Valve confirms Episode Two already in production


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
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Those wonderful folks at Valve have confirmed on that the expansion formerly known as Aftermath will be followed by an Episode Two (to which the only correct response can be 'no shit, Sherlock'). But more importantly, they're already hard at work on it, and indeed have been since they started producing Episode One.
'Valve's Robin Walker, designer/engineer on Episode 1, informed us that Episode 2 "has been in development for some time" in an interview that'll be winging its way to you shortly. Although he didn't elaborate further, it sounds as though Episode 2 may appear sooner than we could have hoped. We're definitely keeping trigger fingers crossed on that one, especially as the developer has aimed to offer "between 4 to 6 hours" of gameplay time with Episode 1, according to Walker - shorter, perhaps, than fans might have expected.'
In the course of said interview, he also dropped some evil teasers on Episode One's storyline sure to set spare-time speculators in a spin. When questioned on the plot, he remarked that "Episode 1 will not end with an all-encompassing conclusion" - but also claimed it would address some important questions such as it will address some specific questions, he revealed: "What happened to the Citadel at the end of Half-Life 2?", "What happened to Breen, is he dead?" and (gasp!) "How does the G-Man factor into all of this?"[br]</br>
Click here for the original story.[br]</br>
PS: You may be relieved to hear that Episode Two will not feature Gordon slaughtering Tusken Raiders like animals, or getting married in secret to Alyx.
Sulkdodds said:
You may be relieved to hear that Episode Two will not feature Gordon getting married in secret to Alyx.

No junior Gordon's running about with mini-crowbars then? **** this.
Hahaha. None of this is really a surprise to me, but it's good to hear nonetheless.
I'm still not sure I'll buy these right away. I probably will, in time, but for now, there are better things for me to put my money on, even though I'm dying for more Half Life story goodness.
I am certainly ready for more hl2-goodness. Let's hope that this news means a shorter wait between episodes. Episode 2 had better not ship a year or more after episode 1.

Harryz said:
Yeah, seems Sulkdodds linked to the wrong article
:D Yeah, I fixed that now. It's because no matter where you go on CVG the link in your top bar doesn't change, so if you click on an external link (as I did) that will be the only link you can get. D:
yay :D
so everyones saving up for AM now?
or are most people been ready for a while now? :P
I suspected it. I did really. You can ask my mom.
Awesome. If each episode only costs $10 to $15, then it is worth it. Its better than waiting 3 to 6 years for a sequel.
Also, i'll be surpised if episode 2 is released by the end of the year.
So what would be the proper price for a 4 to 6 hour expansion? I say $10-12. Maybe $15 if it is really good.
Im going to die today. TO many good announcements today!
I say G-man is Gordon's clone "father" and G-man himself is a clone of a former "father". We will learn that Gordon is the latest link of a huge dynasty of intergalactic meddlers.
Harryz said:
No junior Gordon's running about with mini-crowbars then? **** this.

no no but I do believe he has alyx on "booty call"..... !
I don't think Episode 1 is going to explain G-man's full purposes anymore than Half-Life 2 did. It's the clutch of the whole story, and laying it out in Ep. 1 would deflate Ep. 2-x and Half-Life 3.
But a nice teasing bit of advertising for sure.
OMG OMG OMG maybe they have already started production on Half Life 3 as well!!!!!!!!!!

/internet crashes due to all the hype and excitement of HL3 rumours.
Great news, can't wait now! I need to know who G-Man is NOW! Do you think they will ever tell us? Better not be cheesy, "I'm your lawyer".
"Gordon....*breaths heavily* Sorry I've been running. Gordon...I am your lawyer. Turns out that you're being sued by the Combine. And on the Combine side....Angry Lawyer! Who is devastated to hear about the Combine being on Xen!"

Sorry, I'm hyper today :)
Man that was...hyper fast. A few days ago UltimaApocalyspe and I were talking about Episode 1 and speculating like crazy but now we're given more to think of now that Episode 2 is on the rise. Valve seems to be on an accelerator now and it's very interesting. I'm so interested in what the two episodes will actually bring to the table and how much questions will finally be answered.

And yes like Samon, I want that interview too.
excellent news,

so how many episods there are in total ? --> before HL3
Cunni said:
OMG OMG OMG maybe they have already started production on Half Life 3 as well!!!!!!!!!!

/internet crashes due to all the hype and excitement of HL3 rumours.
What's Half-Life 3? :P
'...the developer has aimed to offer "between 4 to 6 hours" of gameplay time with Episode 1, according to Walker - shorter, perhaps, than fans might have expected.'
Hopefully they'll also cost less than fans might have expected. $9.99 sounds about right for 4 to 6 hours of content.
don't hold your breath on $9.99... I'd be surprised to see it for anything less than $20. Granted, I don't think its worth more than $15.

This isn't good news people. Get a clue, seriously.

What is most likely is that "AFTERMATH" has simply been split into two to rake in more $$. Probably a couple extra hours added, then made to be 2 Episodes... and twice the money. OpForce was about an 8 hour expansion, and thats what aftermath was going to be. Now, Episode 1 + Episode 2 = 8 hours. (when they say 4-6, hello... that means 4... and if grandma plays she might take 6 hours because she is so slow and bad).

So don't be excited, just realize that you are now paying twice as much for the same expansion pack... well, + maybe 2 hours of gameplay that makes Episode II "full-length" at a whopping 4 hours (just a bit longer than a Lord of The Rings movie)...
filmguy123 said:
don't hold your breath on $9.99... I'd be surprised to see it for anything less than $20. Granted, I don't think its worth more than $15.

This isn't good news people. Get a clue, seriously.

What is most likely is that "AFTERMATH" has simply been split into two to rake in more $$. Probably a couple extra hours added, then made to be 2 Episodes... and twice the money. OpForce was about an 8 hour expansion, and thats what aftermath was going to be. Now, Episode 1 + Episode 2 = 8 hours. (when they say 4-6, hello... that means 4... and if grandma plays she might take 6 hours because she is so slow and bad).

So don't be excited, just realize that you are now paying twice as much for the same expansion pack... well, + maybe 2 hours of gameplay that makes Episode II "full-length" at a whopping 4 hours (just a bit longer than a Lord of The Rings movie)...
Yeah I remember everyone getting worked up when Valve announced the length of HL2. They thought it was too short. A lot of people worked out their equations of how their dollar/time ratio was out of proportion and the game would obviously suck. They were proven wrong and its perhaps the best game I've ever played.
filmguy123 said:
don't hold your breath on $9.99... I'd be surprised to see it for anything less than $20. Granted, I don't think its worth more than $15.

This isn't good news people. Get a clue, seriously.

What is most likely is that "AFTERMATH" has simply been split into two to rake in more $$. Probably a couple extra hours added, then made to be 2 Episodes... and twice the money. OpForce was about an 8 hour expansion, and thats what aftermath was going to be. Now, Episode 1 + Episode 2 = 8 hours. (when they say 4-6, hello... that means 4... and if grandma plays she might take 6 hours because she is so slow and bad).

So don't be excited, just realize that you are now paying twice as much for the same expansion pack... well, + maybe 2 hours of gameplay that makes Episode II "full-length" at a whopping 4 hours (just a bit longer than a Lord of The Rings movie)...

You are so ****ING WRONG, quit spreading this bullshit, A. AM was going to be 4-6 hours IN THE BEGINNING, B. They didn't split it at all.

So in all, how about you get a clue and quit spreading lies about this.

EDIT: And they said when announced AM there would be more Episodic content coming for HL2.
filmguy123 said:
don't hold your breath on $9.99... I'd be surprised to see it for anything less than $20. Granted, I don't think its worth more than $15.

This isn't good news people. Get a clue, seriously.

What is most likely is that "AFTERMATH" has simply been split into two to rake in more $$. Probably a couple extra hours added, then made to be 2 Episodes... and twice the money. OpForce was about an 8 hour expansion, and thats what aftermath was going to be. Now, Episode 1 + Episode 2 = 8 hours. (when they say 4-6, hello... that means 4... and if grandma plays she might take 6 hours because she is so slow and bad).

So don't be excited, just realize that you are now paying twice as much for the same expansion pack... well, + maybe 2 hours of gameplay that makes Episode II "full-length" at a whopping 4 hours (just a bit longer than a Lord of The Rings movie)...

You lack truth and facts.
Considering they were talking about what they were planning on adding into Episode 2 way back in the September issue of CGW, this is REALLY nothing new.
Seconding the idea that anything other than $9.99 is too much. I'm sick of this -- I can't even get excited about the damn game.
Bah, price and such shouldn't really be too much of a factor considering that we know it's not gonna be $50 or over $20. Best to just sit back and relax when it comes to that me thinks.
ehh 4-6h? then I rather do something else with the money.. they said there would be like 30 or 40h on the first but I was done in 24 and then I had been playing allot with the pshysics and had to get past a bug on the 2nd last map where you have just gotten the supergravitygun where I couldnt jump for some reason, so I had to build a ramp of screens to get past a place one was supposed to jump over :/ but it was fun ^_^ but 4-6h is like 1 or 2h so it isnt really worth that kind of money :/
SnakeX said:
ehh 4-6h? then I rather do something else with the money.. they said there would be like 30 or 40h on the first but I was done in 24 and then I had been playing allot with the pshysics and had to get past a bug on the 2nd last map where you have just gotten the supergravitygun where I couldnt jump for some reason, so I had to build a ramp of screens to get past a place one was supposed to jump over :/ but it was fun ^_^ but 4-6h is like 1 or 2h so it isnt really worth that kind of money :/

I was done in eighteen hours. Besides, Valve wasn't the one who released the approximate playing time.

How the heck is 4-6 hours 1-2 hours? Where is your sense? :sleep:

I hope they've planned out the entire episodes nicely...
filmguy123 said:
don't hold your breath on $9.99... I'd be surprised to see it for anything less than $20. Granted, I don't think its worth more than $15.

This isn't good news people. Get a clue, seriously.

What is most likely is that "AFTERMATH" has simply been split into two to rake in more $$. Probably a couple extra hours added, then made to be 2 Episodes... and twice the money. OpForce was about an 8 hour expansion, and thats what aftermath was going to be. Now, Episode 1 + Episode 2 = 8 hours. (when they say 4-6, hello... that means 4... and if grandma plays she might take 6 hours because she is so slow and bad).

So don't be excited, just realize that you are now paying twice as much for the same expansion pack... well, + maybe 2 hours of gameplay that makes Episode II "full-length" at a whopping 4 hours (just a bit longer than a Lord of The Rings movie)...

Your bullcrap amuses me.

JellyWorld said:
Games are getting shorter and shorter these days :(

Hardly, these are episodes, not fully fledged games.