VAC Coming Soon

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
In an e-mail sent out by Valve's Alfred Reynolds through one of their mailing lists, we can now confirm that Valve's Anti-Cheat software (VAC) is making a return to the Source engine.
VAC is coming to Source, and it will be an updated VAC with additional anti-cheat functionality. We're working on this now.
This is great news as it's only a matter of time before the servers start getting plagued with people cheating and spoiling other people's fun.[br]
Essentially this will mean that any servers with VAC activated where you are playing Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and other Source engine based games will be a safe and fun place to play.
Iway asway aitingway away onglay imetay orfay isthay! Iway amway osay eefulglay. :bounce:
Dr. Shim said:
Iway asway aitingway away onglay imetay orfay isthay! Iway amway osay eefulglay. :bounce:

is their something wrong with my eyes is that not englisch?
yeah wooooooot about time soon hope not much of a wait.
Chris_D said:
Essentially this will mean that any servers with VAC activated where you are playing Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and other Source engine based games will be a safe and fun place to play.
With some luck ;) Hopefully.
it would be nice if they update the damn thing from now on, there are tons of cheats working on the VAC they have now..
I don't see why convicted cheaters can't have their steam accounts deleted. They deserve it. If it were up to me i'd bring back the cane.
Last time they said Soon was when they released the picture of HL2DM about 4 hours before it came out...
They need to hurry up, cheating is already rampant.

There was a new one released that has aimbot,wallhack etc etc etc

I have seen it used on about 6 servers now that I play on and I hate it :|
Dr. Shim said:
Iway asway aitingway away onglay imetay orfay isthay! Iway amway osay eefulglay. :bounce:

"I was waiting a long time for this! I am so gleeful"

Me too :)
croperz said:
"I was waiting a long time for this! I am so gleeful"

Me too :)

only a mater of time son befor vac cheats available also.
your signature reflects my reaction to your spelling, gegam.

It'll at least make it harder for them to cheat.
Audiophile said:
your signature reflects my reaction to your spelling, gegam.

gegam aint got a signature as far as i can see, unless am missing something?
Sweet good news. But they will need to keep updateing it asap. hackers can make new cheats days after a vac update.
Very nice, I hope they keep on the ball, they don't want their new engine to be hackable via VAC so early!
Audiophile said:
your signature reflects my reaction to your spelling, gegam.

It'll at least make it harder for them to cheat.

harder yes, definitly. plus all bans need to be permanent.

for example, all cheaters will **** up sometime downloading wronge hack and getting banned permanently they will get rulled out of the cheating pool unless they want to spend 50 bucks again for hl2, therefor, valve benefits, and hte community benefits,

all lawsuits should be dismissed. i dont need a white 60 year old grandpa telling me he understands more about a community his raggidy ass is not a part of.

so harder yes but not hard enough.
Without even an estimate of a date, not very informative imo.
nutcrackr said:
Soon in valve world translate to a few months yes?

They never said soon, everyone else is saying it.

It's sounds like someone e-mailed valve asking if they were going to have VAC on source and they replied that yes they are.

A date would be news.
I swear when I started reading this post, a huge bright light came out of my window and some women sang "halleluuja!"

Anyways good to hear it's coming.
Finally some confirmed information about the anti-cheat. We have been waiting a long time for this :) Thank you vALVE.
polyguns said:
cheaters never loose, and only users loose drugs
So cheaters are tight? and users have tight drugs?

lose. :D
lePobz said:
I don't see why convicted cheaters can't have their steam accounts deleted. They deserve it. If it were up to me i'd bring back the cane.

screw the cane boiz, bring the gold plated crowbar.

Noo! That means my Death Haxx won't work anymore? Damn... No more negative scores for me then :P.
This is really great news!!! :) All hacking scum should be banned from steam 4life!!!1 :)
Raziel-Jcd said:
Sweet good news. But they will need to keep updateing it asap. hackers can make new cheats days after a vac update.
As I understand it, VAC only needs to detect a cheat on a user's account once to flag that user as a cheater. Once a cheater has been flagged, he can be banned from VAC servers.

In other words, VAC doesn't prevent cheats from working online, it simply detects cheats and bans the corresponding account. So it doesn't matter if new "undetectable" cheats come out, the cheaters only have to be caught once.
Chris_D said:
This is great news as it's only a matter of time before the servers start getting plagued with people cheating and spoiling other people's fun.

So like the last 2 months of people cheating on servers has been nothing more than my imagination? (Speed hacking etc..)

Thankfully I only play on servers I know have good admins, and my own clan server.
i think that cheaters, who therefore have their accounts banned, should have to pay treble for a new one, although they could just buy a retail copy and register that but you get my jist... justice!