[UPDATE #5] Half-Life 3 accidentally appears in Gamescom Official List, Then Appears in Keyboard Ad


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May 29, 2007
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Gamescom begins tomorrow in Cologne, Germany. The Gamescom website has officially released a list of 'Upcoming Products and Releases", scrolling to the bottom of said list reveals something interesting.

The list is official, and yes it does infact say that Half-Life 3 by Valve Software will be unveiled at the convention, but we're not sure if we're willing to trust this source 100% as of yet. Call us crazy but this is just one of so many Half-Life related 'hints' to come out in the past few years. We'll keep you posted if we find out more.​
In similar news, the GTTV Valve episode airs on 17th August at 1am on the Spike TV network and Gametrailers.com and we still have no idea what the episode may or may not be about. If this Gamescom information is correct and Valve officially reveals the long awaited sequel to Half-Life 2, we believe its more than likely the GTTV episode will feature Half-Life 3 footage of some sort, as well as possibly hinting at other upcoming Valve products, features or updates. This week could potentially be the busiest, and best, in Valve's long history. With the largest Team Fortress 2 update ever releasing on Wednesday, a massive Dota2 tournament ending a few days back, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive launching a week from now, a large Steam community overhaul, a Half-Life 3/Source 2 announcement at Gamescom could just be the icing on the cake for any Valve fan.​

---Update 1---
Eurogamer has received an official statement from Gamescom, who announced Half-Life 3 and Dragon Age 3's inclusion on the products list was a 'mistake'.

Dragon Age 3 and Half-Life 3 appearing on the Gamescom-compiled list of games at the show was "a mistake", the organisers have told Eurogamer.

Eurogamer asked three times why the names were listed, but no explanation was given.

We're not sure if this means the names were listed when they were supposed to be kept a secret, since perhaps both Valve and EA would want to keep their big upcoming titles a secret until the reveal, or that the names were included by someone at Gamescom who wanted to get a cheap laugh out of both communities. Regardless, Valve does have a pair of reasonably large booths at Gamescom, so we'll be keeping a keen eye out for any developments over the next few days.

---Update 2---
Our friend Vic over at LambdaGeneration has apparently contacted Gamescom who explicitly told him that Valve had asked Gamescom to put it on the list, and that Valve have contacted Gamescom since the public noticed Half-Life 3's inclusion on the list and ordered them to take it down. If true, it could mean big things for all Valve fans around the world. Here is a quote from Vic.

I have made a second call to Gamescom. I was explicitly informed that Valve were the ones who askedthat HL3 be placed on the list; but that apparently, "just a few minutes ago", Valve requested that HL3 be removed from that list. As of writing, its entry still remains on that list.

This has turned out to be entirely false based upon the following update.

---Update 3---
We just received an email from Doug Lombardi, VP of marketing at Valve, who had the following to say.

We are not showing any games in Cologne this year.


We think that clears things up pretty well. Seems like a false alarm, folks. Question is, why would Gamescom write about Half-Life 3 in the first place? A publicity stunt to get people excited for the show? A real mistake? Somebody in Gamescom administration having a practical joke?

For now, we're calling this just another pointless rumour, but that still doesn't answer the question of why Valve has two booths in Cologne if they're not showing any games.

---Update 4---
Both Dragon Age 3 and Half-Life 3 have been removed from the Gamescom listings, as shown below.


---Update 5---
And just in case you haven't already lost most of your sanity today...
A logo for Half-Life 3 appeared in the recently released Madcatz Cyborg STRIKE7 Gaming Keyboard advert which appeared on youtube several hours ago. Don't believe us? Check it out. It appears several times, firstly at 0:24, then in greater detail later in the trailer. It also appears alongside the Portal 2 logo, as well as many other logos for popular games and software such as Photoshop and World of Warcraft.

We have no idea if this is just Madcatz joining in on the troll-festivities, or whether Valve has some behind the scenes official partnership with Madcatz, or even whether this is some kind of viral marketing campaign directly from Valve. What we do know, however, is that this is one incredible coincidence.


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I feel as though I shouldn't be getting excited (because it's Valve)...but I can't help it...I'm excited!

I might even have a bit of a man-wee if it happens.
Also, at RPS they say:

as T3 reports, that magazine that sells a lot of copies in Gamestop and is owned by Gamestop is delaying its print date this month in order to fit in an enormous announcement
Hey, 2008 pic leaker, I know you're freaking in here. You don't have to say anything. We know they're watching you. Just give us a nod. Just a nod. Or a shake. A nod or a shake? Is that too much? Just twitch. One yes, twice no. Give us a tip. Just the tip.

Edit: We're all fools chasing false hopes and broken dreams! BEHOLD THE FACE OF THE DEVIL:
[UPDATE 2: In addition, Doug Lombardi (Valve's VP of marketing) has confirmed to us that Valve has no plans to show anything game-related at Gamescom:
We will have the Steam team there to meet with developers and publishers. No game showing planned.

Looooommmmbaaaarrrddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! *shakes fist*

Edit2: Some interesting new weapon sounds in the mvm update. Note the "cbar"
And again,the main page is down.
Please,please get a better server! :P
I kinda have a feeling it was a misunderstanding along the lines of:
Valve told Gamescom they'll reveal HL3, but didn't want anyone to know about this
Gamescom put it on the list
Valve asked it to be taken down as it was not supposed to be revealed

Oh how I hope I'm right
This is the second time Valve has stopped on my hopes. The fist time was with Meet the Pyro. I don't know what to believe in anymore.
This is the second time Valve has stopped on my hopes. The fist time was with Meet the Pyro. I don't know what to believe in anymore.
What? ONLY the second time? I'd have to borrow someone else fingers to count the number of times internet hype has jerked me around about HL3.
Go back ter 2004 for real hopes' dashin. THEN WAIT A YEAR. For more delays.
A translation of the disclaimer that's right above the list in tiny letters: "Mind the sources: exhibitors, gaming media, the internet, forums, blogs. All information is subject to change."
a "mistake"...sure thing valve..
since when a game festival release a game without asking the company? or the gamescom ceo can see the future now?

and the lol part steam forum is down lulz
Believe nothing you read on the internet. ...
It would be nice if people restrained from describing everything that is not to their liking as 'trolling'.
Man I'm going to have to go around collecting empty bottles so I can buy a new computer!!
cmon,they know people will get riddled up about anything hl3 related
soon some pasta sauce company will have a hl3 logo on its ad to atract views
Perhaps it was all an accident that resulted from miscommunication or ignorance, perhaps something went wrong with Valve's plans. Valve know how sensitive the community is to these things, and I do not think they would do anything like this on purpose just to spite their fans.

Anyway, I was not referring to your post in particular, <RJMC>, your posts are mostly jovial. However, this attitude pervades the community in general.
I checked THE WHOLE INTERNET, and it seems I will be the only one sulking and whining about how we should get Episode 3 first, instead of jumping to HL3 right away.

Always assumed HL3 should / will be a big change in setting and story from Half Life 2 (just like they did with HL2) I wouldn't want them to go on where we left story wise and call it HL3.

Look at me, we are so close to information about next HL game, I'm bitching as a 12 year old girl bitching about how Justin shouldn't kiss Selena in public.
What we do know, however, is that this is one incredible coincidence.

no, it's a very deliberate method for some company to show appreciation for half-life while also taking the opportunity to get people worked up over nothing

and clearly it is working
This could also be a way of getting publicity. Remember the E3 2010 show. Valve suddenly cancelled the Portal 2 announcement and replaced it with a "surprise". The surprise was in fact the reveal of Portal 2. This could possibly be the same situation.
gabe better be careful with him teasing us all like this because it only takes one person to bite his hand lol