Valve have run out of third-party games for the Winter Giveaway

No wonder I got three -25% Valve coupons from my achievements yesterday. Crafted a CS:S and traded it for a Half-Life.

I still haven't played Half-Life. ;_;
Yeah I also got Valve coupons yesterday. Well it was a good run, Thanks Valve!
I crafted my 7 coal for a -33% Valve coupon. Needless to say, I'm regretting it.
Well, now I feel pretty good about stopping coal collecting. Still, it was a pretty fun event all things considered, and I hope they do it again next year.
I have [The Ship, The Ship Single Player] x2, a 50% off coupon, and two pieces of coal.

I didn't participate.
I bet all my coal and got 50% off Duke Nukem Forever.
This is everything I got, can't complain.

I got;

The Ship (part of a 2 pack, but got rid of 1, still got the other)
Puzzle Chronicles
AI War - Fleet Command
25% Valve x2 (one from crafting, wish I'd kept them now)
33% Valve Complete pack
66% Prototype
50% GTA Vice City
50% Shadowgrounds: Survivor

AI War is about the only thing I might keep. If anyone wants to trade, let me know.
I got;

The Ship (part of a 2 pack, but got rid of 1, still got the other)
The Ship turned out to be trading gold for some reason. I got it from V-Man because of that...recommendation...for it that I once posted here; went to some trade threads and The Ship was a hot commodity. I can't understand it.


I didnt liked to get crappy coupons but I found the while thing interesting even if probably the people that really benefited of this where cheaters

though after all this is like a lottery,and yeah I dont buy lottery.....
I had 6 coal I did nothing with and now they're gone :( FMN (fuk my nuts)
The Steam forums were a pain to read. Still are.
I had 6 coal I did nothing with and now they're gone :( FMN (fuk my nuts)
That's too bad. At least you can console yourself with the thought that you probably would've crafted a coupon.

What's everyone got left, anyway?


Ah, I saw that post (sans bottom half) and laughed. Mostly because he implies that he spent "incredible sums" of money on Gift Pile games that he didn't particularly want, in exchange for a chance at winning coupons, random games, or 1/7 of a random game/coupon... when he could've just directed all that money toward whatever he actually wanted.
Reminds me of Apple's 12 days of Christmas. Everyone gets a free app/album/book every day for 12 days after the 25th. Today I read the reviews for the app that you get the gifts through. I want to strangle something.

"So you're gonna give us some poor leftovers from the sale huh? First you take all our ****ing money in the sales and then give us some crappy tunes and games when nobody's got any of their money left?! Greedy bastards, least you could give us stuff on every day of December. I've spent hundreds of dollars on apps and you should give me more freebies than last year."
Ignore SPAZ, I bought that on sale and sent it to someone, they just haven't received it yet.

2 coupons: 50% valve games use before 1st of March 2012
If anyone has a coupon that works for L.A. Noire, I'd love one!