US poll find majority of americans dont believe in evolution

That's not at all reassuring though. Younger generations have proven themselves just as capable of being ridiculous.

Hell, most of the Bible-thumping, anti-evolution zealots I meet are between 17 and 25.
I'm not surprised at those figures. Both of my parents and the vast majority of my teachers think evolution is total bs for some reason. Every time something about evolution comes up on the tv my dad is like, "son, you don't beleive that shit do you?" and then I always say, "of course I do. how could I overlook a mathematical fact?" and then he'll get pissed off.

One time in english we had to make a speech on a "controversial topic" and I was randomly assigned evolution. I painstakingly laid out the foundations of natural selection, and made a diagram and a model on the board showing how a bacterium could evolve to become antibiotic resistant. Everyone thought I was crazy, and the english teacher said, "That's just mutation! Evolution has never happened.Why am I not evolving right now? where's the missing link? it's just a theory!" and then everyone basically told me to gtfo, and the teacher said to me after class "you know, people have feelings. I don't like you trampling on my beleifs like that. So please, keep your nonsense about evolution to yourself."

There was another biology class that I had in which the teacher started preaching about how "no man came from monkies." and that everything we had ever learned about evolution was wrong, which for some reason made everyone else euphorically happy, and made me extremely angry.
arg...I hate this area :frown:

Seriously man, gtfo of Texas. Do you live in a remote area or rural? We don't put up with that bullshit on the east coast.
god is picking darwin's nose in that picture! :O
and hell, while we may just be a bunch of bible humping farm boys we're still the most technically advanced nation in the world.

In the costal regions you might be, places like California and New York that see a lot of foreign throughput, but in the middle of your country it's just as backwater as anywhere else. Thus why religious nuts seem to congregate in the middle.
Seriously man, gtfo of Texas. Do you live in a remote area or rural? We don't put up with that bullshit on the east coast.

Yea man, I thought scenarios like that are only played out in documentary films from the 40's or something. That is incredible. I've never met anyone like that on the east coast.

You are from Texas? Thats Bush's territory. No wonder! I didn't know there was a section of people in the US that still hadn't evolved themselves! :O
Gives us Americans reason to believe in other nonsensical things.
Humans evolved, God guided the process: 30%
I believe this.

I wouldn't add that 30% to the ones who think humans were just created outright and say that % doesn't believe in evolution. That's just making it sensationalist and look different from what it really is. Pretty much if you believe in God at ALL (are not an athiest) but also believe in evolution you are probably going to believe the above that I quoted. So it's not that weird.
I believe this.

I wouldn't add that 30% to the ones who think humans were just created outright and say that % doesn't believe in evolution. That's just making it sensationalist and look different from what it really is. Pretty much if you believe in God at ALL (are not an athiest) but also believe in evolution you are probably going to believe the above that I quoted. So it's not that weird.

I didnt say anything of the sort ..I clearly said people who believe god had a hand in creating the universe (so both the 30% and the 51%)

Considering they only surveyed 808 people, I think they are irrelevant/innacurate.

you dont seem to understand polling only matters what your number of people polled when calculating error margin ..the numbers are still accurate within degrees relative to number of people polled

oh and yes there were other polls ...they specifically mentioned one in 2004 (the percentiles have gone down since 2004) ..but you'd know that had you read the article
I'm not surprised at those figures. Both of my parents and the vast majority of my teachers think evolution is total bs for some reason. Every time something about evolution comes up on the tv my dad is like, "son, you don't beleive that shit do you?" and then I always say, "of course I do. how could I overlook a mathematical fact?" and then he'll get pissed off.

One time in english we had to make a speech on a "controversial topic" and I was randomly assigned evolution. I painstakingly laid out the foundations of natural selection, and made a diagram and a model on the board showing how a bacterium could evolve to become antibiotic resistant. Everyone thought I was crazy, and the english teacher said, "That's just mutation! Evolution has never happened.Why am I not evolving right now? where's the missing link? it's just a theory!" and then everyone basically told me to gtfo, and the teacher said to me after class "you know, people have feelings. I don't like you trampling on my beleifs like that. So please, keep your nonsense about evolution to yourself."

There was another biology class that I had in which the teacher started preaching about how "no man came from monkies." and that everything we had ever learned about evolution was wrong, which for some reason made everyone else euphorically happy, and made me extremely angry.
arg...I hate this area :frown:
Wow... no wonder Bush is so ignorant, he comes from that awful place. Where I live that kind of stuff is a joke, my science teacher is religious (Mormon) but she doesn't deny the obvious. Come to San Francisco, I haven't met a single person here who would say that crap to you, especially if you were assigned to talk about it.
Considering they only surveyed 808 people, I think they are irrelevant/innacurate.
on the contrary, i think you just don't know much of anything concerning statistics
here's one of texas most famous sons:

"No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." - George H Bush

theotherguy: that's insane ..go out of state for college
on the contrary, i think you just don't know much of anything concerning statistics

I don't know, or I don't care?
I don't think the concensus of 300 million people can be gauged from a select few. They don't even know who they surveyed. It was over the phone. :rolleyes:
lol guys statistics si bullshit l,ololololl wtf mang liek how can u strwetch a small numbar ovar a big oen?!?! it make sno sense!!! ,olololl

Never mind that such methods of extrapolation are done on a daily basis in pretty much every other field and never mind that any data colelcted from a survey is going to have to make its generalizations with an admitted margin of error. Obviously there's some ginormous inherent flaw in the system and we should get rid of statistics and bullshit concepts like random sampling.

**** surveys, man. Surveys are bullshit.

Thank you Stern, I can read just fine jackass. I was merely pointing out that they could go trotting around the country, avoiding urban areas, and still call it random. Don't be jackass, asshole.
evolution can never be scientific fact since it needs to be mathematically proven and thats obviously impossible. but micro evolution is fact and in case you dont know what that is its a species that changes a trait to better fit in with its environment and that trait would already be written in its dna. but i personally dont believe in macro evolutional which is specie to specie evolution. i also dont like that quote by george h. bush since im atheist and being so doesnt mean im not a citizen
Just forget he said it. You were born in this country, you are a citizen of this country.
evolution can never be scientific fact since it needs to be mathematically proven and thats obviously impossible. but micro evolution is fact and in case you dont know what that is its a species that changes a trait to better fit in with its environment and that trait would already be written in its dna. but i personally dont believe in macro evolutional which is specie to specie evolution. i also dont like that quote by george h. bush since im atheist and being so doesnt mean im not a citizen
I don't believe evolution can be disproven. Simple fact is species of animals that exist today didn't exist thousands of years ago, and animals that existed thousands of years ago do not exist today. Micro evolution, given enough time, will have the same effect as macro evolution.

so in total 81% of americans believe god had a hand in creating man ...I think that's disporportionately high ..however I cant compare it to my own country becuase I cant find any data ..I'd assume it's much much less because as a whole canadians are not all that spiritual (sure we have pockets here and there but it's usually not very visible)

Poll Results:

God created humans in present form: 51%
Humans evolved, God guided the process: 30%
Humans evolved, God did not guide process: 15%

Sometimes I hate when my mom makes jumbalaya. Like wtf is that?
you don't like jumbalaya, wtf?

I refuse to be prepresented by 808 adult pollsters, and random, ne less. This looks like a job for AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnarchY!
You know whose fault this is?

Britain. If you bastards would've just destroyed our revolution, none of this would've ever happened.
Yeah, whassamatter? Can't supress a few rebels?

EDIT: I'm gonna leave politics now and never come back.
delusional said:
i also dont like that quote by george h. bush since im atheist and being so doesnt mean im not a citizen

Check out some of the crap some other guys said in the aftermath of that quote:

Sherman: American Atheists filed the Pledge of Allegiance lawsuit yesterday. Does the Bush campaign have an official response to this filing?

Murnane: It's bullshit.

Sherman: What is bullshit?

Murnane: Everything that American Atheists does, Rob, is bullshit.

Sherman: Thank you for telling me what the official position of the Bush campaign is on this issue.

Murnane: You're welcome

Ed Derwinski said:
"What you should do for me is what you should do for everybody: Believe in God. Get off our backs."
I didnt say anything of the sort ..I clearly said people who believe god had a hand in creating the universe (so both the 30% and the 51%)
I wasn't really accusing you I was just saying it makes it look bad cause it runs across that way just skimming it.

So in reality it's a 50/50 (margin of error swings for both ways) division in the nation, but most people do believe in God in some way.

There's probably some on the other group too who believe in god but believe it like a hands off scenerio (EG: God created the universe, but has just sat back and watched since then)
If this were a scientific study 808 people would not be sufficient.
evolution can never be scientific fact since it needs to be mathematically proven and thats obviously impossible. but micro evolution is fact and in case you dont know what that is its a species that changes a trait to better fit in with its environment and that trait would already be written in its dna. but i personally dont believe in macro evolutional which is specie to specie evolution. i also dont like that quote by george h. bush since im atheist and being so doesnt mean im not a citizen

If you believe in microevolution, you believe in macroevolution. Unless you think there's some arbitrary stopping point, in which case you're being dumb.
Seriously man, gtfo of Texas. Do you live in a remote area or rural? We don't put up with that bullshit on the east coast.

No, I don't live in a rural area. What I do live in is a wealthy suburban city made up of soccer moms and airline pilots. For some reason my school is just overly obsessed with faith-based notions. After all, Students Standing Strong was founded here.

I think it has something to do with the fact that there are four competing megachurches in our area that pretty much take up the entire population. (and I am talking stadium-sized megachurches with acres and acres of property and thousands of members each)

It's also the home of Benny Hinn, the notorius TV faith healer.

EDIT: he doesn't actually live here, but his financial base of operations is here, in fact its right across the street from my house. Every now and then he'll drive by in his yellow lambourghini. Directley next door to his financial base is one of the four megachurches.
There was a good documentary ep (from the series Horizon) on the BBC talking about how belief stands in the way of science. I found it on google videos but it seems like they deleted it now.