Valentine's Day

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Back to the original topic of the $10, I will use one of my old lines again that someone found funny enough to quote..**ahem**

Fill her full o' banana juice! AIYEEEEEE!
Buy her something generic and banal! That'l really show her how much you care.

Valentines day :x The way its marketed is just so pointless now.

Anyway, if you don't wanna think that way, then you could alternatively send me the 10 dollars.

As an after thought, why not make something for her. Thats what I'd doa mongts other things, but then thats just me...
so much spam ;( I hate to ruin your fun, but.. closed :O

edit: uhh, if you can't afford anything for her, make it :) I'm sure that'd mean a lot more to her
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