VAC2 Beta.when?

VAC2= valve anti cheat.
It finds and bans cheaters.

Its already running IIRC, just silently atm
Valve Anti-Cheat made specifically for the Source Engine. It, as the name states, stops Third Party Programs from altering a persons game to give them an advantage. If it catches you, you are banned from Secure Servers (Dunno if it gets your steam account of what not)

It used to ban you for simple proggies like HLamp...a tool in CS/HL that let you control Winamo. One of my fav proggies, died cause of that :( Maybe it will come back?! :D

Anyway, short definition turned story-like, sorry.

*EDIT* I type too much....I get beat to punches.
*EDIT2* wtf does IIRC mean?
cyberpitz said:
*EDIT2* wtf does IIRC mean?


HLAmp is banned by it because it uses an engine hook. HLSS should be ok though
Forget IIRC what does atm mean? :LOL:
(BTW, bliink If I had a question about moderating would you be the right person to ask?)
bliink said:

HLAmp is banned by it because it uses an engine hook. HLSS should be ok though

ahh, that makes more since. I still wish HLamp would be allowed :(

Something telss me HLamp is dead, since the last news post was in 2003.... *sadface*
bliink said:
VAC2= valve anti cheat.
It finds and bans cheaters.

Its already running IIRC, just silently atm

nice to know
thx for the info bliink
WhiteZero said:
You mean VAC2 right? Cuz VAC was around way before Source...

Datrix said:
Do you mind me asking whats VAC2? :rolling:

That was what my answer was in referance to, so yes, I was talking about VAC2.
cyberpitz said:
It used to ban you for simple proggies like HLamp...a tool in CS/HL that let you control Winamo. One of my fav proggies, died cause of that :( Maybe it will come back?! :D
That lasted all of five hours. Are you sure it 'died'?
I like the fact it bans them on everything but secure servers. Because that means that in the end, you'll have the clean secure servers, all cool and stuff, and then you'll have the non-secures, which will be full of cheaters going "OMFG N00b! Stop teh cheating!! Ill tell teh admin!!" Hahah, :LOL:. Cracks me up, since they'll be getting a taste of their own medicen
Datrix said:
Forget IIRC what does atm mean? :LOL:
(BTW, bliink If I had a question about moderating would you be the right person to ask?)

At the moment
then in starcraft there is bs wich im not sure wiether it stand for backstaber bullshit bastard or possibly buttsekks, i wonder wich people would rather use...
EDIT: a perfect example of bs in starcraft is when your ally is out attacking the enemy you put ALL of your troops into there base and "unally" KABOOM, they get wasted in a matter of seconds
I think you're misunderstanding their beta test of VAC.

They will activate it but no one will be banned. They'll be internally testing the results they get to make sure that when they do allow banning that it doesn't go and ban 1 million Steam accounts :p

We probably won't notice a thing.
But if they add an update assuming the user needs something installed for VAC2 to work, do you think they will conceal the contents, are they allowed? I mean the next updates: 'erm...we made it look better, tweaked it, changed terrorist shoelace colours, and fixed the jumping bug' what bug? 'shut up'
Something like that?

Or possibly release VAC2 early to catch out the cheaters before they know whats hit them. I mean they've had a warning from the steam update, you gotta be cruel to be kind. I used to cheat on 1.5, i got banned for a year by VAC, learnt my lesson. Don't cheat ever and it worked damn it. What do people think?
they already announced it. They specifically warned cheaters to uninstall and clean their system now or they'll be b4nz0r3d. :)
Next week we'll begin beta testing the new Valve Anti-Cheat system. For people playing multiplayer games, there will not be any visible difference while we're conducting the beta, but we will be logging cheating violations into our database to make sure it's ready for general release. This will be the last public notice before the system is released and active for everyone.
I reckon they will openly advise that the system is in beta testing and then log any infractions. For the beta at least they won't permanently ban but it will just test the system to make sure it isn't too ban happy.

When they're happy it's ready and safe to be launched, they will. And then people will start getting permanently banned from all secure servers.
infin|ty said:
ATM = Ass To Mouth

Maybe VAC2 is what is causing HL2 and CS:S to run slower in the past few weeks. Probably not though.
Chris_D said:
I reckon they will openly advise that the system is in beta testing

Read your quote:
This will be the last public notice before the system is released and active for everyone.

Cheaters have been warned. That WAS the warning.
Well I hope it works better than vac ATM (ass to mouth, that got me bigtime :D)