USA Wake Up


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score

My dad sent me this link...

The ridiculousness of what's in here is almost offensive.

I believe Obama is the person to pave the way for true change to make this country better than the shit hole it's becoming.

I must be under hypnosis!

Must... Commit... Jihad. Must... Obey... Sharia... Law.

Bullshit scare tactics, plain and simple.

I wish my dad and the rest of my family didn't believe this stuff.
This bit is the best:
A recent ruling from the Supreme Court states sharia law does not violate the “separation of church and state.” This ruling paves the way for Islamic controlled municipalities to govern every aspect of religious, political, and personal life of the local populace-- [amounting to a form of totalitarianism analogous to Communism].
Muslims are Commies!
I support Obama! I must be doing it for reasons other than making an intelligent and informed decision.

I'm under hypnosis, I'm delusional, I've been brainwashed, I'm buying into hype.

SOMETHING must be wrong with me! I'm voting for a black man with a middle name of Hussein who associates with terrorists and who is a Muslim!

On a serious note. I really LAWL at the notion that Muslims are somehow going to take over this country and turn it into a sharia dominated land. The United States of Christian America.

As if one group of crazies will let another group of crazies steal their country from them. HAH!
You do know that by posting that link here you just helped them out some more with their pagerank rating?
Isn't there a crazy person that still comes to this forum and post random crap like this?

It's amazing crap like that website gets posted yet McCain has gone on the record stating that he believes racists make up less than .56% of the United States Population.
After seeing my dad send me the link, I searched around to find some information on it, and it just seems like it's plastered over a lot by people who believe in what it says. Unfortunately it doesn't just seem to be an obscure whack job website.
Well its a whack job site that's out of service at the moment.
Edit: just reloaded and it's back up
It's ridiculous to say the nation will become a muslim state.

HOWEVER, an Obama win most likely WILL make the USA into a welfare nanny state, the very thing we've fought against for years. Defend economic freedom, don't seek to destroy it.
It's ridiculous to say the nation will become a muslim state.

HOWEVER, an Obama win most likely WILL make the USA into a welfare nanny state, the very thing we've fought against for years. Defend economic freedom, don't seek to destroy it.

Tell me exactly how Obama will make the USA into a welfare nanny state? You can just give us the talking points Hannity & O'Reilly & Limbaugh gave you if you want.
I'm under hypnosis, I'm delusional, I've been brainwashed, I'm buying into hype.

Not delusional enough I say, if you were, you would have voted for Gravel.

If you were truly delusional you wouldn't have fallen for Obama's "sparkling eye-shadow make-up", but for gravel's creepy, but enticing stare.

Look at him throw that rock. F*ck Yea!
Man, when I watched that video again, and I saw him throw that rock into the water again... I bust out laughing for 5 minutes.
Tell me exactly how Obama will make the USA into a welfare nanny state? You can just give us the talking points Hannity & O'Reilly & Limbaugh gave you if you want.

Obama's tax plan for one, and under a democratically controlled congress and administration I guarantee an influx of welfare programs.

I don't listen to talk radio or those programs. I politic based on the platform I support, not that "OMG IS A MUSLIM" etc
I wish my dad and the rest of my family didn't believe this stuff.

You know, that hurts.
I have a superrant ready but i cant put it in a way taht would sound sane. im out
edit im just going to cut abit and be abitch.

actual Muslims or family members, that many (especially asians) have never read the Qu'ran,
Asians. Yes Hooray.

For now you have immigrants, next generation you get people look at countries in south east. Such as Malaysia. Muslim country, multi racial. Singapore not a Muslim country, multi racial. So i guess the other race is evil? f*ckthat

People generalist Muslims as evil people. Really, go suck dick. Especially if you brand yourself as Christian and all.

(My post prbably makes no sense, im too mad to make it sound resonabley arguable, just flame me ok.
Ah, a racist and bigoted website promoted under the pretence of the upcoming U.S election.

It scares me shitless that people swallow this crap.
That doesn't bother me.

It should bother you, it means more money in their pocket. Instead of linking to it simple copy the address without checking "Automatically parse links in text".
jesus faking christ. To think such a site would have some real merit to its name. Like don't vote for a hockey mom from another freaking country (essentially) and an old man bringing a repeat of the last 8 years assuming he can last 1 term.
Obama's tax plan for one, and under a democratically controlled congress and administration I guarantee an influx of welfare programs.

I don't listen to talk radio or those programs. I politic based on the platform I support, not that "OMG IS A MUSLIM" etc

How exactly is his tax plan supposed to create a welfare nanny state?

He wants to bring things back to how they were in the 90's under Clinton. Are you saying we had a welfare/nanny state then?

He wants to eliminate the bush tax cuts, which affect the most wealthy Americans. He wants to give middle class Americans a more significant tax cut.

The tax cuts he's proposing and the tax cuts he wants to eliminate DO NOT create a welfare state. That's total bullshit.
Yes, they bring it dangerously closer. Next thing from him is also socialized medicine. **** that shit. Thank god there's a proposition on the ballot in AZ that would prevent any laws from being formed that can restrict a person's healthcare system choice.
It's ridiculous to say the nation will become a muslim state.

HOWEVER, an Obama win most likely WILL make the USA into a welfare nanny state, the very thing we've fought against for years. Defend economic freedom, don't seek to destroy it.

Yeah cause 8 years of republicans in office did wonders to your economy. GG!
Are you saying the economy was bad under Clinton?

There was a stock market bubble beginning in 1992 that Clinton cannot claim credit for. The fed dropped the view that 6 percent unemployment was ideal. He watered down welfare reform hard fought and won by the Republican congress.

I will give him that at least he signed it into law and turned it over to states to adminster rather than the federal government. That's a big deal but it was more the result of Republican pressure.
These people are just racists. Even assuming Obama was a muslim, why the **** would that matter? As much as I disagree with him, at least RakuraiTenjin actually uses facts and logic in forming his opinion, not idiocy.
have you seen the "obama is a socilisit" or "obama gonna take our guns 'merica" threads yet?
have you seen the "obama is a socilisit" or "obama gonna take our guns 'merica" threads yet?

Obama may not be a pure "socialist" but he does encourage a welfare state (a socialist PROGRAM) and increased taxation.

And Obama's voting record on gun control supports everything I've said in that thread.

The thread about obama on guns has now descended into a debate about whether or not gun control is right, not if Obama would support gun control, which I think everyone can agree he would sign into law if a democrat congress passed it.
No, it's not. That's the entire point of the thread. i will die before anyone or any government strips me of my firearms.

That's good, because Obama isn't gonna be taking them from you, contrary to your belief. I own several and I'm not the slightest bit worried.
How exactly is his tax plan supposed to create a welfare nanny state?

He wants to bring things back to how they were in the 90's under Clinton. Are you saying we had a welfare/nanny state then?

He wants to eliminate the bush tax cuts, which affect the most wealthy Americans. He wants to give middle class Americans a more significant tax cut.

The tax cuts he's proposing and the tax cuts he wants to eliminate DO NOT create a welfare state. That's total bullshit.
Of course I argue this just for the purpose of stating opinion, debates like this are so close to the knee-jerk, gut reaction that getting a decent argument much less a listening ear is a joke in and of itself. Any rational arguments get turned against me in these debates to say I'm some racist, gun-loving redneck anyway because people are too busy seeing tunnel vision to give a decent response. It's entertaining to see the butterfly effect, though, hilarious to be honest. So in vain I will post my postulations.
I seriously don't understand why people start these 'discussions' but it's entertaing to say the least.

Please define the yearly income of someone that Obama defines as 'rich'. I guarantee it's lower than you think. I will also guarantee you that within one term there will be so many socialist taxes involved that inside two decades we'll be so mired in bureacratic socio-fascist control state too deep to fix anything short of a hot-war revolution...maybe after Obama's term a Rebublican might be able to slow the train-wreck but it's doubtful. You can hold me to that one.
Do you really think Clinton actually helped anything? All of the policies in effect while Clinton was in office were Reagan's, and at the end of his final term Clinton passed laws that allowed the housing bubble ponzi scheme to propagate (self-verification of jobs; no collateral; no down payments, the list goes on).
In short, every single Demo in the last 20 decades has made the economy drop the pants and bend over.
That's good, because Obama isn't gonna be taking them from you, contrary to your belief. I own several and I'm not the slightest bit worried.

:rolleyes: If the Democrat congress reinstates the AWB you think he's not going to sign this into law? Or any other gun control legislation pushed through by congress?

Of course he can't make laws, the issue is him supporting Congress passing laws restricting people's rights and signing to law their legislation rather than veto.
Why the **** do we need assault weapons? Seriously. I mean, I appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into gun making, hell I enjoy that more than shooting, but do you think Americans need to own AR15s and AK47s? Please. As if a semi-auto rifle isn't 'assault' enough. There needs to be at least SOME regulation.

inb4 "omg second amendment"
Why the **** do we need assault weapons? Seriously. I mean, I appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into gun making, hell I enjoy that more than shooting, but do you think Americans need to own AR15s and AK47s? Please. As if a semi-auto rifle isn't 'assault' enough. There needs to be at least SOME regulation.

inb4 "omg second amendment"

Assault Weapons as listed in the ban ARE semi automatic rifles. You don't even know what you're talking about it seems.

The assault weapons ban banned-

The term "assault weapon" in the context of civilian rifles has been attributed to gun-control activist Josh Sugarmann. Assault weapon refers to semi-automatic firearms (that is, firearms that, when fired, automatically extract the spent casing and load the next round into the chamber, ready to fire again) that were developed from earlier fully-automatic weapons. By former U.S. law the legal term assault weapon included certain specific semi-automatic firearm models by name (e.g., Colt AR-15, H&K G36E, TEC-9, all AK-47s, and Uzis) and other semi-automatic firearms because they possess a minimum set of features from the following list of features:

Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and two or more of the following:
Folding stock
Conspicuous pistol grip
Bayonet mount
Flash suppressor, or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one
Grenade launcher (more precisely, a muzzle device which enables the launching or firing of rifle grenades)

You own guns yet you don't even know what was banned just a few years ago. That's not very responsible.

You have no right to say I can't have an AR-15 or an AK-47. I will defend my right to own and purchase until I'm dead.
Yeah I must not be informed. The only 'assault weapon' I own is an SKS...or a ruger 10/22 if that counts.

Oh, and I bought my SKS maybe two years ago and it has a grenade that illegal? :P