Valve Pulls a 360!


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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Today, Valve Software has announced that the company is working on “future game releases” for Microsoft's Xbox 360. The games will be powered by a modified Source Engine that will utilize all of the console’s power to create an amazing gaming experience. Here‘s what Gabe Newell, Valve‘s co-founder, has to say:
“The combination of Source and the 360 provides game designers the chance to create powerful entertainment experiences,” said Gabe Newell, president and co-founder of Valve. “Whether developing a traditional FPS, RTS, RPG or delving into new genres, the Xbox 360 is a great platform for expanding Source and our game experiences.”
The titles are “designed to leverage the Xbox 360’s advanced graphics hardware and integration with Xbox Live online game service." [br]To see the whole PR sheet for yourself, direct your browser to here -- Or click the banner below.[br]
I'd rather they try something on the revolution but cool none the less.
is this going to be another farcry ? , doing addon's for the console versions instead of pc versions like ubi ?
-smash- wrote..
Mine has a better "zing"! :p
Pfeh. When you can successfully use a "Dead or Alive" song lyric in a news post, then we'll talk!
This news does not make me happy at all.

Oblivion is great, but it would have been greater if they made it a PC only version aimed at RPG fanatics.

Will half-life 3 follow the same sad fate? = (
CookieCuttah said:
This news does not make me happy at all.

Oblivion is great, but it would have been greater if they made it a PC only version aimed at RPG fanatics.

Will half-life 3 follow the same sad fate? = (

I doubt it. Valve has Steam. They want to use it.
This is gonna turn into another "Oh No, Valve is going to ABANDON US!!!!!" or "we pay $2000 for our game machine, only WE SHOULD GET THEIR GAMES!!!!"

It's nice to see they're taking a serious leap to the console market. There games are top notch, and more people have the opportunity to play them.
Hmm... just as long as they don't consolize their PC games, this is fine by me.

I am assuming we should see something of this soon, it is very unlike Valve to announce something and not follow shortly with info / media of some descript.

Perhaps as suggested above, E3?
I wonder if they'll use the Steam client on it or even just use the Live component? Either way, I can see Valve loving on the digital distribution thing for the Xbox. It's so up their alley. And RPG they say? Mmmm...
As long as they still make games for PC i'm ok I guess, but the consoles better not get better games then PC.
-smash- said:
Took my 3 hours to think of a witty title.
'Backside' 360 imo (definitely not a 'stiffy' in any case). Well, I suppose it was gonna happen sooner or later. For me, Xbox is just: 'meh'
CodeFire said:
Great now all the stupid Xbox fans will go HELLZ YES! you PC'sers dont have any games we cant play Nowz, Your PC fully suckorzx NOW! :angry: Cant us PC gamers have just ONE great popular game STAY on the pc so we can be different then stupid consoles. Well, we do have WOW, but I loved it knowing console gamers couldn't play one of the best pc games out there, and guess what. Say what you will, but I hate consoles.

You're worried about how people will judge the video games that YOU enjoy? Wow. You're not a badass because you have an overpriced PC.

Insecurities about PC's can be a bitch.
-Crispy- said:
'Backside' 360 imo (definitely not a 'stiffy' in any case). Well, I suppose it was gonna happen sooner or later. For me, Xbox is just: 'meh'

I feel the same way :p
This is really going to slow down valve
they arent going to be updating very much
they're gonna take a shit load of time converting games to xbox 360
I think by that news snippet that valve intends to make a whole new game and probably not an fps... so it really doesn't bother me... more exposure for valve... different market... i guess i'll have to make friends with someone who owns a 360. I doubt they'd waste their time converting their old titles... as most people's computers can run them.
mr.crowley said:
This is really going to slow down valve
they arent going to be updating very much
they're gonna take a shit load of time converting games to xbox 360

They have a different team to do the xbox 360 stuff. Valve would not slow down steam updates just for a lil small xbox 360.
go go gadget "Generic Press Release" - he sure cut some cookies with that bad boy
This funny, taking into consideration than Gabe was pretty reluctant to make a game for a next-gen console, he said some months ago that it will be a pain in the ass to program for them, now he says the 360 is the second coming of Christ, hmmmm weird, I wonder why he changed his mind, what could it be??$$??
rAdIOhEaD said:
This funny, taking into consideration than Gabe was pretty reluctant to make a game for a next-gen console, he said some months ago that it will be a pain in the ass to program for them, now he says the 360 is the second coming of Christ, hmmmm weird, I wonder why he changed his mind, what could it be??$$??

rAdIOhEaD said:
This funny, taking into consideration than Gabe was pretty reluctant to make a game for a next-gen console, he said some months ago that it will be a pain in the ass to program for them, now he says the 360 is the second coming of Christ, hmmmm weird, I wonder why he changed his mind, what could it be??$$??

Of course it is. Would any business go through all that trouble for free? Especially something that's going to be a pain in the ass.
Of course it's money. Microsoft saw how much money valve was making and how big the community is, and now they want a peice.
Xbox better not take Adrian Shephard. They can keep Barney, but any OF expansion better not be console only.
I hope the PS3 source engine is better...if it exists...
I'm sure that a source 360 or what ever they're calling it is nothing more than a simple port to run on the X-Box's hardware. They may change some things, such as live capability, and the future technologies they plan on adding to the engine (HDR, and whatever else they're planning on adding). X-Box uses similar hardware to a PC, so a port shouldn't be too difficult.

PS3 will be a different story.
Id like to see what Valve is working on now. Anything Valve = Greatness.
CodeFire said:
Of course it's money. Microsoft saw how much money valve was making and how big the community is, and now they want a peice.
Isn't it the other way around?

VALVe wants a piece of the console market considering console games sell about 10 to 1 vs. PC games. Lets see... 10 billion or 1 billion dollars. Which would you rather have?:dork:

There is another thread about this exact topic here for anyone interested:
I want Valve to keep focusing on HL games for the PC
Interesting news. As someone else noted, Gabe seemed dead against what was going on console wise in that interview he gave last year.

Is the 360 going to get a mouse & keyboard? Because I can't play FPS's with a joypad! Not a chance.

I wonder if Valve's shift to 360 has anything at all to do with the PS3's apparent slippage (until possibly the end of 2007)?
Excellent news. I've a 360 and look forward to playing Valve games on it - all the more if they are Half-life.
It's always on Xbox 360 !! I hope Valve make something on ps3 too ! Because my computer is very less powerfull than the configuration of hl2 needs ( I played on a lap top computer which I can't use now)and a product on next gen console will be cool but I won't buy the 360, I will buy the ps3 !
F*** :angry:

PS : Sorry if my english is a little wrong, I'm french.
Grimmar said:
It's always on Xbox 360 !! I hope Valve make something on ps3 too ! Because my computer is very less powerfull than the configuration of hl2 needs ( I played on a lap top computer which I can't use now)and a product on next gen console will be cool but I won't buy the 360, I will buy the ps3 !
F*** :angry:
Why so angry at this? Considering the PS3 isn't even out yet, that may be why Valve are having a shot at the already available 360. Plus no one has yet said that they won't branch onto PS3.

"zOMG stoopid fag valve etc." :dozey:

ANYWAY! As the professor would say, "Good news!". Good stuff for 360 owners. As much as I love Half Life though, hopefully this doesn't mark the release of yet more FPS games on 360. Theres a plethora already. Still lovin' it though.

<3 Valve.
Good news I think. They wont abandon the PC anytime soon, they have steam which atm is probably more profitable than ever with all the 3rd parties jumping to sell games and interest in HL is still at a high.

I've been considering getting a 360 but theres just no games. With valve on board and the possability of a Halo 3 game things are starting to look promising.

Also someone said they cant play FPS on consoles. I know its very unlikely as this is definetly Valves genre as much as it is epic games and ID software, but what if Valve pulled out something that wasnt a FPS. It's a distinct possability I reckon, certainly not likely but I would love to see how they would fare in another genre.

But as long as they dont dumb down the PC games then I'm very happy with the move. It was a pretty obvious one mind you with HL2 being released on Xbox not long ago.

edit: and I hope whatever they do make isnt just a CS port or a HL2/episode 1 port. I'd love for there to be something original otherwise I may as well stick to the PC.