USA Conscription

qckbeam said:
Well, I'll just have my say and be off. I don't want to be forced to serve my country. I'll pay my taxes, I'll take care of my civic duties, but I draw the line at forced service in the armed forces, or anything at all for that matter. I have my own life to live, and an education to complete. I cannot have it interrupted with some sort of forced service. Having said that, I would defend my country if it needed defending. However, I'm not going to put my life on the line for my country unless it's truly an urgent situation. I'm sorry to say that I'm not a person with very heroic or noble ideas. As much as I think people in oppressive lands deserve freedom, I'm far to concerned about my own land, family, and life to go out there, pick up a gun and give it to them. I know that sounds downright awful, but I'm always honest about myself.
I don't know exactly how I came off in this post. I'm sure I sound selfish, and when it comes to my life I will be honest and tell you that I am selfish, very selfish. I wish I could say I'm a man with noble, idealistic aims, that I'm ready to help those suffering under an oppressive government, but I'm not. I don't want to serve in the armed forces unless it's in true defense of this land. I won't be forced to fight and quite possibly die in a foreign land for a foreign cause.
I'm not sure I could have said it better. Nice post.
Well, I do feel sorry for anyone who gets drafted into Bush's illegal war.
qckbeam said:
I wish I could say I'm a man with noble, idealistic aims, that I'm ready to help those suffering under an oppressive government, but I'm not.

If you want to help the poor bastards in Iraq who are suffering under USA'
s oppressive government, don't enter service.
doesn't effect me. College student, flat feet....last on the list then. ;)
All college does is delay you for a few months (if how they described that bill is true).

... but if doesn't really matter if you have a Rear Admiral (who also has a Captain for a wife) in the family. That's who I'll turn to if the bill goes through. :E
just tell the guy at the draft board you think he looks cute in his uniform
i think the bill is a good idea, but there's a problem with it...what if you don't agree with what your government is doing? you're being forced to participate and help your govt's national security, but now national security means invading other countries....

like i said before though...forced service is a good thing as long as you get to choose how you serve. if you have to work for the department of homeland security for two years helping to do border inspections, that wouldn't mean you were helping to invade other countries or anything...

i mean...i'd like to hear a non-wuss argument for why you don't want to help your country...the USA or wherever you live. as long as you're not forced to participate in a war you don't think is right or something like that, you're only helping your country become a better place. tell me if i'm missing some side of this thing.
I dont think the draft will come back to the US for a long time, they have a bloody huge army why would they want more ??
I say if you're gonna get drafted, join a branch you want to before you do. The Navy and Air Force are two of the better branches. If I were to pick I'd pick the Navy because they take good care of their men. They'd also pay for my college and I'd get my 4 years (or is it 2 now?) out of the way so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
The navy is a good choice, they have the best schools.
That and there haven't exactly been any huge naval battles recently. :D
If you want to avoid combat you can do that in any branch just as easily as you can in the navy. When my dad was in the Navy(during Vietnam) he was stationed to a base in Bahrain Island, during a civil war.
The bill will probably never go through. Americans are tired of the Iraq war, and any type of proposed conscription would likely get absolutely hounded by the media, so the public's support, which would already be low, would hit rock bottom and then some.

But on a more personal note, I don't support conscription at all, unless one's nation is on the brink of destruction. I am seriously considering a career in the military, but I know that life in the military is not for everyone. It should be up to the individual to choose whether or not they want to serve their country in that fashion, not something that is forced.

And couldn't you join the Coast Guard to serve your time as a conscript, or would it be limited to the other four military branches?
You're joining the canadian forces? what branch? If you do you'll be sent to some of the hottest spots in the world including Afghanistan, and Burundi.
I'm thinking of joining the air force as a pilot (NOT a Sea King pilot!), and I'm also thinking about joining the reserves when I go to university if I have the time to do so.
again...this isn't a draft's just mandatory service in the defense of your're not going to have to join the military...just do something related to defense.
It isnt an offical site for God's sake. Do you believe everything you read online? The offical Gov. sites end with a .gov. Jesus the President doesnt have any effect on bills in Congress anyways. There will be no draft anytime soon.

This should of tipped you off immediately

-- just after the 2004 presidential election. The administration is quietly trying to get these bills passed now, while the public's attention is on the elections, so our action on this is needed immediately.

The pentagon has quietly begun a public campaign

How do you quietly begin a public campaign...

eliminates higher education as a

Wouldnt happen.

If anything a Democrat initiated these bills in hope of affecting the upcoming elections. The current administration has stated numerous times that it is against the Draft. It would be political suicide to use such a bill for the War in Iraq.
I didnt know the bill had passed already , it seems it has the way you all are talking. This will never pass , plenty of legislation is brought up , that doesnt mean it all passes.

PS- not being against a call to duty exactally , having an army of draftees is just not a good idea. It damages morale, professionalism , conduct, and combat performance. A volunteer army is a more democratic and effective way.
Hence the edit...

(edit again) haha, this thread is falling apart now...
Upon further research my conclusions were proved correct.

Sponsor of the Bill: Rep Rangel, Charles B.

Ahem, one of the most liberal politicans in Washington. This should only show you the lengths to which the Democrats will go to paint the President in a bad way.

Who initiated the second bill?

Sponsor: Hollings, Ernest F.

Another Democrat. Suprising? I think not. I do find it suprising that I did more research on these bills than that website did. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I checked 3 random cosponsors of the bills. All were Democrats. Dont believe this partisan garbage anymore please. I suggest you also do some research before jumping to conclusions on such issues.
We need a new political party, instead of two distinct parties who have their fat heads too far up their asses to actually accomplish anything.
=1nfiltrat0r= said:
look im not sayin the m1litary is a vacation but it is still damn cool. name ONE other job where you go to cool azz plac3s all 0ver the world and get to shoot at people and blow shit up AND get payed $$ for it plus u get free school. its a no brainer. if you dont like iraq or whatever just wait a few years until we invade some place better.

^^^ and thats the reason he has no friends or life...get off the counter-strike and meet some people dude!
Fat Tony! said:
I dont think the draft will come back to the US for a long time, they have a bloody huge army why would they want more ??

Because according to many reports, the morale of the soldiers right now is at an all time low.

Official surveys suggest that as much as 70% of those returning home from Iraq will NOT re-enlist, given the choice. That means as soon as America's armies come home, they'll quite quickly shrink.

seinfeldrules said:
How do you quietly begin a public campaign...

Well, by not publicising it in the media and instead going straight to the source - public schools.
To repeat for you Pogrom; also are you kidding me? By bringing it to public schools would keep it quiet? HAHA It would only attract the media like a shark to blood. Show me a site for that 71% number

Upon further research my conclusions were proved correct.

Sponsor of the Bill: Rep Rangel, Charles B.

Ahem, one of the most liberal politicans in Washington. This should only show you the lengths to which the Democrats will go to paint the President in a bad way.

Who initiated the second bill?

Sponsor: Hollings, Ernest F.

Another Democrat. Suprising? I think not. I do find it suprising that I did more research on these bills than that website did. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I checked 3 random cosponsors of the bills. All were Democrats. Dont believe this partisan garbage anymore please. I suggest you also do some research before jumping to conclusions on such issues.

Just wanted to crush the issue because I could see the conspiracy theories forming in your head already.
not28 said:
We need a new political party, instead of two distinct parties who have their fat heads too far up their asses to actually accomplish anything.

I don't like Nader. He's a little eccentric.
seinfeldrules said:
It isnt an offical site for God's sake. Do you believe everything you read online? The offical Gov. sites end with a .gov.

i already pointed out that it was that doesn't change the fact that the article was referring to a bill that does exist.

of course the bill is partisan, but that doesn't make it stupid or just needs to be reworked. i know there are plenty of republicans that are all for a public service requirement...they just don't want to support a bill like this (especially not one that's sponsored by a bunch of african-american democrats) with the election coming up...too much possibility of spin. hell...this thread even managed to assume that this bill = draft even though i've repeated several times that it's not mandatory military service.

a bill like this requiring citizens to do something for their country will pass sometime soon...after the elections at least...there's nothing wrong with giving back as long as you're not forced to participate in something you believe to be wrong...and helping to defend your country (i.e. working for the dept. of homeland security) for two years isn't a bad thing...
I'm all for it! I'm not going to join the military because I have other plans, but if they drafted me, I wouldn't complain. If my country needs me to perform a service in the name of preserving freedom, then give me a gun and an enemy to shoot at because it would be an honor to serve my country.[rant] All of those dick sucking Peace *of shit* activists can go have a horse blow a load on their grandmother's face! Where in the seven hells do they think that they should have the freedom to not answer their country's call of duty? In the words of the Tom Clancy commercials, "Freedom isn't free" Those of you who don't have the brass to serve the country that you freely live in and take for granted, please tell me. I'll buy you your one way ticket to France. The US would be better off without a bunch of anti-war pussies clogging the streets with your demonstrations and rallies. What a waste of air that I could be breathing. Go jump off a bridge. [/rant]
Anthraxxx, from your previous posts id say your quite sensible however that post was distasteful and pathetic think about what you say before you say it. This thread will soon be closed :(
Fat Tony! said:
Anthraxxx, from your previous posts id say your quite sensible however that post was distasteful and pathetic think about what you say before you say it. This thread will soon be closed :(

nah it won't be closed...of course that was harsh, but he has an opinion and he made his point. all the whiny kids on this site are willing to live, work, and play in America, but they're not willing to help out. That's what most teenagers do...only think about worthless. they probably whine about doing chores around the house. hate mowing the lawn, doing dishes, laundry, etc. well now you might have to help do some chores on a national level...and there's nothing wrong with that...just like there's nothing wrong with helping your parent(s) out.

get a clue, guys...just because you might not agree with the war in iraq doesn't mean you shouldn't help your country by serving 2 years in a non-combat role. it's not like you won't get paid...and it'll be great work can do something worthwhile instead of sit on your asses playing video games. and you can have the satisfaction of ceasing to exist only as whiny little kids who take their freedom for granted.
Yeah but you should be able to do what you want. They dont exactly live in america for free they pay taxes and contribute to society thats good enough. But having anything to do with supporting a war, which you may not agree with is a contradiction to their ideals. Anyway you know teenagers in natural to rebel :p I love it lol.
Fat Tony! said:
Yeah but you should be able to do what you want. They dont exactly live in america for free they pay taxes and contribute to society thats good enough. But having anything to do with supporting a war, which you may not agree with is a contradiction to their ideals. Anyway you know teenagers in natural to rebel :p I love it lol.

one last're not supporting the war if you're just at home helping to protect an airport by being a gov't baggage screener or something like that....this isn't a bill that forces you to join the army for 2 years....that will NEVER happen anytime soon...the generals would be so pissed if they were flooded with draftees...that would be terrible for the armed services.
Yeah I know but you shouldnt be forced to do it, simple as that.
Fat Tony! said:
Yeah I know but you shouldnt be forced to do it, simple as that.

i'm not saying that this bill is the greatest idea ever...just that it wouldn't be the end of the world if it was passed.
Maskirovka said:
nah it won't be closed...of course that was harsh, but he has an opinion and he made his point. all the whiny kids on this site are willing to live, work, and play in America, but they're not willing to help out. That's what most teenagers do...only think about worthless. they probably whine about doing chores around the house. hate mowing the lawn, doing dishes, laundry, etc. well now you might have to help do some chores on a national level...and there's nothing wrong with that...just like there's nothing wrong with helping your parent(s) out.

get a clue, guys...just because you might not agree with the war in iraq doesn't mean you shouldn't help your country by serving 2 years in a non-combat role. it's not like you won't get paid...and it'll be great work can do something worthwhile instead of sit on your asses playing video games. and you can have the satisfaction of ceasing to exist only as whiny little kids who take their freedom for granted.

sorry I dont buy that...I shouldnt be forced to do something I dont want to do.
CptStern said:
sorry I dont buy that...I shouldnt be forced to do something I dont want to do.

then i guess you should (or should've) drop out of school before 16, stop paying taxes, drop your car insurance, etc.

you're forced to do things for the greater good all the is this that much different? it's not like you'll be forced to waste 2 years of your life doing something'll probably be a decent job.
yes but if I'm forced to go to schoool, the chances are I'm not going to get my gonads blown off by some guy with a beef against my country

besides I disagree with the military as a it would be a death sentence for me