I'm no good at hardware really. I want to upgrade an AMD/ATI route capable of carving a path through today's and early tomorrow's most graphic intesive games.
Current specs:
Athlon 64 3000+
2x512mb DDR PC3200 RAM
AGP Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb
DFI LanpartyUT nF3 250Gb motherboard
420watt power supply
Maxtor 60gb Hardrive
Creative Audigy 2 ZS
I have $800-1000 USD. I want the upgrade to last for at least a year and to give me the best play with the current heavy system games like Oblivion etc.
What I was thinking of on three main components.
Again I know very little about hardware so please tell me if those are good choices or what combos would be bettter for my price range. Should I also get better memory and a power supply? What would be a good hardrive setup?
Current specs:
Athlon 64 3000+
2x512mb DDR PC3200 RAM
AGP Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb
DFI LanpartyUT nF3 250Gb motherboard
420watt power supply
Maxtor 60gb Hardrive
Creative Audigy 2 ZS
I have $800-1000 USD. I want the upgrade to last for at least a year and to give me the best play with the current heavy system games like Oblivion etc.
What I was thinking of on three main components.
Again I know very little about hardware so please tell me if those are good choices or what combos would be bettter for my price range. Should I also get better memory and a power supply? What would be a good hardrive setup?