Unlocking!!!! Good luck guys!

LOL, I wonder what will take longer. The preload or the unlock!
im on 52% atm :D!

on a mega go slow, servers must be lagging! but w00t this is amazing dead excited
63%. its taking a while.. damn. Will probably be finished by the time this post gets through
What's the whole unlocking shimozzle like? It's 6:41pm now and I have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.

I havent felt this excited in almost 10 years. THis is unbelievable. I can't believe that in almost 10 minutes I'll be playing this marvelous piece of technology. Good luck everyone. It's almost our time.
82% and not moving :(
wait, its done!! OMG ITS DONE
lol no one is posting, everyone's tryign to get the game up :) I feel nice and relaxed (picking the game up at retail tomorrow)
Im still just downloading silver version on steam about 30hrs to go, or could be longer the servers have come to a standstill now!
82% and waiting. There is HD activity as well as download I believe, so there is still life in it.
AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH............validating 33% complete

(but wOoOt it's actually HERE :E )

See you boys when I've played it thru;)
am being greedy, I have HL2 ready and now am downloadin HL: Source :D

Soz for takin up uneccessary bandwidth ahwell u will all get it eventually!!