Unofficial Weekly Art Contest #1

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Jun 5, 2004
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Unofficial Weekly Art Contest #1

Okay, so I have an idea. Tim8604 seemed to have dissappeared (I really hope he is okay) and The Dark Elf is on leave temporarily... so we haven't seen the Art Contest around here in a long while. So I thought, why not make an unofficial one? I used to love the old ones, and I'd gladly put out a new thread every week.

So what do you think? I'm going to try it out for one contest, and if it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out. If any member of the staff would rather do this, by all means please do. (And no, this isn't a ploy to become a moderator, I'd rather not be one) I think that one person should be in charge of making the threads each week, however, since it would get hectic with more than one person. I'll gladly do it, but if that is a problem then I won't. And if any of the staff feels that this will cause problems, I would be fine with stopping.

I've made some rules, just for the first one. If anyone has suggestions/additions/changes to these rules, then we can go by them instead. I used the rules and format from the old Art Contests, but I also have some of my own that I thought fit.

The contest will start every Friday, and will be due before the next Friday. (Since a lot of people said that 5 days was too short). The voting will take place Friday-Sunday. There would be an overlap of votes and next week's contest, so if you want to make a suggestion, you should do it before Friday.


The Gman's Colleague
Make a sidekick for the Gman. He can be of any style (mysterious, scary, etc.), but be sure to make it "fit" with the Gman's persona in some way.

Thanks to Suicide42 for his idea in the Art Contest Ideas thread.

(I personally liked this idea, but if everyone is opposed to it we can change it. After this one we would go by a suggestion in one of these threads by a forum member)

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1.) Follow all of the Forum Rules
2.) Stick to the topic
3.) Don't steal other's work
4.) You can submit more than once, but please don't spam with too many
5.) Any medium may be used (pencil, paint, digital)
6.) Be respectful to others
7.) Submissions are due before the Friday after this contest begins
8.) Submit your entrees in this thread, either by attaching them or uploading them to your own webspace

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Submissions are due before Friday, October 20th.

Voting will take place Friday through Sunday

Good luck and please post ideas for next week's contest!
Nice idea. I would have a go but I don't get enough free time, and if I got started I'd have to make a good job of it, being a perfectionist n all ;)
Sorry to post it like this, especially to say its the first post. But I seriously think you need to stop having Half-Life 2 art related contests. Mainly because they suck dick.

Its nice to see someone trying to get it back up. But I think you should leave it to the admins or ask them to make a Official post about it.

I will take part if people stop having Half-Life 2 related subjects like make Gordon a Car and especially not Make G-Man a side kick.

Ichi, I wasn't planning on making it this HL2 related only. I figured that the first one should be HL2 related, though.

Actually, I was thinking about making the contest one of your cool ideas from the Art Contest Ideas thread, but since it was the first one, I thought it might be better suited as an HL2 one.

Thanks for the support, though. And same to you, Cr0m. I know I'll be entering, and I hope that some more people will be too :D And Ichi, will you reconsider if we do an non-HL related subject next time around? (or even this time, if enough people hate this idea)
YAY! finally something to do! :D im definately going to enter, just wait. and next time a mod sees this, can he delete all these posts? even if its unofficial it should still be clean ;) that is if Erestheux doesnt mind.

anyway, thanks Erestheux, i was waiting for someone to do this ;)
Yay! Thanks Suicide! I had honestly thought that people would be angry with me for this.

About the posts, though. I don't think they should be deleted, since that would require making another Discussion thread. Since its Unofficial, I think it would work better if it there was two threads, one for discussion and entrants, and the other for votes and more discussion. Just because they can't be stickied (unless a mod wants to do that for us? :angel:). And I would repost all of the submissions in the voting thread :) Although, if everyone likes it better with a discussion thread, that'd be fine with me :)

Thanks for entering, at least now I know I'll have some competition! :D
ok. i wont enter tonight, as im too tired. but ill most likely do a funny flash cartoon at 2 in the morning tommorrow or something. definately going to enter, even if no-one else does :P
Great idea, and thanks!

I already have an idea for my entry!
well the only thing stopping the new art contest from starting was I needed Munro to create some extra sections first, which he's been too busy to I guess. So until those happen the art contest wont continue, not at that level anyway. Shame too, woulda been fun :p
The Dark Elf said:
well the only thing stopping the new art contest from starting was I needed Munro to create some extra sections first, which he's been too busy to I guess. So until those happen the art contest wont continue, not at that level anyway. Shame too, woulda been fun :p

That is dissappointing. I say we all attack Munro and force him to create the new sections!! I want my art contests back!! ;( ;( IRC, here I come!! GAHH!

In the meantime, do you have any problem with this one, Dark Elf?
well im on leave right now, trying not to care about the goings on of the site for a while, so you'll have to ask another member of staff about that.
ComradeBadger said that the Art Contests will be "soon."

Then he said he didn't know when.

He also said that the Unofficial ones are okay.

I didn't talk to Munro :(
Erestheux said:
ComradeBadger said that the Art Contests will be "soon."

Then he said he didn't know when.

He also said that the Unofficial ones are okay.

I didn't talk to Munro :(
I see.. well I don't know if Badger has one of his own planned or not. So I dunno really whats going on. All I know is Munro liked the plan I had, then he got busy with work and it was forgotton, then I took a break a few weeks later. So its up in the air right now I suppose.
Entree #1

Here is my entree. I tried my best, but now that I think of it- I think the Gman is best left solo.

However, I would really love to see what you guys came up with. :D


By the way, it says that they are due Friday, October 20th. I meant Friday, October 22nd :) (If anyone is actually going to submit anything)

Post any ideas you may have for the next contest (including The Dark Elf saying "NO NEXT ONE! WE HAVE THE OFFICIAL ONE!" :D :D :D)
Whoa, blows me away :D

More people need to submit, its all due tomorrow!!! :( :( :(

And any ideas on the next one, or if I should even bother? :( Maybe if its non-HL related, then more people will submit, or something. Here are some ideas:
Comic strip (comedic or not?)
Caracatures (perhaps submitting an image and having people draw caracatures of it?)
Ichi's ideas were really cool :)

Tell me if I should bother. :)
Might awell sticky this since I guess the neat other art contest idea isn't going to happen just yet *grumbles*
Damn, damn, damn. If only I'd known about this sooner. I'm in an internet cafe in Rhodes right now so no time to enter. There'll be next time, you haven't seen the last of me, if it wasn't for those meddling kids, etc.
Thanks a lot Dark Elf :) But I really hope the new ones happen soon... *cough* Munro :hmph: *cough*

Since there are only 2 submissions, I'll wait a bit more (until late tonight) to make the voting thread. We also need ideas for next week's (which should start today), so please make them, I don't have any real good ones of my own. :(

I had this idea, since elections are coming up soon. But I dunno how much people would enjoy it. How about making a political cartoon, comic, or caracature?

Sorry, Sulkdodds, maybe you could whip something up today, or just join us in next week's? Any ideas?
Next week, methinks. I'm about to go out to a restaurant.
Well, I was going to do alot more, but lost time.

My idea was the same this as Erestheux's :p

Kinda funny how that happened.

Well, here it is.

Nice robot vengeta ;) he looks like the kind of robot that everyone says "aww, how cute" then it bites your head off.

im entering soon (well, depends when voting starts...)
I will make one too

one serious and one funny

thanks good this contest back

EDIT: amybe just 1 funny :P
I made this few minutes ago

I hope you like it
lo, i like it RJMC!!! that monkey looks hilarious :) no doubt there will be a mod to make the antlions appear as monkeys and the antlion bait or whatever banannas :D
Please vote for the winner in this thread.

Sorry, RJMC and Suicide42, you were both a bit late in entering, since the entrants were due Friday. I stayed up till 2 in the morning last night waiting, too :P But you guys should enter next week's contest.

Look at next week's contest here.
Erestheux said:
Please vote for the winner in this thread.

Sorry, RJMC and Suicide42, you were both a bit late in entering, since the entrants were due Friday. I stayed up till 2 in the morning last night waiting, too :P But you guys should enter next week's contest.

Look at next week's contest here.

basically, i HAVE entered contest #2, but i havent found a site to host it yet.
Erestheux said:
Please vote for the winner in this thread.

Sorry, RJMC and Suicide42, you were both a bit late in entering, since the entrants were due Friday. I stayed up till 2 in the morning last night waiting, too :P But you guys should enter next week's contest.

Look at next week's contest here.

Locking the thread then since this one is closed I guess.
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