McFly said:
It requires a pentium 7. 12 gigs of 51200 ram. geforce SUV 99000. and 1 terrabyte of hd space.

Sounds about right to me... I hope my 15000 pro can handle it.
Only the upcoming AMD Orville 9000 has the processing power to handle Unreal 3. Its a fact.
McFly said:
It requires a pentium 7. 12 gigs of 51200 ram. geforce SUV 99000. and 1 terrabyte of hd space.

Deadline said:
Sounds about right to me... I hope my 15000 pro can handle it.

manny_c44 said:
Only the upcoming AMD Orville 9000 has the processing power to handle Unreal 3. Its a fact.

Agreed! :cheers:
sharp said:
Don't worry about the hardware: games with these engines will probably be released somewhere in 2006. That is 2 years from now. In 2006 the X800XT/6800Ultra will be low budget cards. :)

The tech demos were running on a 6800 and getting around 20 fps right?

thats really depressing :( ive got a 9800 pro now, and in 2 years (which in anything other than the pc world, is not a very long time) it will be worth next to nothing. bummer.
Holy Cheeseburger Batman!

That really is just amazing, pretty soon the outside world will be obsolete (sp?)
Epic said their next game that uses UE3 tech wont be set in the Unreal Universe.
SnowBall said:
Epic said their next game that uses UE3 tech wont be set in the Unreal Universe.

It will be good to start something new. Hopfully it will be good. It gets really boring with pritty much the ame game been developed every year :(
Are computers making a big leap tech wise within these next 4 years??? reason I ask is cause I bought a 1.7 P4 gateway with all the trimmings about 4 years ago and I still can use it for almost anything.... all ive done to it is upgrade to a 9800 pro within these past 4 years and I can even play farcry and doom on it pretty dam well. So my point being is why wont the new system I bought now beable to play games like my old one has 4 years from now???? Or am I missing something??
Wonder if what we've seen is purely for demonstrative purposes or whether some of these monstrous beasties will be part of this "non-Unreal" game. As for the guy who says they look like action figures, I actually agree to some level; during the videos, it sometimes felt more like I'm watching claymation than a render. Where have all the pixels gone?!

Problem with photorealism, is that once one engine hits that point, all other games with photorealism will be identical. Completely identical- real life is real life. A lot of the distinction between games will go down the plug, and then afterward the next big step will be VR; simulations undistinguishable from reality.
Edcrab said:
Wonder if what we've seen is purely for demonstrative purposes or whether some of these monstrous beasties will be part of this "non-Unreal" game. As for the guy who says they look like action figures, I actually agree to some level; during the videos, it sometimes felt more like I'm watching claymation than a render. Where have all the pixels gone?!

Problem with photorealism, is that once one engine hits that point, all other games with photorealism will be identical. Completely identical- real life is real life. A lot of the distinction between games will go down the plug, and then afterward the next big step will be VR; simulations undistinguishable from reality.

VR simulations just like reality are at LEAST 50 years away.
I'd say far more myself. Even a "game" that could transmit directly to the core of the brain would still feel dreamlike, i.e., recognisable from the real world. Besides, all VR games would instantly be rated "adults-only", if they didn't get completely banned immediatly. A game that could literally teach how to kill...

An Unreal 3 engine game will surely be years away, so while brilliant looking comparing it to current releases is rather unfair. UE3 will be a next-next-generation game, when we're still wondering how we survived with a measly two gigs of ram.
Edcrab said:
Problem with photorealism, is that once one engine hits that point, all other games with photorealism will be identical. Completely identical- real life is real life. A lot of the distinction between games will go down the plug, and then afterward the next big step will be VR; simulations undistinguishable from reality.
So, no difference in graphics? OH MY GOD! What will game developers use to draw people to their games?!? Original gameplay?

I'll believe that when I see it.
Graphics are stupendous, however as we have learned with Doom3, eye-bleeding graphical bliss still isnt enough to make it a great game.

heres hoping Epic Games (who dont quite have the great gameplay track record) can pull off something as fun to play as their technology is awesome to look at.

edit: should have read the next page, ditto OCybrManO
Holy motherfricking momma. Photo-realism. That head, I thought it was clay at first it looked so real. :P

And on DOOM3, I have a 9800 Pro and I'm playing 1280x1024 @ High.
KidRock said:
VR simulations just like reality are at LEAST 50 years away.

I dont think they are that far away dunno. Maybe around 25 years.
hmm, i dunno about yall, but the grass and the trees look like crap to me. err maybe not that bad, but they definitly dont look impressive.
Mac said:
hmm, i dunno about yall, but the grass and the trees look like crap to me. err maybe not that bad, but they definitly dont look impressive.

what are you smoking?
Deadline said:
what are you smoking?

Exactly what i was thinking.

You sure your monitor doesnt suck or your eyes? Go get a check up :/ :dozey:
Raziel-Jcd said:
Exactly what i was thinking.

You sure your monitor doesnt suck or your eyes? Go get a check up :/ :dozey:

i cant quite put my finger on it, but the grass just doesnt look that detailed, or any of the shrubbery.

could just be a bad ss though.
Well in his defence the trees look slightly toned down- the branches look over simplified, but the fact is a lot of dead trees do look like that (one on left I mean), being bereft of smaller, more brittle branches as they decay. And yes, it could pass for clay.
Mac said:
i cant quite put my finger on it, but the grass just doesnt look that detailed, or any of the shrubbery.

could just be a bad ss though.

edit: looks like its a painting, is the best way i can describe it.

edit2: err quote != edit :(
I've been around since Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. Every time a new engine is released, everyone is creaming their pants and saying how it's the the greatest thing they've ever seen. Doom's graphics blew everyone away, even though they are rather pathetic by today's starndards. Then came Quake, Unreal and others. And so on. In two years, everyone will have forgotten about Unreal 3 because everyone will hyped up about Stalker 2 or whatever.

And may I remind you that Unreal3's impressive engine matters jack and shit until we can actually play it.
Cybernoid said:
I've been around since Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. Every time a new engine is released, everyone is creaming their pants and saying how it's the the greatest thing they've ever seen. Doom's graphics blew everyone away, even though they are rather pathetic by today's starndards. Then came Quake, Unreal and others. And so on. In two years, everyone will have forgotten about Unreal 3 because everyone will hyped up about Stalker 2 or whatever.

And may I remind you that Unreal3's impressive engine matters jack and shit until we can actually play it.

I will have to agree.
And may I remind you that Unreal3's impressive engine matters jack and shit until we can actually play it.
True, except that it means I get a spiffy desktop background. :)
Well John Carmack said he already started writing his next rendering engine..... Can't wait for that in like 2 years :) So when UE3 engine game is out, John Carmack will show the new screens of his engine and blow it away. Lovely cycle....

They look totally kick ass though. :)

In all honesty, do you guys really want all this shit like indistinguishable from reality, photo realism and such? Me? When I play a game, I am glad to know it's just a game. Considering we had enough problems with senators complaining that games encouraged violent behavior, now imagine a photo realistic VR simulator of Counter-Strike even you said "indistinguishable from reality"... Now think of all the problems.

I think the tech is cool but I really don't want to see realistic blood, guts and shit flying everywhere.... I mean if it's photo realistic and you have another human player you go up and shoot it, you don't think that will be disturbing? IDK why that kind of stuff pokes me the wrong way, but it does.... I think games should be games, nothing more... Just fun little things to do and the eye candy is welcome, but I don't think it should go the very extremes.

I don't know what I'm trying to prove or anything the engine looks fantastic and I can't wait for the next leap :D

Oh and BTW if we have photo-realistic fantasy scenarios with like those alien things I would be more than happy to blow them up ;)