US Parents on gaming: Gay Kissing worse than Severed Heads

Gay people please don't be offended, but I find male homosexual activity the most disturbing out of all the things listed. I wouldn't flinch if I saw a head severed, vulgarity, or heterosexual sex, but two men kissing, and I cringe.

I've got no complaints with gay males. Do what you want! But I think it's absolutely disgusting to witness in any form, even just a peck on the lips.

I'm sorry, I'm old fashioned I guess.
Gay people please don't be offended, but I find male homosexual activity the most disturbing out of all the things listed. I wouldn't flinch if I saw a head severed, vulgarity, or heterosexual sex, but two men kissing, and I cringe.

I've got no complaints with gay males. Do what you want! But I think it's absolutely disgusting to witness in any form, even just a peck on the lips.

I'm sorry, I'm old fashioned I guess.

That's called homophobia.
How could I forget to mention that I wouldn't want my kids playing games that contained any of those things - vulgarity, violence, sex, or male kissing. Not unless they were an adult.
We don't need kids seeing gays kiss. That shit's communicable. Gays also eat your soul if you look them in the eyes.
well, I wouldn't want them to see any kind of sexual kissing unless they were old enough.

whatever. It's a BS poll for reasons people already stated like:

kids can make their own decisions when they are old enough to play a game that might contain said things. My 13 year old wouldn't be playing a game that contains things like that because it would be a M rated game and I wouldn't allow it. I don't want to shelter my children too much, but I also don't want to destroy their innocence. I think the game ratings serve their purpose.
Not really suprised by the poll results.

We're not judging one way or the other, but we know what actions might cause us to pause (possibly take a photo) if we saw them on the street and which would have us calling the cops.
A child being exposed to sex means a loss of innocence and I can understand why they would want to protect them from that.

And I mean, how many times in your life have you had to deal with a severed head?

Now ask yourself how many times you have encountered sexual situations?

If you look iat it that way it's not so hard to understand.
Totally unscientific poll whose results should not be taken seriously. Internet polls are not effective at measuring the actual views of people, because they have volunteer bias. The only effective way of finding out people's real views on the issue is to take a random sample of parents.
"Face-to-face contact helps communication."

Yes... because we all know meaningful conversation happens during passionate sex.

Well... I don't know... but...

I'll shut up. :o
"Face-to-face contact helps communication."

Yes... because we all know meaningful conversation happens during passionate sex.

Well... I don't know... but...

I'll shut up. :o

How is sex, the most natural thing on earth, considered offensive.

Man society pisses me off sometimes. (or jst american 'moms':upstare:)
Wtf is wrong with you people? Just being gay sex grosses you out doesn't mean your a homophobe. Virus says he doesn't have a problem with them doing their thing. He doesn't hate gay people. He just thinks what they do is gross. It's just a personal thing he can't really do anything about. You CAN do something about hating gay people for no reason.
Well, technically he would be homophobic, as he is scared and/or disgusted by the acts.

But that's not the way we usually use the word, so we can certainly agree that he is not ANTI-GAY.

Or anti-fun.
Wait gay sex is LOWER than normal sex??

What the **** did I just read???!?!?!??!?!?!??
Okay I misread but I'm still surprised :eek: I would have the typical soccer mom reaction would find gay kissing worse than stuff they do normally and is inherent to every human being :dozey:
Yeah, tbh I was more surprised that hetero sex was higher than anything gay.
No one really destroyed the Roman Empire, it just kind of fell apart piece by piece.
Gay people please don't be offended, but I find male homosexual activity the most disturbing out of all the things listed. I wouldn't flinch if I saw a head severed, vulgarity, or heterosexual sex, but two men kissing, and I cringe.

I've got no complaints with gay males. Do what you want! But I think it's absolutely disgusting to witness in any form, even just a peck on the lips.

I'm sorry, I'm old fashioned I guess.

I would be gay if it wasn't for that whole oral sex/anal sex thing....First, I really don't want one of those 'thingies' in my mouth, and second, c'mon, poop comes out of that hole. Why would I wanna put my johnson there?
I would be gay if it wasn't for that whole oral sex/anal sex thing....First, I really don't want one of those 'thingies' in my mouth, and second, c'mon, poop comes out of that hole. Why would I wanna put my johnson there?

I've been playing GTA games since I was barely able to read =D

Yeah, I've been playing violent video games since I was ~5. I just hate these families that try to hide sex from their kids until they have it out of curiosity. It's like "Man, mom says I shouldn't even be kissing girls, but she wants to have sex with me, OK!" *pregnant*
Gays are an affront to our Christian American Heritage and culture, and needs to be culled.
Yeah I've been playing violent video games forever :| and I'm fine. Okay a little anime obsessed but that's maybe about it. :P
you mean this one? Can't remember something going AHA though *strokes beard*
you mean this one? Can't remember something going AHA though *strokes beard*

yeah that must be it. it's funny and cute *strokes penis - er, strokes beard*

though I swear you had a black one with white letters that spell out AHA, and eyes that blink as well. My memory fails I suppose.
Depends what the men look like, if it is 2 middle aged men having a tongue war thats just :bonce: