Using bits in other bits

  • Thread starter monkey monkey mo
  • Start date

monkey monkey mo

Not sure if this is mapping or general Hammer, but here it goes.

I'm trying to make a HL2DM map. I came across this tut:

But it seems that only CS:S can use this entity (env_embers); it simply doesn't show up in the entities menu for HL2.

This site says you can only use certain entities in certain game modes (put the 4 lines into 1 - rival crushing edbot eh?):

There also textures for CS:S I would like to use in HL2, etc.

So, how do you import multiple game info / entity / material files to be used in an individual game config? :|
FFS, it seems no-one on the internet knows... if they do, thry're not telling :flame:
Bumping for me and Shady.

I figured out the words I needed before. The question is:

How do I mount multiple .fgd files?

I can do it manually in the options but it seems to ignore it :frown:

And now i've run hammer with my CS:S config and it's not showing up env_embers for that either :x
well env_embers is there.. you sure your using a brush and tie to entity to see them?

point entities - regular kind you just click and place
brush entities - make a brush, use tie to entity, then you can see those to select them.