Unlocking Half-Life 2... sounds dodgy.

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On a little well known torrent site there's an 'unlock HL2' crack that says it will unlock the game if you have preload 7 and have properly pre-ordered on Steam. Says you need Steam logged in and open to work... sounds very dodgy to me. Have Valve uploaded the exes/source code in preload 7? This is more of a warning to everyone that might get fooled by this because it doesn't sound legit to me (maybe a account stealer or something) so watch out. I'd be suprised if this was real...
Sounds like a virus to me... or Valve trying to entice people. Probably just reports your Steam account to them or something.
i didnt even finish reading your comment and i already wanna scream FORGET ABOUT IT. it doesn't work the game aint out yet.
silverstealth89 said:
i didnt even finish reading your comment and i already wanna scream FORGET ABOUT IT. it doesn't work the game aint out yet.

Well there you go, if you read the post properly you'd know it was more of a warning to people than "omg it's unlocked". My first reaction was obviously it's fake and I still believe that 'till I see it. I would like to know the contents of Phase 7 though, I know it was localised content but what about exes/game code?
Such a scam lol. Someone posted a picture of it on neowin. Have steam open already logged into your account and it still asks for your login name and password? Nice try.
It is not a virus. It simply takes your steam account name and password and sends it to a certain computer.
Cyb3rac1d said:
Such a scam lol. Someone posted a picture of it on neowin. Have steam open already logged into your account and it still asks for your login name and password? Nice try.

Do you have a link for this please?
There'll be so many taken in by it, which is a shame if they lose their account info, even if they are stupid enough to use it, it's not nice for anyone that has paid for the game if they lose their account. I suppose it's more believable with the last few preloads coming up before release...
it's real man! it works, i'm like playing hl2 right now.
destrukt said:
it's real man! it works, i'm like playing hl2 right now.
OMG i just tried it and it works!!!!

Urm. :cheese:
Funny when people say "I'm playing it" and don't post any pics. It's also funny when people take the mickey.
rail0r said:
Well there you go, if you read the post properly you'd know it was more of a warning to people than "omg it's unlocked". My first reaction was obviously it's fake and I still believe that 'till I see it. I would like to know the contents of Phase 7 though, I know it was localised content but what about exes/game code?
you should click on update news
This is lame, How can it crack it if the full program isn't on the computer?
If it is trying to unlock it with you account open it is so gonna steal you account and probably give you a virus, if not report you...
The VALVe-rogue is at work, my friends! Hurry now, grab what he gives you, for evil forces are at work!
its a fake, possibly a virus. We've started to crack down on newbies begging for it over at hl2w....theyre really desperate its sad, just wait till the 16th i say.
Yeah, thats what I'm doing, I've waited 600 odd days so 8 will be a breeze (hopefully)
rail0r said:
There'll be so many taken in by it, which is a shame if they lose their account info, even if they are stupid enough to use it, it's not nice for anyone that has paid for the game if they lose their account. I suppose it's more believable with the last few preloads coming up before release...

Exactly what I was thinking.

Some people on the net are bound to use it unfortunatly.
If any body is stupid enough to download that, they can. All it will probably do is ban their CD key for HL2, and they just wasted $59.99.
Dr.breen said:
Yeah, thats what I'm doing, I've waited 600 odd days so 8 will be a breeze (hopefully)
I'm afraid the next 6 days will be exponentially worse.. ;)
That would be awesome if Valve was responcible...

I smell 4th (3rd?) test!

Heh... No..
watch it be real and the few stupid enough to d/l it are the ones playing it and don't know how to screen shot the game :p
goldenboi said:
VALVe is trying to catch illego amigos

I don't think that Valve could do that legally. I think it's called entrapment. It's probably just some fool stealing account info and selling it on Ebay.
Solver said:
It is not a virus. It simply takes your steam account name and password and sends it to a certain computer.
That is a virus - a Trojan to be exact.
All I can say on this matter, if kids are downloading this trying to play HL2 for free and it steals their account info.... GOOD!!!!! Serves their stealing asses right for trying to not pay for the game.
from what i know, everything on suprnova is actually what it claims to be.

but ill play it safe and stay away.
cyberpitz said:
watch it be real and the few stupid enough to d/l it are the ones playing it and don't know how to screen shot the game :p
That would suck
come on people ..... if its real give the screenshots..... otherwise shut up
It's not real. I can't believe anyone would fall for this.
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