Unreal Tournament 3 PC Demo!

Nice! I'm assuming you need SM 3.0 though?

Edit - 9600 Pro or better. :D I'll give it a go then.
not even a gig? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

and christ, 70 minute wait, capped at 250Kb/s

ah well, what else is work good for if not doing stuff you would normally be too lazy to do
my roommate is downloading it, ill play it once he's got it
Downloading momentarily. Who is up for a game later on tonight? I'll be on Xfire.
Man can't wait to play this game. First Timeshift, which I quite liked, and now this. Finally my rig is happy with having a game that looks next-gen instead of being stuck with CSS.
I still gotta complete Episode 2 and Portal. And MINERVA. And get some decent TF2 hours in. Then play the MoH:A demo. But UT3 will come after that. :E
The bastards on multiplay put a password on the thing and stopped my download. And Gamershell is full at the moment :(.
Awesome gameplay, really love it! however the graphics didnt live up to my expectations! Everything on fullest and it STILL doesnt look like in the vids, its so blury etc. And the lack of AA and AF and HDR and all of those things really makes it suck even more. This is all due to the consoles, its a downgrade of the engine so it can be played on consoles, and then its ported to PC...so it doesnt reach the full potential of the engine.

Damnit why cant they fully utilize the PCs power? Not even forcing graphics works...
Awesome gameplay, really love it! however the graphics didnt live up to my expectations! Everything on fullest and it STILL doesnt look like in the vids, its so blury etc. And the lack of AA and AF and HDR and all of those things really makes it suck even more. This is all due to the consoles, its a downgrade of the engine so it can be played on consoles, and then its ported to PC...so it doesnt reach the full potential of the engine.

Damnit why cant they fully utilize the PCs power? Not even forcing graphics works...

Either that, or the fact that this is a beta version.......
Beta demo??? of course stuff is gonna be missing.
HOLY ****!

Is it just me or is time going by really fast, or are these demos getting released early as hell?!

God damn, I had a weekend planned too.
Orange Box, CoD4 demo, and now this!
The game running on my rig (specs in signature). Slowdowns are just the webcam, not the game.
Everything set on full

Runs about the same as me and im only on 2 8800gt s at max and 1280res

ANyway, looks like nobody can get it to look as nice as the videos we've been shown in the past...

but frankly i dont care. Ive never played a faster UT. Its just RIDICULOUSLY face paced. Set the bots to skilled and GOOD LUCK.

Definite buy.

The walker is uber cool too, its like War Of The Worlds all over again.
It's amazing isn't it? I mean the screenshots we saw last year led us to believe that you needed a super nasa computer to run this game, but it turns out it's very accessible. Gameplay is the same though, but I did like that bridge map with the vehicles. Got a few road kills with the flying thingamajig, it was hilarious.
The game looks amazing, and runs fantastic. It basically puts anything but TF2 to shame, concerning optimization. Certainly other UE 3 games like bioshock, and R6:vegas. They didn't looks this technically good yet ran far shittier.
It's basically ut2k4 with a new paint coat.
The hover board and the ability to grapple onto vehicles are a nice addition though.
Straight out of Back to the Future.:)
It even slows down when hovering over water.
I expected no less from epic when it came to the optimization but the graphics are a tad disappointing.
Hopefully the new necris vehicles and the new weapons will add a bit more flare to the game.So far,i am not that impressed.
ZOMG!!! *creams pants*

I'm gonna go preorder this tomorrow.

Oh, and i played the demo. I love it.
yes this game runs smooth even on my rig with the 7600GT but.... does it lower the quality on purpose becasue it looks really bad. Ive got everything on max at 1024*768 and it just looks so bland and dark. Some of the textures are hideous and the gameplay is questionable. Gonna give it another go tomorrow, on the bright side looks like I dont need to upgrade afterall ;-)
Why do all Unreal Engine3 games look crap on PC compared to the Xbox versions?
They don't even have settings beyond resolution and like one other thing. I think it's locked on low-med
They don't even have settings beyond resolution and like one other thing. I think it's locked on low-med

Yeah they do, you can set the texture details and post processing effects and all that.

Look in advanced.
looked pretty purdy on my rig: 1600x1200, highest everything I could find.

But if it can look better than this in the full game, I'm definately getting it. Gameplay was awesome too, which contributes to it somewhat.
The installer just disappears after the initial loading bar has finished on mine. *sigh*
Yeah they do, you can set the texture details and post processing effects and all that.

Look in advanced.
oh ffs I thought I looked there already! Well it didn't make much of a difference but nonetheless, the graphics are well below what they will be in the real version. BETA DEMO.