Unreal Tournament 3 PC Demo!

My only complaint right now is the net code and the server browser.

NONE OF THE ****ING SERVERS WORK! I joined maybe two that worked but they lagged beyond belief.
God damn.
I don't think I'll bother making an online account yet then, thats a widespread problem apparently.
Can someone explain to me why they have a deathmatch map with a giant tri-pod that fires two giant death rays and seems to take forever to destroy?

I'm surprised they have vehicle CTF, I remember that being a mod for UT2k4.
Wow, this is unexpected. I love the feel of the game. It's much more explosive than UT2004. But the graphics? A big meh here. There's a lot of detail, but it just looks muddy to me. Maybe my computer isn't up to snuff.
Jesus, what is with you people and the graphics?
I think they're phenomenal for a game of this magnitude.

Considering I can run it at 1280x1024 with everything cranked up and not even have a single stutter.
I have a AMD Athlon XP 2800+, 7600GT 512mb, and 2gb of ram.

The game looks and plays great.
Because at heart everyone is a graphics nazi. It's a nice change of pace art wise from 2k4 and everyone needs to calm down.

Meanwhile the server browser ****ing fails. What was wrong with 2k4's layout? Why can I not filter servers by name (read: typing server name)? Why does filtering by ping seemingly not work?

0 ping servers
100-400 ping servers
40-100 ping servers

Okay wtf? shouldn't these magical 0 ping servers be at the bottom?
I get my magical 700 kb/s download rate from being a fileplanet sub.
Yay! 17 minutes!
I have a major problem with mine I have set mine to medium detail at 800 x 600 the map loads really quickly straight in quite surprised (will give my specs below) and when i go in to the map 3 2 1 i have the fog of war about 2 feet in-game all around me and cant see a dammed thing , any ideas?

My pc at the mo(getting rebuild in 2 weeks time)
2.6 barton core
1 gig of ram
180 sata 1.5 drive

or am i just beign an arse and just upgrade now
UT3 just came out of left field and convinced me that the Unreal Tournament series can still be salvaged. It's like the original UT but with beautiful graphics. Perfect, so far.
UT3 just came out of left field and convinced me that the Unreal Tournament series can still be salvaged. It's like the original UT but with beautiful graphics. Perfect, so far.

And I'm so glad they are going back to their roots with this one. The original UT was best IMO. I also like the art direction they've taken here, I even like the menu layout:cheese:.

As for the graphics, they look OK as they are, but I'm sure there will be a lot more detail in the full version.

The first map I played, was that DM map in the city, and I can't explain why but in terms of atmosphere and pace it almost felt like Quake3, which is a good thing in my book.
UT3 just came out of left field and convinced me that the Unreal Tournament series can still be salvaged. It's like the original UT but with beautiful graphics. Perfect, so far.

The original UT was spammy, unbalanced and full of bloat though - hopefully this game is not. I really liked UT2K4, it appealed to my Quakeish roots...

Unfortunately I can't install it to find out. Is there any way I can install it without using the installer? :hmph:
The original UT was spammy, unbalanced and full of bloat though - hopefully this game is not.

I don't think you understand what we mean by "more like UT 99". I mean it faster paced, and the weapons are more powerful, not like those puny UT2k4 weapons.

Oh and UT99 > UT2k4 yes I went there
I don't think you understand what we mean by "more like UT 99". I mean it faster paced, and the weapons are more powerful, not like those puny UT2k4 weapons.

Oh and UT99 > UT2k4 yes I went there

Ah, well more powerful weapons and faster paced isn't a bad thing.

The original UT always struck me as a bit of a noobs game though...remember back to the days when every online gamer played either QuakeWorld or Quake II...then along come the new generation. Quake 3 was the competitive game while UT was the casual gamers' game. Quake 3 is still one of the most popular online games around - moreso than the entire UT series and Quake 4 put together. It's practically perfect from a competition point of view.
Awww FFS! Why do all these friggin demos want to install to C first? Fookin Vista takes like 15gb of space :O WAR
Whoa! I just realized you can control the walker in the "HeatRay" DM Map. Moahahah.
I finished a few skirmish rounds using only the walker muehehe. Although fun using it, it's way too strong, it has like 1000 armor.
Excellent perofmance with excellent graphics and gameplay, (can't wait for it)
How I hate setups that unload all their shit on the C: drive. I don't have ****ing space there! ><

EDIT: Hm, never thought of it before, but I changed the localization of the temp folder. Still, the installer unpacks, I choose to install on the E:\ drive, but then GAY Physics pop-up and UNLOAD THEIR SHIT on the C:\ drive, despite the temp folder being on E:\ now! Duuuh! D: Freed up some space by deleting the previous temp folder on C:\, but when the space goes down to 154MB, the setup terminates, saying it ran out of space. WTF. Mind you, it looks like AGEIA managed to get installed, so the setup should continue to install UT3 itself on E:\ anyway, where there's nearly 5GB of space.
Finally got to play a few maps. Yea it's way better than that pansy ut2k4. Weapons do alot more damage, faster movement speed etc.

There are a few things that anoy me. When I try to look up for open servers it finds a lot of them, but I can only join like 0.1% of them. Eventhou the server has a decent ping and it's not full the game won't go past "connecting". The other thing is the fact that the game seemed unplayable with a ping around 60-80, felt more like 300.
freakin pwnage, had so many killing sprees



btw how do you control the walker ??? I never see it and all of the sudden someone else has it. Where do i get it? how do i get it? when do i get it? confused beyond recognition.
Man I downloaded this demo 3 different times from 3 different places and it keeps stopping during installation, some server error or something wierd like that and It won't fully install, anyone know how to fix, or what I'm doing wrong?
Man I downloaded this demo 3 different times from 3 different places and it keeps stopping during installation, some server error or something wierd like that and It won't fully install, anyone know how to fix, or what I'm doing wrong?

twice over here, 1st time CRC error, second round, failed at .exe modification error. reinstalled it again.
btw how do you control the walker ??? I never see it and all of the sudden someone else has it. Where do i get it? how do i get it? when do i get it? confused beyond recognition.

There's a sort of drop zone area for it on the far right side of the map.
Really isn't hard to miss, considering it has all sorts of beacon lights around it.
It's on the Heat Ray map.
There's a sort of drop zone area for it on the far right side of the map.
Really isn't hard to miss, considering it has all sorts of beacon lights around it.
It's on the Heat Ray map.

yea but that area is empty, nothing there...
The reason it's so shitty online is because there still aren't any dedicated servers.
Can someone tell me if the widescreen in the demo is broken like Bioshock???

Cause I'm pretty sure that the dev's don't know how to use the UT3 engine. As MOHA and Bioshock both have crappy fov's for widescreen. (Exactly the same implementation). So does UT3 fix this? (It should as epic made the engine so they SHOULD know what they're doing)
Im surprised how well this runs on my rig. ALthough there ar ea lot of things thyve cut from here for example all the bots look the same
Im surprised how well this runs on my rig. ALthough there ar ea lot of things thyve cut from here for example all the bots look the same

That's because it's a demo. They can look different in the full version.
Omg my framerate improved a lot once I got the new 163.75 beta drivers.
Can someone tell me if the widescreen in the demo is broken like Bioshock???

Cause I'm pretty sure that the dev's don't know how to use the UT3 engine. As MOHA and Bioshock both have crappy fov's for widescreen. (Exactly the same implementation). So does UT3 fix this? (It should as epic made the engine so they SHOULD know what they're doing)

Yeah it has the same problem, I have to type fov 100.4 in the console every time I respawn. Might be able to change it through the .ini but I haven't tried. It doesn't bother me to bad even on the default fov though.
It's got some pretty quick game play there and there's a lot of player movement, but once you get settled in it's fine. I like the new powerful weapons. I also like that you can grapple onto raptors.

Couple of gripes:

-The server browser and menus are absolutely terrible. Half of the filters don't do anything and there's no region or name filter! Say what you will about UT99s gameplay, but its UI kicks the crap out of thise one.
-The netcode is pretty bad, I get dropped from the VCTF map servers after just a couple of minutes.
-The bots are really really cheap. I don't like to meet a rocket when I turn corners because the AI knew I'd be there.
-What the hell is a walker doing on a DM map?
Really liked the game, though it is very similar to previous UTs. The graphics are very nice, but I am having performance problems, regardless of what I set the settings to. AND its offline! Maybe I am messing up somewhere, but I should be able to run 1280x1024 on max with my rig.

On to the CoD4 demo now!
it runs playable on my PIECE OF SHIT 2.2 ghz pc 1 gig ram and 9800 pro pc
Anyone know why my graphic settings are not staying when I exit the game?

When I installed it, the game defaulted to lowest settings (ie: 640x480, texture and world detail lowest, 50% screen rendering etc). I change the settings up, it tells me i have to restart the game for the changes to take effect, so I do, but when I check the settings, they're all reset back to the lowest again.

I can change the resolution without restarting, but the game still looks like ass.

Im assuming you're hitting "apply", right?

Mine reverted once, but I changed them back without having to exit again...