Useful Info

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
AI: Toned down at e3 for sake of showing the Graphics etc. off
Sept 30: Is still release date (Check the info thread pg.17)
Half-Life 2: IS NOT FAKE (Die Newbs)
Radeon 9800: Accroding to gabe will work better than a nVidia 5900 (sorry nVidia fanboys)

Technical Info
All the following will be included into the game on release.........
Ragdoll Physics
Real Time Lighting (Not to be confused with D3 lighting, they are done differently)
Will support Cars which work properly and will be able to have more than once person
Half-Life 2 Will work the best on Computer
So far will not support anything but windows but may change in the furture
Water will not spill out of a container if the container is broken (yeah i know how u feel to)
Everything is Physicaly simulated to have weight and mass (Freeman weighs 85kg, may difer on release)
Metal warps and breaks like metal as does wood. (Check tunnels movie when the man hacks attack and u can see the metal plates warp then break)
Splatter hit marks from Half-Life one will be taken out due to it being a place holder
Mp5 will also be taken out as its a place holder also
GABE NEWELL DOES NOT LIKE YOU!!! (PLz dont spam mail)
There will be hit decals on enemies
Characters faces will be life like with 40 muscles
There will be microphone support
Nothing about muliplayer yet, i am expecting deathmatch of sorts
People will gib properly
tractor beam will not be featured in the game (dont know why) but the manipulator will
You can make springs and a te-tor-tot-or with the physics and if ur on one side and something is droped on the ajacent side the bored will either break or u will fly really far
Bullets will fly instantly (no arch for distance)
No richochet on bullets but modable
no limit on multiplayer games but is a good mod problem (Accordin to gabe me thinks)
Levels are broken down like in Half-life 1 to shorten loading
U can purchase Via Steam or Retail

If i missed anything plz add it, i just made this so u dont have to go picking thru 16+ pages of Gabe emails
Not so much tone it down, but format and separate it better. Possibly add some punctuation to it too.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Can you tone that down? I'm sorry-Im to lazy to read all that.
That's basically as toned down as it gets. All of the HL2 info we know pretty much in one post.
water can spill out of a container thats sciptable n00b :cheese:
people dont tear apart, unless the model is made to be able to do so

gib = blow into pieces (all the way)
for instance


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OK, now I get it.

coolio2man, can I translate this and post it on a russian forum? I'll mention your name, of cource.
We don't know for sure if the tractorbeam won't be in there. Gabe stated that you get upgrades for your manipulator, so the tractorbeam could be one stage of it.
I was also planning to make a simple .txt file with little facts about hl2, just for myself to make sure i don't get confused, and can keep fact and fiction separated. The info in first post sums it up quite nicely. Although verification quotes (and links) would be nice, i know it's way too much to ask (forum search feature SUCKS!) so i'll just leave it at that (exam math/stats tomorrow :()
Surely there's loads more info than that?
Maybe you should anything in the FAQ and in the info from Gabe thread, other than "Half Life 2 will run on a (insert system specs here)", although you should put the minimum system specs.
Oh yeah and Gabe told me that (player) reflections are mod-able, but are system intensive, can't be bothered to put it in the info from valve thread, because I don't know whether anyone's asked it before.
Claws you are a moron. Do you actually think the game looks like that? It would be beyond easy to play and no fun. Now I know you're a needy and un-trusting person but for god sakes, watch the E3 video and then shutup, because you will have nothing more to say. Most likely the enemies were just told to fire less, the actual AI seemed to be working as shown when the soldier busts the door open. Also Gordon took hardly any damage at all when he was hit.
Originally posted by Claws
If you don't provide a source, this info has no weight.

It was stated that it's from the Valve info thread... perhaps you should read...

-----Original Message-----
From: Solitaire [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 3:20 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: One quick question

Hi sorry to bother you. This will be my first and last email to you
with any questions re:HL2.

I am in the middle of a debate with a particularly hard-headed guy on's forums. My question is, to settle our dispute:

Was the Combine AI toned down in the Barricades video - for any reason
at all? (Don't feel the need to elaborate, just a yes or no will

Thanks in advance whether you answer or not. Can't wait to purchase
this one of course, like half the world is waiting!

Who wants to kill claws

EDIT: Could be a fake e-mail, look at the TO: Address Gabe Newell? Not his e-mail address.....O well i still think it was dumbed down
hey coolio2man, nice post, keep going, keep ur eyes on the gabe's e-mail. tell us what's new.
coolio you need to make sure you give proper credit to the real emailer. Solitaire.
Originally posted by coolio2man
Technical Info
Half-Life 2 Will work the best on Computer

Thank God that's cleared up. I had been wondering what the heck I was going to run it on. :)
I am in the middle of a debate with a particularly hard-headed guy on's forums. My question is, to settle our dispute:

And just who do you think this hard-headed guy is? My original reply to this thread was posted before Gabe replied to that e-mail. Check the time of the post next time. Yeesh, do I have to explain everything?
Gibs suck, they just... suck! ive never liked gibs, i mean, who blows up into smalls peices being hit by a crowbar (not saying it aint fun but...) or a laser, its CRAP. gimme a gren blowing up with 4 people ragdolling in the air.
if the gibs are gay in HL2 im gonna make a MOD to take them out muahah!

hehe :D
Originally posted by coolio2man

-----Original Message-----
From: Solitaire [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 3:20 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: One quick question
EDIT: Could be a fake e-mail, look at the TO: Address Gabe Newell? Not his e-mail address.....O well i still think it was dumbed down

umm. That is my email I sent earlier (I'm Solitaire/Solidarnosi). I guess you need to be told that when using an address from your address book in Outlook Express, it puts in "To:___" and fills in the name of the person based upon what you entered in the address book fields. I happen to have put in "Gabe Newell" in the first & last names fields, for some stupid reason....
Half-Life 2 uses hit-box hit detection.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 1:00 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: quick short question, promise!

Does HL2 use per-pixel hit detection? Or are we still working with hit boxes? Thanks!

**Pentium 4 3.0ghz 800mhz FSB**ASUS P4P800 Motherboard**ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb**SantaCruz Audio Accelerator**1024mb PC3200 Corsair DDR400**Samsung DVD-Rom 16x48x**Lite-On CD-RW 52x32x52x**Samsung 1.44mb Floppy**80gb Maxtor 7200RPM HD with 8mb Cache**Samsung Flat CRT 19" Syncmaster 955df**Thermaltake Xaser III Chasis with 7 80mm fans and 420watt true power PSU**

Ahhh man, is hit box better?
Also trying to keep thread current
im guessin the boxes will be much better than the cs hs ones
hmmm... only one thing to nitpick.

people get confused about the bullets. i've read lots of people say that bullets travel instantly, which they do NOT. just like in half-life 1, they have a velocity and can arch etc. ie. the crossbow.

i believe the confusion here is that half-life 2 does not use per pixel collision detection. this does NOT mean that bullets travel instantly. half-life 2 uses hit box detection, meaning if the bullets go inside of these polygons, you get shot. thus, the collision detection is as accurate as you want to make those boxes.
um, actually gabe said the bullets will be instant. They are hitscans and thus travel instantly. The only reason halflife 1 and 2 looks like it has bullets with velocity is because the tracers are meant to give that illusion. But the fact remians that they are instant and have no arch