Username Changes

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evil milk's name is the best name on this site right now.

You guys have gotta stop pratting around, i hope he doesn't change it back for you! muahaha

If I wanted to change my name, I'd be General Alcazar (or possibly General Nuisance).
But I don't, so I won't.
<333333333 to Munro.

And for the record, Milk's new name rules! :D
oh thank god, you fixed it. Siacker looked so horrible, it bothered the hell out of me D:
Hmm... I'm considering a name change... but I don't think I'll go through with it. I am JNightshade, whether I like it or not.
JNightshade, if you ever change your name, I'll change "bvasgm" to "Miffed Hamster".

Do you really want to be responsible for that? Do you???

Didn't think so.
I briefly considered changing my name... but no.
I was gonna change my name to Deus or Deus Abscondidus

But then I was like...nah.
Well, at least you got your previous name in the sig.
I do my best to make it confusing things less confusing.
I do my best to make it confusing things less confusing.
I think you need to tone down the confusion a bit more, because I can hardly understand that sentence :p
I think you need to tone down the confusion a bit more, because I can hardly understand that sentence
I think your right....
I think name changing is fine as long as you're just improving your name not changing it completely.. I mean, dropping the "1337" doesn't do anything other than make it look better. You all still know who I am. I think the regulars should stick with their names, they are too well known now. The Monkey is known as Taxman on everything else, so I guess I can get used to it.. But evil^milk was legendary. I'll always think of Onwee as Audiophile anyways.

Honestly, I think everyone should have a set avatar. Or at least the regulars. JNight needs the fiery eye back. I couldn't really care less about Dog-- changing his name, But Minerel with no avatar -> Cole with a stupid avatar is confusing.
That's all folks!
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