UV mapping


Aug 8, 2003
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i just wanna know WTF a uv map is.. i've been screwin around in maya for about 2 months now and still have no idea...

its best if someone posts a tutorial, as If I describe what it is it may take a while, but if you want it simple and plain, its polygon placing co-ordinates so you can line up your model on 3 dimensions, without stretching occuring, so you can basically put texture on, polygon by polygon. I think :rolling: something along the lines of that crude explaination
Easy description of a uv map: think of a globe, that is your model. A world map is basically a uv map of the globe. It is the mesh 'flattened' out. What a uv map is for is you unwrap the model, then you have a template to paint textures onto. Once you have the texture the uv map controls how that is wrapped back onto the model. If you see the texture file for some game models, like a person, you will see the person spread out.

I use Maya myself. www.highend3d.com www.learningmaya.com , check those out, loads of tutorials.
Just think of the net for a cube/similar shape, thats basically what a UV map is