

Apr 18, 2004
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I'm curious to see how many people are going to upgrade, or already have for HL2. Personally, I have to. I have a GeForce MX420 64MB that doesn't support pixel shading.. =(

I plan to buy a 6800 Ultra around mid-summer and, of course, a new PSU because my current one is like 300 watts.
I have already... twice... and I probably (at this rate) going to upgrade again
I'm pretty much topped out on upgrades for awhile.. I just upgraded my RAM from 512 to 1GB, and I already OCed my processor by about 400MHz.
Radeon 9700 is my only downfall, but it's still been good to me.. maybe a new graphics card a year down the road, but nope.. no upgrades before HL2
I have already purchased a 9600 XT I am ordering soon (when multiple NFORCE 3250 solutions are available) a AMD 64 3000+ Memory and Motherboard.

I just want to use my Damn HL2 Coupon already.
I purchased a PC of my own to use it for school & gaming, so it's logical i'll buy a decent PC that will run the games like HL2.

2400+ / 512MB DDR400 / Radeon 9800 Pro
Well, my DVD drive is completekly F*cked, so obviously I would have to get a replacement before anything else.
I will have to dish out to get a 8x AGP motherboard if I want a descent graphics card. the problem is that I'm on a tight budget, and the only graphics I've got is a geforce4 mx440 with no pixel shading capability.
If I don't want to get a 8x AGP motherboard, is a geforce4 Titanium 4x compatible
I did a little upgrade back in the day when I started playing BF1942 and wanted my system to run a little smoother.
I had a AXP 1700+, 1gb pc2100 DDR,MSI VIA board, GF2TI and updated to my AXP2800+,1gb PC2700 DDR, Asus nforce2 board, 9800Pro.
I got a good deal on the 9800pro at the time (and some of the other parts). Was 350$ but best buy had a 50$ mailin rebate and a HL2 voucher mailin. So if I consider I was going to buy HL2 anyway so essentially I paid 250$ for the card back then. Thats how I justified it. ;)

I won't upgrade this system for a year or two. By that time I will probably grab me a dual system to match my dual monitors I have now. ;) Multitasking/SMP! hehe
DEATH, almost all (if not all) video cards are backwards compatible with lower AGP port speeds. My Radeon 9700 will even scale all the way back to 2x..

Besides, the difference between AGP 4x and 8x is so nominal that it doesn't make a difference
I won't.

I have have a XP 2200, 700 megs of RAM, and a Radeon 9700 Pro. That is modest for a gaming computer these days but it should be able to play HL2 just fine.
unless your ultra rich, its not worth upgrading like every 3 months, id say save for 6 months and upgrade at half year intervals, I follow it by the book, stops me throwing money away.

ill upgrade with proccessor and graphics card in a months time, as its due an upgrade. one question, im from the UK.. but would anyone advise me ordering the 6800 ultra from the US, as its comes to £280 , when it comes out here it'll be like £340 :O . I know i could save £50, but is it worth the wait?.. and shipping?
I just upgraded especially for half-life 2, because my gf4 ti 4200 wasn't good enough(in my opinion) :D . The only thing i need to do now is upgrade my ram from 256 to atleast 512, because even my windows xp isn't running very fast... :cheese:
First and foremost, I AM GOING TO PLAY THE GAME AND SEE HOW IT RUNS ON MY COMPUTER BEFORE I UPGRADE ANYTHING. My system hums along just fine right now, and if HL2 runs without a hitch I won't need to spend money on an upgrade, now will I?

That said, depending on when Socket 939 Athlon 64 Processors come out, I might transition to a 64-bit platform. That's a big "if" at this point, though. I'd rather not buy any new core components (processor, motherboard, RAM) before Socket 939 is out. However, I would like to get a couple 80gb or 120gb hard drives to set up in RAID and perhaps upgrade my graphics card as well. Again, that will depend on the verdict on the nVidia vs ATi competition. I don't necessarily care which one is faster. What I do care about is whether either of them will justify upgrading from my 9800 Pro. Are the features reason enough? Is the speed increase vast enough? I need proof.
I'm getting a PCI-Express mobo as soon as I can afford to, but a new gfx card is out of the question for a year or more.
Gonna update my GeForce 5200 to a Radeon 9800, (Before the NVida one I had a TNT2, BEAT THAT!!)
I hope to max out my motherboard - 512mb to 1gig ram, cpu from 1400 Athlon to 2400 XP, and get a 9800 pro to replace my geforce 2 pro.

Seems more sense to buy a level or so below the very latest equipment as it works out much, much cheaper.
G.Freeman said:
Seems more sense to buy a level or so below the very latest equipment as it works out much, much cheaper.

I'm surprised more people haven't voiced that. hehe
Either way, when new tech. comes out its always a good time to buy.
Whether you pick up that slightly slower, a little older, more mature and a lot cheaper hardware or the newest and greatest. Either way, its all good during these times.
Varsity said:
I'm getting a PCI-Express mobo as soon as I can afford to, but a new gfx card is out of the question for a year or more.

Are you hoping PCI-E Mother boards will also support AGP so you can use your current card??
The First Gen PCIE boards will support AGP, they have already announced that.

I'm off to uni in October so when HL2 comes out I plan on twisting my dads arm for a new Alienware Comp with all the latest stuff :) I'm already collecting the guilt cards.
Stryyder said:
Are you hoping PCI-E Mother boards will also support AGP so you can use your current card??
GFX5200 PCI :cheers:
I've just updated my vid card from a Matrox Millenium G400 to a ATI AIW 9800 Pro. I already got a Athlon XP 1700+ and 512 mb RAM... not too bad. I hope that I'll be able to play HL2 at max settings, or very close to it... :rolleyes:
I'd like to upgrade my system some time this summer. I only really need a new mobo, CPU, and RAM as all my other system components (video card, audio board, drives) are still viable. However, I'm not upgrading just for Half-Life 2 but rather because I haven't done a major upgrade in several years and my system is due for one.
im going to get an ati 9800 or 9800 pro. not sure which one just yet. ill just wait until the new line comes out so i can save money when the price drops.
I'm definitely buying a DX9 card before HL2 (probably 9800 Pro) because I'd hate to play it without HDR :)
Well, in my opinion, this summer/fall is an ideal time to buy a new pc. There are so many awesome games coming out soon (Doom, Stalker, MOH PA, Thief 3) that I want to play, in addition to some that just came out (Far Cry, Painkiller).

Therefore, in anticipation of playing these titles as well as HL2, I'm going to buy a

939 Athlon 64 3800+
GeForce 6800 Ultra or Radeon X880 XT
PCI-E Mobo
1 gb Corsair ram

from cyberpowersystem.com as soon as this tech is available. Of course, I'll feel a bit better about buying it if we get telltale signs that HL2 will indeed be released this summer (SDK release, benchmark).
The first thing I'm gonna update is my video card. Then I will buy a new PCI Express mobo and CPU. Then a new sound card and I wanna aim for 2 gigs of RAM. Video card is the most important thing right now because of what I mentioned ni the first post about pixel shading.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. My programming teacher owns some computer buisness, not sure what he deals in yet. But I'm going to find out if he sells computer parts IE video cards. Then I'm gonna try and see if I can get some sort of discount =D
I upgraded about 4 months ago to-

3.0ghz Pentium 4 HT Processer, 1 gig of RAM and a Radeon 9800 XT
Wilco said:
The First Gen PCIE boards will support AGP, they have already announced that.

I'm off to uni in October so when HL2 comes out I plan on twisting my dads arm for a new Alienware Comp with all the latest stuff :) I'm already collecting the guilt cards.
Only some. I highly doubt Intel boards will have both. Expect the new chipset from Intel on their boards to be PCI express only.

It's pretty much up to the AMD chipset's if they want to do AGP and PCI Express which I think they will.

Can't use a PCI Express card without a PCI express slot. Pointless to buy a PCI Express card b4 the board. Buying a board that you know supports AGP/PCI Express first, then the card is a different matter.
I recently went down to my local auction house and picked up an HP P4 3.2 ghz, 2 Gigs of ddr (yes 2) 9800 pro, dvd, and 180 gb hd for $400 Can. Im going back tomorrow to see If I can get another... oh and it was still in the box! good deal if you ask me...
Six Three said:
I recently went down to my local auction house and picked up an HP P4 3.2 ghz, 2 Gigs of ddr (yes 2) 9800 pro, dvd, and 180 gb hd for $400 Can. Im going back tomorrow to see If I can get another... oh and it was still in the box! good deal if you ask me...

What kind of damn auction house is this and where the F do you live!!!1
Six Three said:
I recently went down to my local auction house and picked up an HP P4 3.2 ghz, 2 Gigs of ddr (yes 2) 9800 pro, dvd, and 180 gb hd for $400 Can. Im going back tomorrow to see If I can get another... oh and it was still in the box! good deal if you ask me...

:eek: what?!?? Where is this place?!
probably been said before, if you're upgrading for HL2 specifically, wait for the game to come out and THEN upgrade...if you just want to upgrade so you can play new games (farcry...etc) then at least wait until both nvidias 6800 line and ati's R420 line of cards are available, because even if you don't go for the newest cards, their availability will push down the prices on the last line of cards, which means you get a good card for less money by waiting a few months.
Yeah I agree. But I HAVE to upgrade my vid card because my current one doesn't support pixel shading. Kinda sucks.
i just bought a new PC for HL2.

2500+ AMD / 512 DDR (ill get another strip before HL2) / and ATI 9800 (soft-modded)

wewt. $700
I got a shit Pc with old 9700pro, I am getting this Augest ATI423 with PCI + new PC with latest tech installed. The estimating money is £1879.99+VAT

£1879.99=$2300 something like that
G0rgon said:
I got a shit Pc with old 9700pro, I am getting this Augest ATI423 with PCI + new PC with latest tech installed. The estimating money is £1879.99+VAT

£1879.99=$2300 something like that

sure... thats a shit PC, well then i have one you found in the Dumpster, anyway, i want to upgrade, probably gonna a mid-range card about $100-$200
I just got a gig of RAM, and I'm waiting to save up for a ATI All-in-wonder 9800 Pro. I want the Graphics card to play HL2, and I want the capture and TV tuner to import video so I can make films, a passion of mine