valve messed up big



I just installed the patch that was supposed to fix the issues with the sound and frames skipping. Funny thing actually makes the skipping much worse and now the frame rate is complete shit. It's not even playable's like playing in soup it's so bad.

My game experience has been completely destroyed. I got to the buggy levels and the frame problems just got worse and worse as the game went I tried not to let it stop me and I even played to near the end of the game. It's just too much now...I took a break for 2 days waiting for the supposed patch to come out and now it's even worse. So looks like it could be weeks before I'm even able to play. So looks like my options are to either play my game from where I left off or...start a new game all over again. Either way I'm screwed...

Everything from the bullshit DRM to the skipping has been a bad experience for many...oh yea about the DRM, I have played a lot of pc games and I've never had to deal with such shit. Have to have a internet connection to even play the game(or seemingly that's what they want people to believe)? What a crock. I'd bet it even has back door programs installed on my computer... although valve you'd never admit it. Damn and I thought punk buster was a pain in the ass lol. The hilarious thing is measures like that don't do a damn just inconviences everyone else. Valve I'm sure you know your game was cracked, even the online mode.

I know the pressure of getting your game out for the holidays for maxium revenue and all but come on... :angry:

I have to agree the whole experience so far with HL2 is CRAP. I am still unable to play the game at all. I have spoken to VUGAMES, but as with most call centres now they are in not in the UK and the operators read from prepared scripts.

But I do now have a HL2 coffee coaster. :E

I hope that what ever they bring out soon patch wise works. Could this game end Valve?
Haha and I also noticed windows xp boot is now sits on the welcome screen longer than it should. Also when I hit "restart" to apply changes to take effect on reboot it now just shuts down instead of restarting. Man oh man...honestly I can't believe valve...they must have known the game was buggy upon release..again I truly belive that it was a rush for holiday sales. They knew they had such a big fanbase they could get away with it. Looks like they did...

Oh and why the **** are there ads in my previous post?
There's no doubt the game was rushed out for the start of the Xmas period. the whole thing has a trully herendous unpolished feel about it.
I've had no problems with HL2 except for the sound stuttering thing, which was fixed by the last patch.

What are your specs, None77? Maybe you're just trying to push the game a little too far.

Also, I don't know how HL2 could affect your WinXP boot screen or anything like that. Maybe you have a virus or something, that might explain why HL2 isn't running too well.
None77 said:
Haha and I also noticed windows xp boot is now sits on the welcome screen longer than it should.

I had the exact same problem and fixed it by using System Restore to reset XP to a couple of days back. The problem appeared right about the time the HL2 "patch" did.
My specs are

athlon 1.2
KT7 mobo
sb live
256MB of ram
geforce 3

everything running at recommended settings 800x600 got around 40 FPS before the patch.
You guys talking about this game ending Valve and a rushed feel have got to be a little nuts... especially the guy with the athlon 1.2 and 256 megs of ram. Good lord, man! I may have owned an Amiga at one time with more power than that thing. Valve has put together a game that will run on anything from a top of the line geeker comp to None77's calculator, and you think it was a rush job?!?! So far, most of the problems on this board have been solved by people updating drivers or firmware. You'll have to forgive Valve for not getting your computers up to spec for you...

I should stop that before I get really salty. Bickering won't solve any of your problems. In the past, a scientific method seems to have been of help to all. Let's give it another try.

For those who are experiencing worse problems with the update, please post your system specs, specifics of the problem, and what you've tried so far to fix the problem. Finding out what hasn't worked is just as important as finding out what does.

(edit: For kicks, also tell everyone what version of HL2 you have. One problem got solved pretty quick when it was determined everyone with the problem had the DVD edition.)
my game was working good and then the steam update completely f*ucd things up now my game wont even start up.......i get that damn memory error now..........WHY STEAM WHHHHHHYYYYYY!!!
mongoloido said:
You guys talking about this game ending Valve and a rushed feel have got to be a little nuts... especially the guy with the athlon 1.2 and 256 megs of ram. Good lord, man! I may have owned an Amiga at one time with more power than that thing. Valve has put together a game that will run on anything from a top of the line geeker comp to None77's calculator, and you think it was a rush job?!?! So far, most of the problems on this board have been solved by people updating drivers or firmware. You'll have to forgive Valve for not getting your computers up to spec for you...

I should stop that before I get really salty. Bickering won't solve any of your problems. In the past, a scientific method seems to have been of help to all. Let's give it another try.

For those who are experiencing worse problems with the update, please post your system specs, specifics of the problem, and what you've tried so far to fix the problem. Finding out what hasn't worked is just as important as finding out what does.

(edit: For kicks, also tell everyone what version of HL2 you have. One problem got solved pretty quick when it was determined everyone with the problem had the DVD edition.)

MONO you need to SHUT YOUR F#$%IN MOUTH! Before the patch at least a quarter a million people were suffering from the stutter bug, and for 99% of them the problem was not solved by some DRIVER UPDATES. NOW after the patch, while little have had their stutter solved, the vast MAJORITY of people with the stutter have reported IT HAS BECOME MUCH MORE SEVERE!! NOT ONLY THAT, BUT THOUSANDS WITH NO PREVIOUS PROBLEMS ARE NOW REPORTING THE BUGS!!! So dont you gimme ITS OUR COMPUTER BS AND VALVE DID NOT MAKE A HUGE MISTAKE RELEASING THIS GAME PREMATURALY BECAUSE THEY DID YOU KNOW IT ALL @$$!!!!!
mongoloido said:
You guys talking about this game ending Valve and a rushed feel have got to be a little nuts... especially the guy with the athlon 1.2 and 256 megs of ram. Good lord, man! I may have owned an Amiga at one time with more power than that thing. Valve has put together a game that will run on anything from a top of the line geeker comp to None77's calculator, and you think it was a rush job?!?! So far, most of the problems on this board have been solved by people updating drivers or firmware. You'll have to forgive Valve for not getting your computers up to spec for you...

I should stop that before I get really salty. Bickering won't solve any of your problems. In the past, a scientific method seems to have been of help to all. Let's give it another try.

For those who are experiencing worse problems with the update, please post your system specs, specifics of the problem, and what you've tried so far to fix the problem. Finding out what hasn't worked is just as important as finding out what does.

(edit: For kicks, also tell everyone what version of HL2 you have. One problem got solved pretty quick when it was determined everyone with the problem had the DVD edition.)

With all due respect, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. My friend with a 3.0GHz/800MHz FSB P4, 1GB of RAM, Radeon 9800 Pro and WD Raptor hard drive is experiencing the same thing. He reformatted and reinstalled windows, and instantly updated to the latest drivers for everything. After installing... he ran into the same problem.
The game does sorta feel unpolished, almost like a beta release. Its obvious they rushed it... but its still a great game either way.
josh7485 said:
MONO you need to SHUT YOUR F#$%IN MOUTH! Before the patch at least a quarter a million people were suffering from the stutter bug, and for 99% of them the problem was not solved by some DRIVER UPDATES. NOW after the patch, while little have had their stutter solved, the vast MAJORITY of people with the stutter have reported IT HAS BECOME MUCH MORE SEVERE!! NOT ONLY THAT, BUT THOUSANDS WITH NO PREVIOUS PROBLEMS ARE NOW REPORTING THE BUGS!!! So dont you gimme ITS OUR COMPUTER BS AND VALVE DID NOT MAKE A HUGE MISTAKE RELEASING THIS GAME PREMATURALY BECAUSE THEY DID YOU KNOW IT ALL @$$!!!!!

Feel better? Since you have no interest in being part of the solution, perhaps you could go find me documentaion of the quarter million stutter people, the 99% who weren't helped by driver updates, and I'd definitely like to see your documentation on the "vast majority" with whom the problem has gotten worse... Your figure of "THOUSANDS" who now have a problem without any previous problem might be worth verifying too. Please don't throw numbers around unless you back them up...

For the rest, the only way to figure out what is wrong and make it better is to lay down a base of information on systems and specifics. From their, a we can build on the knowledge and narrow the search. My experience is that all games have issues when they are released. It's impossible to test games on every computer configuration possible. Most problems do tend to come down to driver and firmware issues. Valve has created only one game here. The difference in experiences seems most dependant on the hardware and software used to run the game. Waiting for Valve to figure it all out could take a long time. Everyone chipping in could shorten the process.

BTW: I don't have the problem listed. I'm just trying to help figure it all out so you all can get on to the fun part.
Gish05 said:
With all due respect, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. My friend with a 3.0GHz/800MHz FSB P4, 1GB of RAM, Radeon 9800 Pro and WD Raptor hard drive is experiencing the same thing. He reformatted and reinstalled windows, and instantly updated to the latest drivers for everything. After installing... he ran into the same problem.

Perfect. What are your system specs? A commonality must exist somewhere. My system is far less potent than that one and I do not share the problem...

[sidenote: I'm getting the feeling that people are misreading my previous post. I'm not implying that the game isn't running well because people have crap systems or are too stupid to update drivers. The fact is that not everyone is having the problem you are. Let's work to find out why.]
Maybe it's just my experience, but bugs like the stutter are par for the course. I've yet encountered a game that didn't come with at least one or two issues that needed to be patched before it ran reasonably well.

I've got to say that, overall, I'm pretty impressed with what Valve has done here. I'm only running a 1.6 Ghz with 512 RAM and an older Nvidia card and, aside from the stutter, it's damn impressive what they've done here as far as scaling the game for lower end machines.

My only real complaint is STEAM which I absolutely hate with a passion. Stupid, stupid idea. So far, I can't tell whether or not my machine got the "patch" that was released. :flame:
Konception said:
...My only real complaint is STEAM which I absolutely hate with a passion. Stupid, stupid idea. So far, I can't tell whether or not my machine got the "patch" that was released. :flame:

If you are unsure of your patch status, or believe that you might have gotten a garbled patch:

Shutdown Steam.

Go into your Steam folder and take the ClientRegistry.blob out of the Steam folder (throw it in the Valve folder or something)

Restart Steam and let it update.

The ClientRegistry.blob sort of keeps track of all the updates and patches you receive. Sometimes things get messed up and the blob will say you're up to date when you aren't. Moving the .blob will make steam think you have no updates and install all of them... BTW: Restarting Steam should create a new .blob in your Steam folder. If it does, throw the old one in the trash.
mongo, you probably didnt read the "big" thread about the stutter. i read it from the very day of hl2 release until today (i have the bug), and there were people reporting the bug, with all kinds of hardware, some people with really ultrshighend pcs, etc.

we also had numerous ideas on how to fix it, many cvars, drivers, etc, and some of them really improved the game, but none seemed to help against the root of the problems.

now i havent read many "new" ideas in the last days. but some ideas just keep coming back and coming back, and it sucks to say for the 873498754th time that it's not the autosave...

it's useless to post the system specs. i happens on lowend systems & highend, intel & ati, nvidia & ati, 256MB ram & 1,5Gig ram, audigy & other, SP1 & SP2, etc etc...

it's cool that you want to help, but we've already been through with all that
hey mongo,, same guy from jm and fa forums right??

and yeah,, after weeks of comparing system specs, there doesnt seem to be any specific hardware that is causing the issue,,

one thing is that it has problems with some nvidia texture management code,, but oddly enough tons of ATI users report the same problem

if you check out the earilier pages of these 2 threads you'll see what I mean with the system specs (one guy actually used 2 identical computers and one worked and one didnt).... but if you read the later pages it's basically just more "I keel valve" posts,,, but can you blame us? we waited a year and a half extra and now we have to wait another week for a patch that didnt fix the problem,,,
Sup Shinobi? Long time, eh man? :D I have read those threads and tried to keep up with them. Unfortunately, it's really tough to sift through 80+ pages of a single thread. The patch has helped some people and hurt others. I think it's something we can figure out, but need serious info. I'd love to find an easy way to get everyone with the patched stutter problem to post serious specs on their systems: a list of all components, drivers, bios, etc...

The previous thread helped some people. The patch helped others. The people it hurt or didn't help have to have something in common. At worst, we compile all this information to conclude we need to look at audio codecs or common .dlls. I don't have any answers, just a belief in the method and a willingness to try to help.

I have always come to forums like these when I've had a problem. Now that I don't have a problem, I'd like to help anyway to repay the people who helped me in the past.
I know 2 other people with ultra high end pcs that are having the same problem as well. My pc is a calculator? WTf is that shit? I'm sorry I don't live with mommy and daddy so I don't have the money for a new pc right now mon.
mongoloido said:
Feel better? Since you have no interest in being part of the solution, perhaps you could go find me documentaion of the quarter million stutter people, the 99% who weren't helped by driver updates, and I'd definitely like to see your documentation on the "vast majority" with whom the problem has gotten worse... Your figure of "THOUSANDS" who now have a problem without any previous problem might be worth verifying too. Please don't throw numbers around unless you back them up...

For the rest, the only way to figure out what is wrong and make it better is to lay down a base of information on systems and specifics. From their, a we can build on the knowledge and narrow the search. My experience is that all games have issues when they are released. It's impossible to test games on every computer configuration possible. Most problems do tend to come down to driver and firmware issues. Valve has created only one game here. The difference in experiences seems most dependant on the hardware and software used to run the game. Waiting for Valve to figure it all out could take a long time. Everyone chipping in could shorten the process.

BTW: I don't have the problem listed. I'm just trying to help figure it all out so you all can get on to the fun part.

I CAN back the numbers up some what THERE ARE OVER FOUR ONLINE threads on various sites the STUTTER bug ONE of the threads at steampowered has OVER 400,000 VIEWS AND 3 OTHER SITES (including this one) have WELL OVER 100,000 VIEWs. ALSO in the MAJORITY of the RESPONSES on these threads, after the PATCH MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO POSTED ON THE PATCH REPORTED THINGS HAVE WORSEND AND PEOPLE WITHOUT THE PROBLEM BEFORE WERE POSTING REPORTING PROBLEMS!

VALVE will HAVE to admit sooner or later that, MAYBE not ALL, but a large portion of the problem is caused by one thing.

THE MILES DRIVERS!!!!! I have a nymber of games that have MILES drivers as an option to use (funny how all these games have OPTIONS and valves HL2 only has MILES CRAP) One of these game IE is GTA3, and guess what happens when I turn on MILES ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE GAMES????????

and the sad part is all VALVE had to do is give you options for sound drivers, but like MORONS they decided to DICTATE WHAT WE SHOULD USE!






gta3 worked fine for me,,

I guess it's not miles..

worst thing is how aparently I cant return my copy,, and I need that money for beer :p
josh7485 said:
I CAN back the numbers up some what THERE ARE OVER FOUR ONLINE threads on various sites the STUTTER bug ONE of the threads at steampowered has OVER 400,000 VIEWS AND 3 OTHER SITES (including this one) have WELL OVER 100,000 VIEWs. ALSO in the MAJORITY of the RESPONSES on these threads, after the PATCH MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO POSTED ON THE PATCH REPORTED THINGS HAVE WORSEND AND PEOPLE WITHOUT THE PROBLEM BEFORE WERE POSTING REPORTING PROBLEMS!

VALVE will HAVE to admit sooner or later that, MAYBE not ALL, but a large portion of the problem is caused by one thing.

THE MILES DRIVERS!!!!! I have a nymber of games that have MILES drivers as an option to use (funny how all these games have OPTIONS and valves HL2 only has MILES CRAP) One of these game IE is GTA3, and guess what happens when I turn on MILES ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE GAMES????????

and the sad part is all VALVE had to do is give you options for sound drivers, but like MORONS they decided to DICTATE WHAT WE SHOULD USE!






First of all stop using caps so much. Second of all stop insulting everyone. And third understand that people wouldn't be posting in a thread about HL2 having a problem unless they had that problem themselves. So none of those numbers mean anything because they don't represent the people who havn't had any problems with the new patch such as myself.

EDIT: I find it absolutely amazing why so many people are complaining about the stutter bug. Number 1 its a minor problem. Number 2 it is something that will be easily fixed soon.

If this were a console game then I may be disapointed considering it would never be fixed but the fact is this is a PC game where problems like this are very common and can easily be fixed. If you don't understand this then you have probably gotten far too used to playing console games.
mongoloido said:
If you are unsure of your patch status, or believe that you might have gotten a garbled patch:

Shutdown Steam.

Go into your Steam folder and take the ClientRegistry.blob out of the Steam folder (throw it in the Valve folder or something)

Restart Steam and let it update.

The ClientRegistry.blob sort of keeps track of all the updates and patches you receive. Sometimes things get messed up and the blob will say you're up to date when you aren't. Moving the .blob will make steam think you have no updates and install all of them... BTW: Restarting Steam should create a new .blob in your Steam folder. If it does, throw the old one in the trash.

Cool man. Thanks for the tip. :thumbs:
None77 said:
I know 2 other people with ultra high end pcs that are having the same problem as well. My pc is a calculator? WTf is that shit? I'm sorry I don't live with mommy and daddy so I don't have the money for a new pc right now mon.

lol. perhaps the internet is a poor place for attempting dry humor (more likely, i'm just a poor humorist :p). i believe it a miracle that your computer can handle a game like hl2 at all. and for the record, i've been struggling to pay the bills all by my lonesome for many years just like you. Any chance you could post some of the driver info on your computer? for as many people have the problem, many seem not to.
Shinobi said:
gta3 worked fine for me,,

I guess it's not miles..

worst thing is how aparently I cant return my copy,, and I need that money for beer :p

The family Thanksgiving folk took pitty on the poor bachelor. I got about 10 pounds of leftovers and a lot of leftover wine and beer. Now I truly have something to be thankfull for :D.
Shinobi said:
gta3 worked fine for me,,

I guess it's not miles..

worst thing is how aparently I cant return my copy,, and I need that money for beer :p

GTA3 worked fine for me to man. The STUTTER bug only occured in GTA3 when I put on the MILES drivers in that game. GTA 3 has MANY audio drivers to select from, switch to MILES and see what happens.
Konception said:
Cool man. Thanks for the tip. :thumbs:

No problem, man. That has been the best first step in troubleshooting all steam issues since the day they made all of us switch over from the WonID system. It may or may not help now, but remember it for all future issues you may have with a Steam game. It's a lifesaver, believe you me.
some people should get a handle on there anger...

my computer is mid level the only thing that sucks is proably my video card

but the only stuttering i get is when my frame rate drops below 15
but i think thats understandable becasue my video is stuttering as well

P4 2.4
Radeon 9100 128meg
Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Digtal
1 gig of ddr 333 (2 sticks of 512 running on dual channel and at 400)
Well I had no problems with the game apart from a graphics glitch which was fixed by disabling AI in my Catalyst drivers..

However since steam updated the game, my frame-rate has had a massive drop, used to be 50-60, now its 10-25, and I now have those sound stutter and crackling issues..

Oh and on another note, Steam has stuffed up my Windows XP shutdown and startup. Removed Steam, it was fine again, re-installed steam/HL2 and it was fubard again..

Hopefully Valve/VU will refund my money for the game.

My System:
AMD Athlon 2800+ (Barton) @ 2.45Ghz
Asus A7V8X Rev 1.04 Mainboard
1024MB Kingston HyperX PC3200 Ram
HiS Radeon 9800 Pro IceQ 128MB @ 445/980
Philips Acoustic Sound Edge (QSound)
Sound Blaster Live 5.1 SE
I love this thread.

I'd bet it even has back door programs installed on my computer..
How's that tinfoil hat fitting?

The hilarious thing is measures like that don't do a damn just inconviences everyone else. Valve I'm sure you know your game was cracked, even the online mode.
Except it do "do a damn thing" - the game wasn't cracked and distributed prior to release. That's a first, and a big one.

Could this game end Valve?
I'm still laughing at this one.

This next one really wins all the awards though:

Before the patch at least a quarter a million people were suffering from the stutter bug,

Yay for pulling numbers out of thin air!

and for 99% of them the problem was not solved by some DRIVER UPDATES.

and again!

NOW after the patch, while little have had their stutter solved, the vast MAJORITY of people with the stutter have reported IT HAS BECOME MUCH MORE SEVERE!!

and some more!


I think Valve need to look at their security again - you're obviously getting all their bug reports sent to you by mistake!
Here's a little heads-up for you - thread views on a forum don't constitute accurate reporting figures. There isn't one view for every person with the same problem. Those are just the total number of people who have viewed the thread.

Get some perspective people. Games have bugs. Bugs get fixed. It's not an instant process.
mongoloido said:
Perfect. What are your system specs? A commonality must exist somewhere. My system is far less potent than that one and I do not share the problem...

[sidenote: I'm getting the feeling that people are misreading my previous post. I'm not implying that the game isn't running well because people have crap systems or are too stupid to update drivers. The fact is that not everyone is having the problem you are. Let's work to find out why.]

Before you grace us with more of your genius, you really should educate yourself as to what the problem is. Hers' a good place to start.
I stated early on in the Audio problems with HL2 thread that this was a problem with the MILES sound system and still stick to my guns. Until Valve release a patch that allows users to select other sound drivers from within the game ala GT3 etc this problem will continue.

On the issue of posting system specs etc it's a hit and miss afair at the best of times, this sort of problem is very rarely hardware specific ie a particular model of sound card etc. Unfortunately being someone who has to work with Windows in all it's flavours on a daily basis just spouting your system specs means nothing.

Unless people are willing to post up their diagnostic reports and then someone wants to plow through it looking for every little driver/config/hw difference then it's pointless.

The only thing I can say is that I wouldn't expect a quick fix for this as adding support for other sound systems into the game will be a fairly lengthy process and will require one hell of an update. I know this from experience as I work in the software industry and am a long term beta tester for gaming software.

As I stated in the other thread, this is not YOUR problem, if your system runs every other game fine then LEAVE IT ALONE. If you start buggering about to much with your system to get this game to work then you will, in all likelyhood end up causing problems with the rest of your games and software. I've already had to fix several other people's systems due to this.
Not everyone has the stutter

Why is everyone so obsessed with the sound stutter, that is not the only issue that people are having. The game is riddled with bugs. Yes I agree that games do have bugs, but at least most bugs occur during game play, I can't even get the thing to pass the loading screen.
All that VUGAMES keep saying is 'UPDATE YOUR DRIVERS' well there are only so many drivers that I can update.
All companys wanted was the game out for Xmas and they got it whether it works or not, once you bought it you can't return it and you have to wait for them to fix it.
What exactly are you expecting Vivendi to say? They have no control over the development of a fix - that's entirely Valve's department. Valve are keeping people appraised of the situation.

Something else that should be borne in mind by everyone - there's only so much testing that a QA department can do, only so many combinations of hardware and software that they can test on. The biggest QA test that a game gets is after release. It's an unavoidable situation. Everyone is so quick to jump on Valve and accuse them of lying, and rushing the game when it's entirely possible (indeed, likely) that this bug didn't show up in QA or didn't show up in sufficient numbers to qualify as a major problem.
When it became apparent on release that it was a problem, Valve have rushed to fix it. If you're expecting a bug-free game, you're living in the wrong universe. If you're expecting an instant fix to an intermittent problem (the worst kind to diagnose) then your expectations are set way to high.
Be patient - the problem will be fixed.
"I just installed the patch that was supposed to fix the issues with the sound and frames skipping. Funny thing actually makes the skipping much worse and now the frame rate is complete shit. It's not even playable's like playing in soup it's so bad."

Same problem here....
As for version of hl2, type VERSION in console. With "patch" it is
same shuttering problem with me after the "patch"
512 ddr 400
maxtor 80gb 7200
9800 pro /4.12 drv.
nforce2 ultra 5.10 drv.
onboard sound & SBLive5.1