Valve is F.O.S

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I would think community is hard to please: just look at this thread, for example. Half of you guys want valve to not say stuff, half of you want valve to release more and don't think they've said enough, some of you want release dates, some don't, some this, some that. Valve has tried hard to please everyone by releasing info and media, they've just done bad at keeping their dates. And c'mon, to please everyone is just impossible, if you have a problem with valve, then just kill yourself or something--that'll solve it and every other problem you have.

For those of you who want Valve to stop releasing dates and updates and stuff, goodluck--they most likely won't do it.

For those of you who want more from Valve--what on earth do they have left to say? The release is the only thing left that matters (and gold, sort of), but every developer announces gold and release dates, as will Valve, in time. I'm not saying they'll meet those dates, but at least those of you who want more might get a little more.

As for me, meh...who cares?
we know you don't care about when hl2 comes out, intamin. and we know the same of others that are preaching that they don't don't either and that nothing affects them.. and thats why they don't post on a hl2 fansite forums because they have better things to do than.. oh wait..nevermind
Citizen 1150421 said:
its 2004 and they better have revolutionary things in this game other wise this game is as overhyped as the titanic was when it came out.. and boy did that suck....

I'm trying to imagine the Titanic fan forum and the arguments that raged back and forward between the fanbois and the naysayers:-

'What do you mean? This ship is unsinkable who needs enough lifeboats on an unsinkable ship?

'Icebergs? don't be proposterous man, the only icebergs you'll see near the Titanic are lettuces with the salad'

HL² is a Game, the sinking of the Titanic was maritime disaster. However I can clearly see how you might confuse the two. The actual ship was a masterpiece of engineering at the time of it's launch, unfortunately Icebergs aren't something you can engineer for.
Kadayi Polokov said:
HL² is a Game

I think you lost him here, that's still a hard concept to grasp for most, they're all expecting something that cures AIDS and poverty and maybe even something that comes close to sliced bread.
Citizen 1150421 said:
i wish cs:s didn't exist. it would have been nice if they spent that energy on making a brand new completely original multiplayer game

cs:s is just 1.6 with a fresh coat of paint. and i personally don't care to plunk money towards it..
actually this cs:s beta testing is entirely necessary. it's a way that valve can test the SOURCE engine across thousands of different systems. cs:s is more a SOURCE test than a "hey play some cs." and if it delays hl2 a little, big deal. at least hl2 will be that much better for it :)
poseyjmac said:
we know you don't care about when hl2 comes out, intamin. and we know the same of others that are preaching that they don't don't either and that nothing affects them.. and thats why they don't post on a hl2 fansite forums because they have better things to do than.. oh wait..nevermind

Hmmm. We as in who? Are you gollum or something? Looks like your the only who "knew" I didn't care when the game came out before I actually said something...

In essence, I really do care about it--I want to see the game right now. But I'm not gonna go fight with whoever I can or cry to Valve just because they aren't doing something exactly and precisely the way I want it. I'm also not gonna be like half the people on here (exaggeration, mind you) and love Valve one second for giving us cool tests or starting pre-loads, and then hope they all die by getting copies of HL2 shoved down their throats the next.
X-Vector said:
I don't agree; I think they shouldn't make any public statements regarding the development stage of the game whatsoever until the gold master has been burnt.

If they had adopted this strategy after the september 2003 debacle (or rather, preferably before that), a lot of anguish could have been avoided.

i hope they do this with expansion packs *thinks back to CS:CZ*
poseyjmac said:
other communities demand the same things from other game developers. but you don't see them complaining because they get what they seek, which is no BS. you'll find even non-hl2 fans bitching about valve on other forums. they don't demand too much, they just demand the same as any other.

Than perhaps you should be complaining to vivendi or directing your frustrations at them? Since we are all speculating the game is being delayed again, perhaps i can speculate that its vivendi's fault? After all its them who ship the game. They are the ones who give valve the ship date(at least according to doug). what you all are demanding valve cannot give you, only Vivendi can.
hunteraz said:
valve made "a" good game 5 years ago

Was that the good game that won 50 game of the year awards and sold about 13 million copies? And pretty much has become the yardstick against which the industry and the gaming public have come to judge all FPS games since, with respect to atmosphere, storyline and substance? I think I may of heard of that one.....
alan8325 said:
^ :dork: ^

It's really not that big a deal. There are lots of other things to do in the meantime.

This is the attitude that gets things done!!!

Im really sick of hearing 'VALVE OWES YOU NOTHING'. Im giving them 50$ and as a consumer they owe me reasonable service and relations.
Intamin said:
Hmmm. We as in who? Are you gollum or something? Looks like your the only who "knew" I didn't care when the game came out before I actually said something....

yes i am gollum. and yes again.

Intamin said:
In essence, I really do care about it--I want to see the game right now. But I'm not gonna go fight with whoever I can or cry to Valve just because they aren't doing something exactly and precisely the way I want it. I'm also not gonna be like half the people on here (exaggeration, mind you) and love Valve one second for giving us cool tests or starting pre-loads, and then hope they all die by getting copies of HL2 shoved down their throats the next.

me neither. but im also not going to preach to those that do hoping they will change, because its more pointless than the actual complaining.
I think they should stop "making progress" and start "making announcments saying its done!"
Eh, just grow up people, play some more half life and stop whining, it isn't like you need this game to live. As for the person who posted here, Ignorance is NOT Bliss,read the front page and you'll see some new news from valve.
why moan. you wanna hear every little singel fix they make ? i sure dont. i rather wait untill they got something to gives us like gold status instead of demanding them to give us release dates that they are estimating since that will only **** the HL community up with everybody whineing,cursing,and even give up on HL cause they think valve "lied" to them for giving them an estimation that didnt hold and that most of the people think is the REAL date.. So as u can see valve got a preaty big reason for not giving us any information cause the comminty got a way of twist things around wich could be devestating for valve
killahsin-[CE] said:
Than perhaps you should be complaining to vivendi or directing your frustrations at them? Since we are all speculating the game is being delayed again, perhaps i can speculate that its vivendi's fault? After all its them who ship the game. They are the ones who give valve the ship date(at least according to doug). what you all are demanding valve cannot give you, only Vivendi can.

why would i want to do that? im not complaining, just stating some facts. apart from that though, its not debatable whether valve has poor planning or not. they admitted it themselves.
i dont know about the rest of you, but i got a massive preload of halflife2 yesterday, and now ive got about 2 thirds of the game on my computer. some might say that is quite a lot of progress.

do you people really expect valve to drip feed you new information every single bloody day, just so you'll have something to post about in forums? personally yes, i am a bit disapointed that hl2 is not out right this second, because im dying to play it, but im certainly not angry at valve about it. try not to take it personally.
DimitriPopov said:
Im really sick of hearing 'VALVE OWES YOU NOTHING'. Im giving them 50$ and as a consumer they owe me reasonable service and relations.

I don't wanna start the 'the owe you nothing' debate again, but Valve owes you something when you paid your money. At that moment, they owe you Half-Life 2, which you will get. But thus far, Valve hasn't seen anything of your money (even if you preordered, the money is at the store, not at Valve) and thus are not obligated to give you anything.
I agree its really getting to me, the delays are bad enough without VALVe not sayying anything.
poseyjmac said:
i think hes talking about the movie

Titanic was about the biggest grossing film of all time (plus Winslet got them out :O ), it might of been about a disaster, but it wasn't a disaster.

PvtRyan said:
I think you lost him here, that's still a hard concept to grasp for most, they're all expecting something that cures AIDS and poverty and maybe even something that comes close to sliced bread.

Damn it ...there goes my miracle cure. ;(
Yes, I agree valve should inform us on what is going on at the moment. They keep on delaying the game and keep on making stupid lame excuses.
gatts666 said:
Ok this is going out of hand. Everyones pissed off at valve and taking it on each other. Valve you sure do make good games but the way you leave your fans uninformed is plain stupid of you guys. There hasnt been any info since your gay lame GABEN incident. WTF is going on give us a sign to calm people down.
I dont mind the delays, but it would be nice to be informed of what the fk is going on. Its pruty obvious that all your fans are left out. Im sure 90% of them dont mind your delays altho they would love to have a sign of life from you guys.
And dont say your to busy it takes 4 minutes to type some news about your status.

ah well im tired of all this crap. im not going nuts but it sure does put you on a down mood and frustration.

go on and flame those who want. its not as if its gona do anything to me since theres nothing worst than VALVE to piss one off at the moment.

I support you because most of these Blind Zelot Fan boys won't. I want a damn tiny but of respect too.
we know nothing other than the RC was last month, adn as for valve owin us nothing, who funds HL2? i don't a huge update, i wanna know a little info like we gettin close to gold this month maybe not rumours from :(
Fender357 said:
WTF are you talking about ???

There is a bunch we don't know about HL2, but we do know a HELL of a lot about it and Source.
So ther's a bunch we don't know about HL2, but we do know a HELL of a lot..... right...... :dozey: (The reason I'm being so brusque is reciprocal).

Basically, in comparison to number of screens, vids, staff interviews, and what not, HL2's PR lags behind.
Kadayi Polokov said:
Titanic was about the biggest grossing film of all time (plus Winslet got them out :O ), it might of been about a disaster, but it wasn't a disaster.

preaching to the choir, man.
shaggy2039 said:'re full of shit...

get a life...It's a ****ing game for christsakes...

get a clue man, you aren't going to change people's minds. its a pathetic and useless attempt. your replies are just as useless as theirs
I support you because most of these Blind Zelot Fan boys won't. I want a damn tiny but of respect too.

Funny enough though, that we as "fanboys" care the least to when this game comes out. We're like 'rather today than tomorrow, but not before it's done'.
You lot are the people being completely hysterical about this, not getting your precioussssss game, and doing nothing but complaining.
I'm having the tendency to call you the fanboys.

adn as for valve owin us nothing, who funds HL2?

Valve does. With the money they got from us. And we got Half-Life and 6 years worth of support in return. It's safe to assume they paid of their debt.
Looks like the hostility is returning to everyone.

It had stopped for a while when we started temp banning people for being so hostile - nothing's changed, we will still do it if necessary.
the only way i see ppl calming down is if some new info is released or maybe... nevermind people will never calm down here.
Oh please. Valve owes you a game, but they have as long as they need to make it. They aren't 3DR. Go play Far Cry.

Mods, close this thread before all hell breaks loose.
valve deserves our respect, ppl starting threads like these dont really deserve HL2 at all.
I heard next step for valve is actually delaying their delays. Although I am pretty unclear on any of the details it involves this interceptet message in wich you can only make out part of the message due to static: welcome*******now selling our sou** (soul?)********** xbox****codeing****** more time***** need help **** marketing**** expe****theirs*****

Ghost Freeman said:
Oh please. Valve owes you a game, but they have as long as they need to make it. They aren't 3DR. Go play Far Cry.

Mods, close this thread before all hell breaks loose.

^I agree with him for once. ;)
No info

The funniest thing to me is that Valve is sitting back and laughing at us makeing all this fus, thinking about how their wallets are going to get fat as hell. I gues what im trying to saying is that Valve has everybody by the balls in anticipation of what will probably be the greatest game of all time, and there isnt anything we can do about it but sit back and get pissed, so I will say this Valve. REALEASE THE FREAKING GAME ALREADY, OR AT LEAST SAY SOMETING, ^%$^##&$(()*$%#
Will1967 said:
The funniest thing to me is that Valve is sitting back and laughing at us makeing all this fus, thinking about how their wallets are going to get fat as hell. I gues what im trying to saying is that Valve has everybody by the balls in anticipation of what will probably be the greatest game of all time, and there isnt anything we can do about it but sit back and get pissed, so I will say this Valve. REALEASE THE FREAKING GAME ALREADY, OR AT LEAST SAY SOMETING, ^%$^##&$(()*$%#

More like valve is annoyed of people like you. They don't really care about money, when you put your soul into a game, that really isn't what makes you happy...Yeah cause they like holding balls. :rolleyes: They will release the game when its finished, learn some patience you twats. :rolleyes:
Valve is making half life 2 because they want to not because they have to and do you really think your bitching about it not being will make them feel any better or make them work on it harder? they will continue doing what they love to do until the day they stop. If I was Valve I would say we delayed the game another year for sept 30 2005 then in october release the game and go oh we forgot to mention the games been out for 2 weeks and just watch everyone scramble to get a copy why would I do this you ask because i like to inflate my own ego and because it would just be funny
gatts666 said:
Ok this is going out of hand. Everyones pissed off at valve and taking it on each other. Valve you sure do make good games but the way you leave your fans uninformed is plain stupid of you guys. There hasnt been any info since your gay lame GABEN incident. WTF is going on give us a sign to calm people down.
I dont mind the delays, but it would be nice to be informed of what the fk is going on. Its pruty obvious that all your fans are left out. Im sure 90% of them dont mind your delays altho they would love to have a sign of life from you guys.
And dont say your to busy it takes 4 minutes to type some news about your status.

ah well im tired of all this crap. im not going nuts but it sure does put you on a down mood and frustration.

go on and flame those who want. its not as if its gona do anything to me since theres nothing worst than VALVE to piss one off at the moment.

Eh i dont mind.
i don't see why everyone is so pissed off. you will get the game, get over it
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