Urban Warfare Recruitment

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Good day,

Like every second person, I to would like to write my name in stone, hence I am here to ask for your help (The stone is big enough for a few names :).

About the Modifaction
Urban Warfare is aimed to be a fast paced action packing modification for Half-Life 2 (You probably guessed that), using realistic weapons, but at the same time adding less realistic concepts to the game.

Imagine Counter Strike (and no, this isn't a Counter Strike Clone), but as fast (and some times faster) than Quake III Arena and as Action Packed as Unreal Tournament.

About the Team
There is for now, no team, with the exception to me. I am fairly versed in C/C++, and would handle the programming side, though to be honest I have no mod making or game making experience.

So, anyone who would like to help is more than welcome.

The (in-game) Teams
The game will mostly resolve around two teams, the Red Dragons and Black Panthers, who has taken to the streets, fighting to make their stand.

There is no website yet, as I am not that a great web developer, but I am working on one.

Any replies, be it criticism, requests or just some support would be welcome.

Kind regards
Is this a politically-charged game concept?

Hey Crispy,

Thank you for your reply, and no, the mod holds no relationship the origin of the Black Panther wiki you stated. For future references, the mod has no indication, limitation or reference to any racial dispute, nationality or defense concepts.

It is purely aimed to be a fast paced, action pack, Fun game.

The Red Dragons and Black Panthers are two different groups within a society (call them gangs if you wish), who battle out on the streets.

Kind regards
Do the Red Dragons look like the characters from this famous video game/movie... except they all wear red?

Do the Red Dragons look like the characters from this famous video game/movie... except they all wear red?

No, it is not, and will never be based off Double Dragon, Dragon Ball Z or any other game/movie that has the word or emphasis of Dragons.

As for all wearing red, maybe, maybe not. I have a few concepts on how the teams will be differentiated, one being similar to a standard red/blackish outfit but that would be a last resort if other cocepts doesn't work.

Like many games, any model will be usable by either side, but certain things may differ to have the two teams differentiate from each other.
I really appreciate the respones I have received, but to be honest it is straying away from the original topic which was a request for help.

I surely dont mind awnsering all these questions, but please refrain from asking further questions as previous ones on this topic.

If you really feel you need to know something more, like what colour socks the Black Panthers wear, correspond it in a PM.

Kind regards
"The (in-game) Teams
The game will mostly resolve around two teams

I'm pretty sure it's "revolve". Resolve is "to come to a definite or earnest decision". :)

The idea seems pretty decent. I mean, a fast paced Counter-Strike. I consider CS pretty fast though, so I'm not sure how much faster you want to go. I'd help you out just to get my skills back in the mix, but unfortunately I have no real time.

Good luck.