out by a swarm of ultralisks - which are apparently invincible unless you have 40 BCs or something.
ultralisks are VERY costly to make half bad use of, they are also very large, block their own units, or get blocked by other units, and fall VERY quickly to any armored damage, such as marauder.

If I recall, 3/3 4 marauder can kill a single ultralisk charging at them, with the ultra killing 1, MAYBE 2+ if you did not spread your marauders. This is if you let your marauders sit tight instead of concussive shell kiting.

I didn't have any mauraders... I had gone for a helions and siege tanks then vikings.

You know you can use helions to kite things around while a siege tank beats them up? Not to mention helions literally melt any light units in 1-2 shots. That's fun for anti-rush-swarm
The way I see it is while helions have their uses early-earlymid game, their effectiveness diminishes very quickly as the zerg starts to pump out more durable, or better ranged units, such as roaches and hydras.

Also, helions can't very effectively shoot and kite a speedling on creep, which is likely to happen mid-late game.

Though I am having trouble dealing with tanks at the moment, I have yet to see anyone use them well, and tonight, I encountered a terran who fast teched to siege mode and wtf pwned me.
Yeah I use Helions for early game anti-mass support and, if they don't wall properly, you can take out every worker in a few seconds with smart micro. That can happen at any point in the game. Can't think of a better way to spend 400 minerals (plus the igniter bonus). And it's never bad to have a tech bay factory for sieges no matter what you're going for... at least for defense.
I think my micro is lacking the most right now. I've lost a couple big fights just because the other person was microing better

Is there a way to tell your units to spread out and make the arc without just letting them sit there for a bit?
Yeah, select a small chunk, send them to the side, another small chunk and move, etc etc
It's weird that Starcraft doesn't have a spread button like so many other RTS games... especially when splash damage and AOE are such prominent weapons ... I suppose it would make those effects much less effective with competant players.
You think the hardcore SC1 guys are bitching too much now? Give an easy button to auto micro and you'll have a riot.

I'm with them BTW. It would be silly to hit 1 button and instantly save your army from splash. Micro is how we separate the good from the better.
Hardcore gamers are idiots. Surely winning in a strategy game should be about strategy and tactics, not who is able to issue 5 orders a second in order to spread out their units. Even Tiberian Dawn had a scatter button.
Why do you think SC1 is the most popular RTS around? I'll give you a hint, it's not because people can scatter with a push of a button.

*EDIT* and it takes hardly any clicks at all to spread your units for an arc.

Drag 1/3 of army, click to the left. Then on the other side, pick the next 1/3 and move to the right. SUCCESS.
IMO a scatter button would most likely screw you up more than anything.
*click scatter* watches as your guys go space themselves out while the enemy keeps attacking, and microing his forces in the back around to get more coverage on your now almost dead army.

I like having to micro my army the way I want them to be microed.

Riomhaire, speed is an important part of any RTS. If you are able to micro with excellent speed and issue 5 orders a second you're also going to have the ability it takes to move quickly from base to base, expanding, building, and upgrading the things you need in order to win.

If you really want to play casually you should try out the Practice League.
Hardcore gamers are idiots. Surely winning in a strategy game should be about strategy and tactics, not who is able to issue 5 orders a second in order to spread out their units. Even Tiberian Dawn had a scatter button.
I mostly agree with this, but in terms of strategy games with careful balance like SC1 and SC2, putting all the gameplay into macro would make even the slightest imbalance in map design or tech trees absolutely devastating.

Also what Quix said. It would be really difficult to code AI algorithms that spread forces properly, optimally, without errors.
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