Valentines Day..

I actually like this holiday. All the girls with no guy friend turn to me. And I shower them with love. Especially the very pretty ones.
This holiday is either a chance to realize just how lucky you are to be with someone, or it's a great way to realize just how alone you really are...

Of course I'm not really alone, it's just that my school's full of lesbians...yeah...that's it...
yay, I'm super happy I got with somebody on time this year :)
I got her a card and a bar of chocolate. I'm poor, but I still cough up! Well, I hope she likes chocolate anyway :P
Valentines Day can suck ass. I'm going to a strip club this year. FTW :D
Valentine's Day is the mother of all non-holidays.

That being said that's no reason I cannot exploit it for my own personal intentions. Every girl out there that doesn't have a "valentine" will want one...and I'll be there to scoop 'em up.
remember: cheap St. Valentine Day candies the day after St. Valentine's day
Lou said:
remember: cheap St. Valentine Day candies the day after St. Valentine's day

For once you have said something intelligent. I for one will be raiding the local stores to stock up on valentines candy to prep the shelter in case we have to hold up. Wouldn't want to be stuck in a shelter during a zombie attack and have a valentines without valentines candy! Hey...whats so gay about a bunch of guys on the internets giving eachother valentines candy to eachother on valentines day during a zombie attack? Oh...right

Theres a reason your single on valentines day...girls already have a pussy, they dont need another one.
For valentine's day, I'm gonna sit at home on my nads and wish I had the social skills to make it with a chick. ;(
*cires emo tears*
D: D: D:
Glirk Dient said:
Theres a reason your single on valentines day...girls already have a pussy, they dont need another one.
How do you know I am single on valentine's day?
Lou said:
How do you know I am single on valentine's day?

Oh oh oh..sorry.

I meant in a meaningful relationship. I forgot you might have paid some girl to be womanized by you.
I remember last Valentines.. Skyline park, roses, chocolates, stuffed piggy.. and some Vans. LOL. Man, oh man... hope the misses loves it this year.
Glirk Dient said:
Oh oh oh..sorry.

I meant in a meaningful relationship. I forgot you might have paid some girl to be womanized by you.
I don't pay for sex or affection from women. I know how get them for free.
I actually got a valentines day gift. It said I cho cho chose you... and it had a picture of a train on it. Ok, fine it diden't. :(
Lou said:
I don't pay for sex or affection from women. I know how get them for free.

With that attitude of yours, I seriously doubt it.
Remember, Skaadi:


It's always possible he's a really nice guy in real life. *snort*
I'm solo on this day, but that's alright. I'm gonna give a valentine card thing that I'm gonna have to end up making, because she's got a boyfriend, and damnit, she should chose me over him.

Angry Lawyer said:
I goddamn hate this holiday. As in really hate. HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE!

Damn women, and all their lies, and their stuck up friends who feed them lies, and their guillability, and damnit HATEHATEHATEHATEHATE!

Needless to say, I'm going to be drunk and alone on the day.

-Angry Lawyer

;( Dont hate, you got teh Llama :D
happy valentines day all! this, the mother of all non-holidays. hurrah!
i ****ing hate v day. its too commercial. your are forced into buying cards whihc are all pink and shitty is like eugh.

rose says it better.
Why don't you just write someone a letter rather than buying some shitty card? It says so much more.
Jintor said:
Remember, Skaadi:


It's always possible he's a really nice guy in real life. *snort*

So thats why it happens.........
Why does everyone keep referencing Valentines Day as a holiday!?!?! IT'S NOT A GOD DAMN HOLIDAY UNLESS YOU GET THE DAY OFF!!! It's just another day!!
venturon said:
Why don't you just write someone a letter rather than buying some shitty card? It says so much more.
or better yet, tell them in person.
Skaadi said:
With that attitude of yours, I seriously doubt it.

Thank you for judging me based on text. Isn't it possible, if not probable, that there is a one in a million chance that I am worthy of your love but you just dont know me yet? Is it possible? If I met you in real life, and I was attracted to you, I'm sure I could persuade you to reconsider. In fact, I would value the chance to meet you because you have challenged me, and I love someone who doesnt just jump at a chance to **** me because they heard I have a big ****.
Lou said:
Thank you for judging me based on text.

Is there another way of judging people on an internet forum?

And if your 'text' is an accurate representation of what you're like as a person, then it would appear you're a silly c*nt in possession of weapons-grade stupidity.
Well my brother just got all the cliche valentines presents for his girlfriend at the very last minute. *slaps forehead*.
I just made the sickest Valentine's day card ever. Took me an hour or two of cutting and folding and inking, but it folds open into a pop out paper rose and has some nice caligraphy on the inside and a little painting on the front. I'm bound to get something for my efforts.
Dan said:
I just made the sickest Valentine's day card ever. Took me an hour or two of cutting and folding and inking, but it folds open into a pop out paper rose and has some nice caligraphy on the inside and a little painting on the front. I'm bound to get something for my efforts.
That sounds awesome! I made 5 cards with uniquely written poems in for 5 of my female friends. They were all talking about it for the whole day after.

Pitty one of my friends who I gave a card to thinks I fancy this other girl I gave a card to. So not the case.

Awesome day in all.
This made me laugh when I went to Jewel to pick up some valentines day stuff yesterday. This was taken at 9:30 PM.

What did you guys do for Valentines today? I did absolutely shit. Actually I did take a shit today.
madog said:
What did you guys do for Valentines today? I did absolutely shit. Actually I did take a shit today.

I slept the entire ****ing day so my misery did not destroy the world. No new Saint Valentines Day Massacre for you all.
Lou said:
Thank you for judging me based on text. Isn't it possible, if not probable, that there is a one in a million chance that I am worthy of your love but you just dont know me yet? Is it possible? If I met you in real life, and I was attracted to you, I'm sure I could persuade you to reconsider. In fact, I would value the chance to meet you because you have challenged me, and I love someone who doesnt just jump at a chance to **** me because they heard I have a big ****.

Whoa, that was one of the most pompous things I've ever heard. And if I ever met you I would still consider you the same, a pompous idiot who has a horribly inflated sense of his own self worth. And you consider 2 inches big? Thats laughable.
I created a card for a girl that I fancy today. She is currently dating somebody, but that's only because he swooped in and stole her... >_<

The card was pretty sweet I'd like to think, and the most creative thing I've ever made... it said...

"I wanted you to know <---Outside
On this day so true"

"If I had a Valentine
She'd be just like you." <----Inside

She was happy to get it. :)
I spent my time researching Military Sciences.

No really. I had nothing better to do.