Update: Halflife2.net Techdemo Easter Egg hunt.

Erm, its going don't bother refreshing the page over and over lol.. I have to hide 75 more avatars before I can compile. And compiling the map will take atleast 45mins to an hour. Then I can release it. So expect it around 1:30pm EST.
alright then, im off to bed, check back tomorrow, :D
Originally posted by Adam
Erm, its going don't bother refreshing the page over and over lol.. I have to hide 75 more avatars before I can compile. And compiling the map will take atleast 45mins to an hour. Then I can release it. So expect it around 1:30pm EST.

35 mins to an hour of compiling? Aye aye aye.
Oh well, looks like I'll play it tomorrow.

Make it up to me by emailing me a copy, since I refuse to wait in a Fileplanet line which randomly resets on me. :p

Thanks as always
Originally posted by Redjackel
lol omelette you might want to consider changing your avatar

Its still 9/30 untill I HEAR GOD DAMNED OTHERWISE!!!

oh wait...

take your time..

better to have great hidden ones than it be too easy to find..
man.... still no reply as to whether or not he put my (old)avatar in....

i was thinkin of maybe sending a bigger one so it wont be too pixelated... o well lets just leave him alone. he only has 90 minutes left
Where exactly are you planning to hide all the avatars, Adam? The map is only so big, and it should be quite obvious that it's under a box. Is going under no-clip mode involved, or are you adding your own additional sections to the map?
Originally posted by RabidMeatloaf
Which time zone is he in?
Erm, its going don't bother refreshing the page over and over lol.. I have to hide 75 more avatars before I can compile. And compiling the map will take atleast 45mins to an hour. Then I can release it. So expect it around 1:30pm EST.
Eastern time. Now he has about 85 minutes.
Theres over 80+ Avatars. So alot of them will be very obvious. No extra rooms, well.. maybe that one passage I did, but yeah...

/me gets back to mapping
Originally posted by Adam
Theres over 80+ Avatars. So alot of them will be very obvious. No extra rooms, well.. maybe that one passage I did, but yeah...

/me gets back to mapping
Hey, thanks for answering my question. :)

You do realize that playing your maps are the next best thing after playing HL2? :)

Can't... wait! :bounce:
Yeah, I gotta say I am sadly antisipating your new map. Man i need another game to distract me
Looks like the map is delayed. How could you do this to us Adam?! First HL2, now this! Why must you torture me so?!

EDIT: Wait, he said 1:30 PM.........thats another 12 hours..........
Heh, I now know how Valve feels.

Ok Its delayed because after compiling the map and doing a test run to make sure it all works, there was a couple 'show stopper' bugs. For instance some of the avatars apparently decided to boycott showing up in the display completly.

I been working on this map all day from morning till now, and Im too tired to fix the bugs so I'm off to bed. I will fix them when I wake tomorrow. Thanks for the support thus far.

Heres a screen shot of one of the problems.
(I found every avatar, and yet this is what shows up...)
wow, lol, got delayed, the odds?! * atleast i see my smiley in the map :D
ahhhhhhhh errrrrrrrrr wheres my ava adam, wheres my ava, huddy gonna be outside your window w/ crowbar, yes he is, precious....
Yey, my avatar is there :)

i thought that you'd just put the avatars, and we'll find em
didnt think you'd do this thing that shows how many avatrs you saw, and stuff :/

you own
Originally posted by Adam
Heh, I now know how Valve feels.

Ok Its delayed because after compiling the map and doing a test run to make sure it all works, there was a couple 'show stopper' bugs. For instance some of the avatars apparently decided to boycott showing up in the display completly.

I been working on this map all day from morning till now, and Im too tired to fix the bugs so I'm off to bed. I will fix them when I wake tomorrow. Thanks for the support thus far.

Heres a screen shot of one of the problems.
(I found every avatar, and yet this is what shows up...)

w00t, mine is there :D
Oh my god, My avatar is there. wow

Adam you re my hero.

thank you,
Oh my god, My avatar is there. wow

Mine too :- )

Hell I love this avatar.
I love this map (in advance:- ) )
Man, you are the coolest, Adam
Originally posted by Adam
Heh, I now know how Valve feels.

Ok Its delayed because after compiling the map and doing a test run to make sure it all works, there was a couple 'show stopper' bugs. For instance some of the avatars apparently decided to boycott showing up in the display completly.

I been working on this map all day from morning till now, and Im too tired to fix the bugs so I'm off to bed. I will fix them when I wake tomorrow. Thanks for the support thus far.

Heres a screen shot of one of the problems.
(I found every avatar, and yet this is what shows up...)

Hmm, texture scaling problem on the left.
Don't miss that one!
Well, this is my first post in these forums and I wish to say hi all and GJ Adam :cheers:
I don't care if my avatar is not there, I'll download the map and try to find all of them :p