VALVe blows

Err.. waz, you might want to tone down (ie REMOVE) the second sentence in that post, or else it'll be reported and you'll get a warning or a ban.


There'll always be someone complaining. Even if CS:S was perfect, someone would still find something to complain about. It's unavoidable in any large community.
WazMeister said:
I swear I saw you blowing a donkey's with its seeping seman dripping from his veiny, pulsating, stinky cock.

lol :LOL:
The instruction at "0x24172fcb" referenced memory at "0x00c48348". The memory could not de "read"

CLick "OK" to terminate program.

Nevermind that HL2 is supposed to support TRUFORM, but running CS:S with truform on causes hard crashes.
playing on a 9800pro, the card Gabe "plays ever day" on, not overclocked, and system not overclocked. Catalyst 4.9 drivers. i can only play every third or fourth time i start the game without having to reboot my machine. THis is not release quality. Hopefully, these issues have been fixed, and when we get HL2, they will work themselves out in CS:S.

I totally understand people's complaints, but without a gold announcement, these games are not done yet. when we get the gold announcement, and we get a CS:S update that solves these issues, i'll be satisfied.
AmishSlayer said:
-Bugs- Not many game-stopping bugs that I've seen (no crashes-no big bugs that affect gameplay anymore)

I love CS:S from what I've played, but unfortunatly, I suffer from a serious (and literal) game stopping bug. The game just locks up after about 5 minutes. I even ran the stress test twice in a row and it still locked up. Apparently this was a bug earlier in the beta, but its still here. Despite this major setback, I still find myself playing it for those few minutes and I love it! I can't wait to see the finished product
Vidrio said:
Actually, u pre-ordered hl2, cs source comes _free_ its a bonus stop whining.

The'll do the same as they did with cz .. in a week a or so I bet the'll be patch after patch of added content.

They will add new player models and include cz hostage code. Otherwise it wouldnt be a real port! (cliffe did say he'd take the best of both and smush them into cs source in one of the gamespot interviews.)

edit: btw u mentioned that the steam forums are full of posts saying how poo it is or something? ..well.. do see the many people who are happy about it on the forums? .. thousands of people downloaded it (2k was on this mourning when I checked).

I tell u, I'm happy with it and I have no doubt that I wont be going to the steam forums very soon cause I'll be playing this :p
No one whos happy with cs source is gonna go congratulate valve on it.

Very true statement, I love cs:source, so i don't even post on the forums with complaints. The complaints on the forums are a very small percentage of the people who bought it. I'm glad we got it early as I can wait for the new player models.
just something i want to point out for those who yet claims this is the final version of cs:s :cool:
Where can you see the letters that will assume it is "FINAL"?
Okay why there is only 8 maps would only mean something i havent figured out :LOL: . But something i know THIS IS ONLY PLAYTEST. God... "Open your eyes, Fantastic is right in front of you."(just quete from outcast song xD ) Did valve say THIS WAS THE FINAL PRODUCT. No i dont think they said. If they said that it was going to be final then i have missed that :p :p anyway every one just presumed thinking it was the final? They only said that beta will end. they didnt say the next one would be the final. Well this is what i see how it was. by the way you should really read the optimisation guide. They mentioned to put the TruForm on application preference, not default on :p . Correct me, if im wrong :D. One thing im sure is that the physics are almost right but they didnt have tables in the beta so no one coulnt have said it was a bug. I think this is the another test stage but i would call it SEMI-Final. From the lack of models and maps ^.^ .
ps: im going to buy the box so i dont have css. i've played the leaked thou xD forgive me but its awesome game trust me ^^. Just look the thread where is nogravity pics and everything will be clear xDDD. Go throw those grenades and let em fly. :D :D :D
Well, after the beta... what else is there?

What has been released is not a pre-release play test, but the first release of CS:S. With that said, though, there won't be a "final" release for a long time.. CS has always been constantly under development, and CS:S will undoubtably continue this. That's obviously how Valve justify releasing the game as it is now, and rightly so.
VodkA-HLC- said:
Don't worry, this is the same idiot that complained last week that there was only one map. He is one of those princess and the pea complextion/personalities. Nothing ever satisfies. I love it, enjoy the game if not it is your proble. It is fun as hell to me.

Show me my map post genius. Don't talk shit on me if you don't even know who you are talking about. As for the rest of you if you arent having any problems with source then why the hell would you even bother posting? Go play your game and enjoy yourselves. :rolleyes: This thread is intended to let off some steam (no pun intended) about the current "Final" release of CS:S. Im not trying to have a flamewar over something that has been argued in countless threads across steams forums.
Chaops said:
How did I know this was going to be cheap. Well for all of you that don't know, CS:S final is the exact same thing that the beta was with new maps. All the same bugs, No new models, and on top of everything when you load the final it deletes your cfg incuding any sprays in your materials folder. I now hate VALVe 10x more than I did. I think all they did to proclaim this an "official" is remove the yellow BETA text on the load screen. I am one unhappy customer. Anyone else have the same gripes? ;(
Seriously, why the **** are you bitching?


Jadewolf5675 said:
Seriously, why the **** are you bitching?



im playing devils advocate here but

its not free. its HL2's MP component for the time being. its part of the package, its part of what you buy.
Jadewolf5675 said:
Seriously, why the **** are you bitching?



No, it's not free.

Like Posey said, It is the official multiplayer of HL2, which I just payed 50 bucks for. Sorry, it's not free.
You all are acting like you payed $50 for just CS:S...

You payed $50 for HL2, and it just so happens that Vavle was gracious enough to let us play CS:S now.

Beggars can't be choosers...
WhiteZero said:
Beggars can't be choosers...

What? Beggars can't be choosers? How about paying customers? Can they be choosers perhaps?
lol @ qck and sh4m. Im glad you guys at least can keep humor instead of flaming like a troll. Pennywise owns!
qckbeam said:
What? Beggars can't be choosers? How about paying customers? Can they be choosers perhaps?

Tell me... would you have gotten to play CS:S right now if you pre-ordered at a retail store? No!

CS:S is HL2's Multiplayer... HL2 isnt out yet... and we get to play CS:S right now. I'd say thats pretty nice of them.
Well, I do believe people should have to option to buy cs:s stand-alone now, considering many Counter-Strike players unfortunatley care very little about the half-life franchise. It would just mean more money to Valve anyway. In due time however you will be able to purchsae it alone, Valve has stated anyway (but word of mouth and Valve dont always go together nicely) sept 30th 2003 anyone? Doug, doug, doug what would Valve do.. or not do, for that matter without you :)
Yeah, I would much rather be playing CS: S now, while waiting for them to finish up hl2, instead of going back to call of duty, battlefront, and ut2k4.

And I would also much rather be playing CS: S now, in it's current shape, than waiting 4-8 weeks, or longer, so that they can add more models to the game. (I wasn't in beta)

but I have patience issues. I can see where people would be ticked.
CSS in its current state is not the final css that will be released with hl2. Now where does it say it is the final. CSS will always be a work in progress. I don't know what the hell your crying about? I would rather have 8 maps then 1 map and 8 skin models to choose from. Wouldn't you? If you remember valve saying that if you prepurchase hl2 you can get css source EARLY. Key word there bob, EARLY. You basically paid 5 dollars for css out of your 49.99 considering hl1source and dodsource are 5 dollars each, take the difference between silver and bronze package. 5 dollars is less than what most people make in an hour. Still complaining about something? They spent 2 months since the beta has been out to convert some maps for us to play and fix some bugs and you basically paid 5 dollars to have the privalage to play css EARLY.. I would like to pick you up with the manipulator gun and smash your head against the wall over and over again. Little bitcher.....
Oh, but it is free!!!*

People do have a right to complain about whatever they want, but those who do complain want their 50 bucks worth from CS:S alone, and that's quite unfair. The product they purchased isn't even out yet. They basically pre-ordered HL2, and got a free* game to play right now.

(*in the "free phone with your expensive service contract" kind of way, which is highly debatable ;) )
Sh4mp00 said:
Well, I do believe people should have to option to buy cs:s now ONLY, considering many Counter-Strike players unfortunatley care very little about the half-life franchise.

That would be a good idea. CS is a widely known game. Asking some people if they've played CS...they say yes. I ask the same people if they've actually played HL...they reply with "I've never heard of HL...I just bought CS." Lots of people know little to nothing about HL...but they bought CS. I bet they'd get big sales from a CS:S only option.
AmishSlayer said:
That would be a good idea. CS is a widely known game. Asking some people if they've played CS...they say yes. I ask the same people if they've actually played HL...they reply with "I've never heard of HL...I just bought CS." Lots of people know little to nothing about HL...but they bought CS. I bet they'd get big sales from a CS:S only option.
By doing things they way they have, though, they're going to encourage a LOT of people to buy HL2 now, which not only increases HL2's sales overall, but more importantly, increases HL2 sales through steam, which is much more lucrative for Valve. With the current legal battle in mind, I'm sure Valve want to give the public every reason to pick steam purchasing over retail.
WhiteZero said:
Tell me... would you have gotten to play CS:S right now if you pre-ordered at a retail store? No!

CS:S is HL2's Multiplayer... HL2 isnt out yet... and we get to play CS:S right now. I'd say thats pretty nice of them.

I think it's cool that they went ahead and let us play CS:S early. My gripe with it is how it was totted as a full finished product when it really isn't. They should have said we'd have the ability to participate in an extended beta with extra maps/ etc. if we pre-ordered via Steam. That's all. I was expecting a full, final product.
qckbeam said:
I think it's cool that they went ahead and let us play CS:S early. My gripe with it is how it was totted as a full finished product when it really isn't. They should have said we'd have the ability to participate in an extended beta with extra maps/ etc. if we pre-ordered via Steam. That's all. I was expecting a full, final product.
CSS in its current state is not the final css that will be released with hl2. Now where does it say it is the final. CSS will always be a work in progress. I don't know what the hell your crying about? I would rather have 8 maps then 1 map and 8 skin models to choose from. Wouldn't you? If you remember valve saying that if you prepurchase hl2 you can get css source EARLY. Key word there bob, EARLY. You basically paid 5 dollars for css out of your 49.99 considering hl1source and dodsource are 5 dollars each, take the difference between silver and bronze package. 5 dollars is less than what most people make in an hour. Still complaining about something? They spent 2 months since the beta has been out to convert some maps for us to play and fix some bugs and you basically paid 5 dollars to have the privalage to play css EARLY.. I would like to pick you up with the manipulator gun and smash your head against the wall over and over again. Little bitcher.....
it is free

for one person that complains so would think theyde just play a different game.
if you dont like it and want to bitch then dont play it.

also it is free with hl2 for starts under contract valve has to wait till VU releases hl2 before valve can unlock it....if CS:S was indepth hl2 like its part of the game they wouldnt be able to release this earily like they did...its a extra thing theyre throwing happy! they could of just released hl2 just as singleplayer with nothing else. :smoking:
boo yea

BOO YEA 100th post /\ :bounce: :farmer: :cheers: :cheers: :bounce: :D :smoking:
VodkA-HLC- said:
CSS in its current state is not the final css that will be released with hl2. Now where does it say it is the final. CSS will always be a work in progress. I don't know what the hell your crying about? I would rather have 8 maps then 1 map and 8 skin models to choose from. Wouldn't you? If you remember valve saying that if you prepurchase hl2 you can get css source EARLY. Key word there bob, EARLY. You basically paid 5 dollars for css out of your 49.99 considering hl1source and dodsource are 5 dollars each, take the difference between silver and bronze package. 5 dollars is less than what most people make in an hour. Still complaining about something? They spent 2 months since the beta has been out to convert some maps for us to play and fix some bugs and you basically paid 5 dollars to have the privalage to play css EARLY.. I would like to pick you up with the manipulator gun and smash your head against the wall over and over again. Little bitcher.....

If I pay for something, I expect it to be out of beta. Perhaps that's just me. Perhaps my standards are just too high. I mean, it is a ridiculous concept isn't it; selling a finished product.

BTW, cut the insulting shit. I haven't said a single thing to warrant a response like that.
Man im starting to regret this thread. It was supposed to be just a place for the few of us who dislike the source current state to swap opinions and crack jokes. Now it's like a political debate. I know there is nothing I can do to fix what I think is wrong with CS:S and I still play it. Even with the flaws I still find it fun and enjoyable. If you really have to start shit with each other I suggest you go to the forums. I came here from those forums to get away from mindless arguing like this and yet here it is. Thanks to all of you who have kept a smile and humor while posting. You guys keep things friendly. :LOL:
Chaops said:
Man im starting to regret this thread. It was supposed to be just a place for the few of us who dislike the source current state to swap opinions and crack jokes. Now it's like a political debate. I know there is nothing I can do to fix what I think is wrong with CS:S and I still play it. Even with the flaws I still find it fun and enjoyable. If you really have to start shit with each other I suggest you go to the forums. I came here from those forums to get away from mindless arguing like this and yet here it is. Thanks to all of you who have kept a smile and humor while posting. You guys keep things friendly. :LOL:

Is that a threat Chaops!?!? IS IT BITCH?!?!

Edit: was a joke btw :p
Chaops said:
Why not complain. This is a 5 year old game with a month of beta testing. You say "Oh you can always update" and im sure valve says the same. Guess what, thats how things never get finished.

Alright bub, if you want to complain about Counter-Strike: Source, why don't you STOP PLAYING IT, IDIOT!!!!
qckbeam said:
If I pay for something, I expect it to be out of beta. Perhaps that's just me. Perhaps my standards are just too high. I mean, it is a ridiculous concept isn't it; selling a finished product.

Hey dumb guy, its still in beta, who said to you it wasn't? You paid 5 dollars for css and your complaining. You paid 95 percent of your money for hl2 pre-purchase, they (valve) let you play css EARLY, how fookn difficult of a concept is that? Does this make sense to you?
What if nobody complained and everybody was happy, do you think valve would still bother to add anything?

So I say keep complaining.

Anyway without knowing details of cs:s, ifyou have 5 different models for eatch team like in cs1.6 there is probebly nothing more to expect, if there are only 1-2 models for eatch team, that sounds like a ripoff and I would complain too.

Lets not forget there will be a cs2 too for the new stuff.
(I understood Minh was working on that but his valve email doesn't work anymore and hes not on valve's people page, does he still work there?)
I kinda agree Valve is a cheap company as they harvest a game to the bone before releasing anything new (all the source versions of old mods for example ...)
What I don't understand is why everyone gets in such a tizzy over people criticizing aspects of the game. I mean, did we just personally insult your mother or something? It sure seems like we must have.
Jeez, if you don't like the game, then don't bother waiting for it, and go play MoHPA
"if you dont like it, dont play it!"

looks like we arent playing it, that's why we're posting about it here.

"it was a FREE GAME!!!"

quote from valve: HL2's MP option is Counter-Strike:Source
guess who just paid for hl2! me! guess who expects a full featured CS:S game, rather than a few maps and 2 player models? me.

it was bad enough they didnt make a REAL hl2mp, i was content to settle for cs:s with lots of maps, vehicles, and such.

when i clicked "purchase" for hl2, it said cs:s was was available now, not "cs:s beta with a few new maps" available now. misleading.

if they just put "hl2 sp in 2 months" 50 bucks who would buy it? nobody. cs:s was clearly a large part of suckering people into buying now.
VodkA-HLC- said:
Hey dumb guy, its still in beta, who said to you it wasn't? You paid 5 dollars for css and your complaining. You paid 95 percent of your money for hl2 pre-purchase, they (valve) let you play css EARLY, how fookn difficult of a concept is that? Does this make sense to you?

Taken right from Steam...

Half-Life 2 Gold includes:
Half-Life 2*
Counter-Strike: Source
Half-Life: Source*
Day of Defeat: Source *
Valves back catalog available on steam

So I guess I should have just assumed it was a beta, not the actual game, that I was paying for when I bought that package right? That makes perfect sense :rolleyes:
If I have to pay for something I expect a finished product to be given to me. Valve could easily have said "If you pre-order Half-Life 2 on Steam now, you will be allowed to participate in an extended Counter-Strike: Source beta". Instead they said we'd be able to play the full game this week. That's misleading.
qckbeam said:
Half-Life 2 Gold includes:
Half-Life 2*
Counter-Strike: Source
Half-Life: Source*
Day of Defeat: Source *
Valves back catalog available on steam

So I guess I should have just assumed it was a beta, not the actual game, that I was paying for when I bought that package right?

totally agree.

also "you paid 5 dollars for CS:S, you paid 95% for hl2"
95% of 50 bucks is 47.50, and i paid 5 bucks for cs:S... that makes $52.50....
i got ripped off 2.50!

cs:s has far less features than cs 1.6, how embarrassing.

edit: also i dont entirely agree with that, more and more of a games percentage these days is based on MP. most people buy a game soley for MP. otherwise, why wouldnt they just pirate it?

i was interested in DoD:s because i thought it would be dod2 in essense, but it seems like they are doing dod2 after they waste their time making dod:s.

who was the wise guy who came up with the idea of wasting so much time making all the source ports rather than just starting on a whole new game anyway?

it's lucky that 90% of my interested in based on hl2 SP, but those more interested in MP would be disappointed. im just waiting for sven coop2 for my multiplay experience. ww2 and counter terrorism games - wait for it - dont interest me as much as they seem to other people.