Username History

My name is Ty. I have moments of surreal creativity. This was not one of those moments.

Also, I have a penis so I figured I'd let everyone know.

EDIT: I changed my name, I realized it was old and uncreative so i'll try this on for size. I heard it from some drunk kid on the radio after a red sox game say..."they call me baaaaaaaaarney trouble" (instead of rubble).
Look at my username and bask in its awesomeness.
Xendance was a map on Opposing Force multiplayer, so I used that.
I wanted to be hellfirenbrimstone...but apparently it was too long. And, it's a name solely forged from the depths of my mind, after being guided gently to the Politics forum by my mentor (who, for his sake, shall remain nameless)... I was sure I was going to "bring it"..

Of course, I got scared of certain crazy idealists, so I backed away from the Politics forum, and spend my days lurking here. I didn't bring it. Yet.
I've had many usernames, and still do. The momst memorable of my names was Frostmourne]FK[, which I used in the clan FaLLeN_kNiGhTs. The name came to me as I was playing wc3 (obviously) and I started getting mad when noobs would come online and say "Hey! Frostmourne! That's from WoW, right?" NO! **** YOU! IT'S FROM WARCRAFT3! PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS!

And for some reason they'd ban me from their games after I said that... Their loss... I used to be so good at SC.

Then I started using the name FagBallz because my friend's brother would make fun of me, because my brother is gay. So he'd call me FagBallz McGoo and my brother FagBallz McGee... ****in ass... So I started to use FagBallz_McGoo and it stuck, and for this screen name I just wanted to make 1 post, but found myself glued to the community, so I kept it. At one point I made another account here by the name of FagBallz_McGoo, but it got banned, and now I'm stuck with this one. I'd get it changed now, but I like it. :)
Alright, it all started eons ago...which is about 8 years ago.

I had this awesome Toy Machine (skateboard company for those who don't know) t-shirt that said "poo poo head" on it with a drawing of a brown head with googly eyes and a straw hat and a retarded smile. Everyone loved it despite its immaturity and ill nature, which reminded me of my sense of humor. Too bad the shirt (or its relative "poo poo head vato") don't exist anywhere anymore =(

Anyway, i might change my name to one of my other names, but this name is a bit "unique" despite being completely dumb.
My name is Ty. I have moments of surreal creativity. This was not one of those moments.

Also, I have a penis so I figured I'd let everyone know.

EDIT: I changed my name, I realized it was old and uncreative so i'll try this on for size. I heard it from some drunk kid on the radio after a red sox game say..."they call me baaaaaaaaarney trouble" (instead of rubble).
You need to put "formerly tyguy" in your signature for a while... I had go to your profile and look at your AIM screen name to figure it out. :P

Now I get the Ty thing...

(and tyguy was better)
Made for UT, figured that dungeonmaster was someshit from dungeons and dragons (literally pictured that one Dexter's Lab ep) and UTized it :)
I just thought that you died a lot in games. Had a 1:200 k:d ratio or something
someone asked me once "so do you kill a lot or die a lot?"
Answer: both
Alright, it all started eons ago...which is about 8 years ago.

I had this awesome Toy Machine (skateboard company for those who don't know) t-shirt that said "poo poo head" on it with a drawing of a brown head with googly eyes and a straw hat and a retarded smile. Everyone loved it despite its immaturity and ill nature, which reminded me of my sense of humor. Too bad the shirt (or its relative "poo poo head vato") don't exist anywhere anymore =(

Anyway, i might change my name to one of my other names, but this name is a bit "unique" despite being completely dumb.

I remember those! Actually, skateboard companies often have GREAT graphic designers. I personally was a fan of Element in my skaterboi phase. Ahhh, the days of being a skateboarding miscreant hellbent on making everyone's life miserable. Gotta' love it.


btw. Guess they still put it on wheels!
I remember those! Actually, skateboard companies often have GREAT graphic designers. I personally was a fan of Element in my skaterboi phase. Ahhh, the days of being a skateboarding miscreant hellbent on making everyone's life miserable. Gotta' love it.


btw. Guess they still put it on wheels!

hahaha those days, I used to be an Element fanboy myself, as well as toy machine and destructo and black label.
Heh, my username is taviow because my real name is Otavio. Quite a boring story, I know :P
I was 13 when I came up with this name but at the time I actually thought the word voracious meant that something was outrageous. It wasn't until later that I learned the actual meaning, at which point I was embarrassed. ;(
hahaha those days, I used to be an Element fanboy myself, as well as toy machine and destructo and black label.

Man now that I think about it, me and my friends back then were such little pricks. I remember putting a golf ball in the tailpipe of a bobcat (construction vehicle), and constant vandalism. Not to mention peeing on basically anything and everything. Smoking my first reefers etcetc :'-( bittersweet memories.
When I went into hospital for the first time with srs bsns, I came out with all sorts of phobias, panic attacks etc. My dad started calling me Phobie as a joke and it just kind of stuck.

I'm a huge hypochondriac. Back in the day I'd think everything was killing me. I'd also ask "is this normal" blah blah blah... oh man.
Bought Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver and transformed Raziel into Raziaar... been that way ever since.
It's kinda cool. Like, I know it must suck, but shit man it's Lupus. It's never Lupus.
I don't think anyone realises how offensive that can be. But yeah it is lupus this time. Apparently at one point in that retarded show it actually was lupus, so where is your lupus god now?
I was wondering where in those two posts I might offend you. Sorry D:
Also I dunno it's rare and stuff.
I'm a huge hypochondriac. Back in the day I'd think everything was killing me. I'd also ask "is this normal" blah blah blah... oh man.

I'm the exact opposite, to the point where i'll probably end up dying from some nasty disease because I just thought "it's nothing".
I got mine from when I was a kid and used to spend hours upon hours raping and pillaging villiages on Age of Mythology.

Or I liked to think that I was :(

Anyway, I think Skaadi was the Norse goddess of winter or some such
I remember those! Actually, skateboard companies often have GREAT graphic designers. I personally was a fan of Element in my skaterboi phase. Ahhh, the days of being a skateboarding miscreant hellbent on making everyone's life miserable. Gotta' love it.


btw. Guess they still put it on wheels!

There Vato is!!!

Skateboarding hasn't been the same though, things have changed...

I still love it though, brings back a lot of memories like yours, vandalism, weed (and lots of it), runnnin from da police, but most of them were actually cool, they got bigger things to worry about. I also liked old school element (Jeremy Wray featherlights!), now its all about the blanks, there just as good. But i'm still wearing my vans and Emerica's.
I don't think anyone realises how offensive that can be. But yeah it is lupus this time. Apparently at one point in that retarded show it actually was lupus, so where is your lupus god now?

I've got this. As if I needed to be whiter, heh. Damn autoimmune illnesses.
Needed a name for Star Wars Galaxies, rolled a Mon Calamari

Mon Calamari - Mon C = alamari + D = Dalamari


Used to be genpatton and greyknight before this
I don't think anyone realises how offensive that can be. But yeah it is lupus this time. Apparently at one point in that retarded show it actually was lupus, so where is your lupus god now?

Shut up or I'll push you over and scrape your knee.
15357 started with randomly punched numbers; I didn't think I'd come back.

I suppose I was wrong.

it's also the lambda logo on the keypad