UT2k6/7 will be on the new engine.

along with some "Unnamed" game....
i had the same LOTR feeling too, beautiful setting with amazing and awesome creatures.
That made my mouth drop REALY thats awsome why can't 2006 come sooner :hmph:
Looks totally amazing but really this is such a tease if the games coming out in 2006/2007.
ahhwell atleast they arent bothering, and wasting their time to make demo content but use actual models from their next game fransize in the demonstrations.
the shots are good but not quiet as good as the first ones. or maybe im just getting spoiled :D
HatRabit said:
the shots are good but not quiet as good as the first ones. or maybe im just getting spoiled :D
I would like to see these unscanned and in the same resolution as the rest. I am sure it would look awsome
This is awesome, awesome stuff. I'm putting it on me desktop.

But still, the alien doesn't fit the setting. And you know why? No camoflauge. :P
He's all geared up to appear in one of Doom 3's levels, and here he is in the idyllic countryside at noon.
Mechagodzilla said:
This is awesome, awesome stuff. I'm putting it on me desktop.

But still, the alien doesn't fit the setting. And you know why? No camoflauge. :P
He's all geared up to appear in one of Doom 3's levels, and here he is in the idyllic countryside at noon.
I am quite sure its normal to see a big geared up creature like that to walk trough the wilderniss like that in their next game
EVIL said:
I am quite sure its normal to see a big geared up creature like that to walk trough the wilderniss like that in their next game

..in their next game? You mean, it's not normal that I've been seeing those creatures in real life, on a daily basis, when I walk through my property? :O
I'm just saying that my elephant-tank monster would be painted with russian tiger-stripe camo, instead of wearing a huge black and red target. :)
You have an elephant-tank monster? I'm jealous ;(
I wont tell anything about my "SNAIL OF DOOM" because that would make you all jealous
None of those beats can compare to mine

Flossy, the West-Highland Terrier
Does your West-Highland Terrier have anti-armor capabilities?
or a fly swapper? I think not! but to get back on topic. I wonder if this is low quality by the time the game is out. I am sure they will save the ultra high quality function behind closed curtains
Come to think of it, since Unreal 3 is reliant on technology that doesn't even exist commercially yet, they might as well have shown us anything and we'd have no way of telling if it was possible or just a glorified render. :P
Oh no, leave the conspiracy theories at home, where they are safe from government rays!

But still, I could make a billion-poly spaceship in 3dsMax and call it the videogame of the future set to come out in 2012.
Well, theoretically. (I have no modelling skill.)
LOL< its impossible to be a hoex befre you even think about it. It was moved around and done in realtime at all the presentations. They are not noobs like Valve and record demos.

It will take about two or three years until it's released. Who the **** cares. HL2 hasn't even been released yet, most people haven't played Doom 3, and everyone is already looking to the horizon for "next-gen" games...
The video's was to save time, HL² had presentations all day long on E³ so it would have been pretty much impossible to play it every single time, Unreal engine 3.0 presentation was something @ big presentations where the presentation was being displayed a couple of times a day instead of every 30 minutes.
I wonder how much improvement the 512 mb line of cards will give the engine. Probably not much, but the card companies are catching up to this technology very quickly.
absolutely stunning... I just got done with Doom3, bring on the graphical bliss of Unreal3 :D

it looks... .real?
and that just shows bumpmapping can work outside too :D
Sedako said:
I wonder how much improvement the 512 mb line of cards will give the engine. Probably not much, but the card companies are catching up to this technology very quickly.
I remember me e-mailing valve about that and they replied that once 512 mb video cards are you they will release artwork like higher resolution textures etc so your 512 mb card has some graphical advantages over lower memory cards
You guys are overreacting., Yes the engine looks f*cking insane. But it's not much closer to realism than other engines. Yes it has amazing upcloase things. But what I want to see in engines, and what we'll have to have to be near photo realism is detail all the way out.


in the forground it looks great, but in the background it's obvious that it's jsut a texture on the ground and stuff. And if you use binoculars to zoom in on it, you'll still just have a texture on the ground. Look outside. there is that intricate detail as far as you can see. That's what I want.

do this is the only engine of its class in development?

I hav hear about a game that will be of the next generation and sure will look very good also
the game is called darksector
Don't worry about the hardware: games with these engines will probably be released somewhere in 2006. That is 2 years from now. In 2006 the X800XT/6800Ultra will be low budget cards. :)

The tech demos were running on a 6800 and getting around 20 fps right?
Holy shit, look at the grapics, OMFG!!!
It requires a pentium 7. 12 gigs of 51200 ram. geforce SUV 99000. and 1 terrabyte of hd space.